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The interaction was odd.

He looked off. The type of off where you know something is stirring.

She blew it off, as she walked away from the boy in the leather jacket.

It seemed he had always had a hatred for her.

But she didn't.

Oh as hard it was to admit, she was head over heels for him. Since she saw him as a blooming teen she could remember her pale cheeks turning tinted whenever he would flash his crooked smile. She would per-sue him though. 

So she pretended to hate him.

But as she grew, so did her feelings.

The ice crunched under her boots as she contemplated where she would head next.

She sure wasn't going home.

The dingo was closest, and it was still open, so that ought to be her best choice.

She was zoning back into her mind as she walked, humming along to a song that was stuck in her head from the night before at the bar when she had to come fetch her brother before he got too drunk to go to school the next day.

That's when she heard the scream.

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