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The lights were screaming at her.

Wait, what?

The had to be drunk out of her mind if she thought the orbs from the ceiling were talking to her.

"Alright doll, that's enough, you've been givin' us a show for quite a while now" Dallas said as he looked up at her.

"Your not the boss of me Dallyyy" she trailed off her sentence, giggling.

"Yeah, but I'm making sure you don't do anything you regret in the morning, cause' then I'm going to have to deal with your ramblin'.  He scooped her up and climbed the stairs.

Screw him for being so damn good looking. If only his attitude matched his face.

"Noooo" she whined as she was plopped onto the bed.

"Yes, I ain't lookin' after you no more"

"Your mean" she retorted

"You love me" he said as he flashed a crooked grin, making her stomach erupt in butterflies.

"You have no idea" she trailed off as she fell silent and into a deep sleep.

Looking at her, Dallas wondered why he was so infatuated.

Aurora wasn't special, she was like any girl he had met.

Except she wasn't, she was smart and witty, and she held her own.

He took time to study her face.

The way her nose looked like it had been dusted with cinnamon, due to the freckles scattered everywhere.

The little cut on her forehead from when she had suffered a fall when she was kid.

How could he forget that, she never shut up about it.

Her lips, so full and so pink, but also turned blue easily in the cold.

How he knew so much about her, he didn't know.

They would never work out, she knew it and he did too.

But maybe in another life, they were together, maybe even her dream.

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