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It was a sunny day. But the wind chill made her goosebumps rise as she headed North. 

She was going to the Curtis house to thank the the eldest brother for dinner. At least thats what she told herself. 

She remembered the directions, as she thought back to car ride with the strange man she gave money to. 

She felt the atmosphere change as she entered north side territory. 

The girls would stare and giggle. Probably making fun of her tights and cardigan. Stating how it made her look like an innocent little virgin. 

But she could deal with hoots and hollers from the various men. And the looks of judgement from the girls. After all, she had been dealing with it all her life. 

As she was walking, she could feel someone linger behind her. 

"Hey there sweet cheeks. Whadduya doin' on this side of town" 

She swiftly turned around meeting the eyes of an infamous someone. 

Tim Shepherd. 

She had heard rumors of him. And she knew his sister, Angela. 

He was dating Mara Saunders. A soc who was friends with Cherry Valance.

"Hi Tim" she said. Her words faltering.  She didn't like him. 

"What's a pretty girl like you doing on this side of town" "You lookin' for someone" 

"You know I-i really should get going-" She tried to scrambled away but he grabbed her wrist. 

"Why the hurry hunny, I don't bite" He grinned sinisterly. 

She was finally able to free from his grasp. She turned on her heels only to be met by a broad chest. She looked up. 

"Need a little help there, doll?" 

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