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Dallas's Point of View

Holding his sweet Aurora in his hands he couldn't help the wash of guilt that overcame him.

She had fallen asleep in his arms after what felt like forever of sobbing.

He hates seeing her cry.

Being careful not wake her, he placed her back in her seat and began to drive to Buck's.

Driving slowly, he glanced at her seeing the smudged lipsticks on her chin.

He became angry by the thought of another man using her for his sick pleasure.

God he hated feeling like this.

He wished that she was just some useless broad.

But she wasn't, she was Aurora.

The girl uses her free time to read and picked flowers.

The girl always had tears in her eyes when she would patch him up.

The girl who saved Ponyboy and Johnny.

The girl who wore her hair up when it was windy because the black ringlets would knot if she didn't.

The girl he was in love with.

As much as it pained him to even think about that.

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