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She had always loved the Curtis House.

The way time seemed to slow down whenever she was with the gang.

Her life had been a time lapse on repeat until she had met the gang.

Until she had met Dallas.

She wasn't living

She was surviving

But now, today, tomorrow and ever other day, she would live her life.

"Well if it isn't Bonnie and Clyde" Two-Bit remarked as Dallas and her walked into the room.

"Oh please, she ain't no Bonnie, more like a Doris Day with an attitude" Dallas chuckled leaning up against the wall.

"Shut your trap" she snapped rolling her eyes and he winked at her.

Even when she hated him she was attracted to him.

Screw him and his good looks.

"Hey Aurora" Pony boy came up behind her with a book in his hand

She recognized the book tucked in his hand.

Romeo and Juliet

She often thought about her and Dallas when she saw that book.

Such a beautifully tragic story.

But fuck that cliche.

Love wasn't supposed to be like that. It was supposed to be raw and it was supposed to hurt.

And anyone who said that, that kind of love was toxic didn't know what real love was. They didn't know what it felt like to do anything for the person that they loved.

Such dark thoughts for a pretty little soc.

What could she say, she loved to be loved.

"Hi Pony, is that Romeo and Juliet your reading? Didn't take you as a romantic." She chuckled and punched his shoulder lightly.

"I'm not" he rolled his eyes. "I have to read it for school, I'm only on Act 1"

"It's a really good book, if you learn to read in between the lines" She said as plopped onto the couch.

"And of course you would say that" She heard a voice call from afar.

"Why do you say that Dallas?"

"All you girls have an idea that love is supposed to be all rainbows and smiley faces" Dallas remarked as he lit a heat.

Little did he know the thoughts that she was thinking.

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