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I am twenty-two weeks today and we have a doctor's appointment and are hoping to find out the gender

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I am twenty-two weeks today and we have a doctor's appointment and are hoping to find out the gender.

I left work early when Stone came and picked me up. We are so excited to find out.

We promised Bonnie that we would wait to find out the gender with the family.

I sign in and we sit down and once we get called back and Dr. Nickel walks in the room he smiles.

"Hello, Chesney how are you feeling?"

"I am doing good! Just hoping to find out the gender."

"Let's get you on the table and see if we can find out. I am assuming you are the husband?"

"I am Stone Travers the baby daddy." He smiled.

"My boyfriend doc." I laugh.

He squirts the gel on and Stone holds my hand while he gets measurements.

"Looks like your baby is showing its goods today. Do you want to know?"

"Envelope, please. We want to find out with the family." I smile.

"We can do that. I will print off the others for you to look at." He said.

"Thank you, Dr. Nickel." I smiled.

He handed the pictures over and the envelope with the gender inside.

"Make sure to make an appointment before you leave and call if you need anything."

"Thanks, Doc!" Stone said before helping me off the bed.

We made the appointment and Stone helped me into the truck.

Once he got inside he squeezed my hand. "So how do we want to find out?"

"How about we go to the party place and have a balloon to pop?"

"We can just hand them the envelope?"

"Sure Stone that way we won't know until the family knows."

"Ok good let's go then."

We got the balloon to pop and once the work day was over everyone gathered at Alan and Bonnie's house.

They went all out and had food and desserts but all I cared about was finding out what we were having.

"Eat or pop the balloon first Ches?" Stone asked.

"I want to know! I can't wait any longer." I laughed.

"I can't wait either go get the balloon Stone," Bonnie said.

When Stone walked out with the big black balloon he was smiling from ear to ear.

I don't know why I didn't think he would want this baby. I was being silly.

He handed me a stick pin and he held the balloon. "Ready?"

"Oh yeah, I'm ready." I smiled.

Bonnie, Alan, Whitney, and Clay were waiting to see the color as much as we were.

"On the count of three." He said.

Everyone counted down and on three I stuck the pin in the balloon and when it popped pink confetti fell around us.

I started screaming and Stone leaned down and kissed my lips before swinging me around.

"Oh my god, it's a girl!" I laughed.

Everyone was laughing and clapping.

"Our first granddaughter!" Bonnie cried pulling us into her arms.

Alan handed Stone the phone and he was talking to someone and I walked over.

"Come meet Meredith Ches."

I smiled at the phone and she looked just like Bonnie. "Hi, I hope to meet you in person soon!"

"I am coming in very soon! Congrats on the baby girl!" She smiled.

I walked over to where Bonnie was and I really wanted to ask her a few things but I have been too nervous too.

"Bonnie, do you think you can help me to be a good mom?"

"Oh dear just because your mom wasn't a good one doesn't mean you won't be but I will help you all that I can."

"Stone talks about how wonderful parents you and Alan are and I just want that for her."

"She will have that and more. I am so happy for both of you and I can't tell you how happy you make Stone."

"He makes me happy and I just want to tell him that I love him too but I've not felt love in a long time and I just want to be sure I feel it when I tell him."

"There is nothing wrong with that sweetie. Your heart will tell you when it's ready and when it is you will be bursting at the seams to tell him."

She patted my hand and I smiled as Stone walked over and sit beside me.

"Meredith is coming in next weekend."

"Oh good! It's been too long!" Bonnie smiled.

We sit and eat hamburgers and hotdogs and then had some cupcakes with chips and stayed until after it was dark.

Bonnie wouldn't let me help clean up so Stone did and then we left with some leftovers.

"Are you coming home with me?"

"I can. I mean I haven't seen Cotton all day." I laughed.

"I have been meaning to ask you a question but I don't want it scaring you."

"What's that Stone?"

"How about you move in with me? We can make one of the extra rooms for our baby girl."

"Really you want me to live with you?"

"Yeah I've thought about it for a while but I didn't want to scare you off."

"I am sorry you walk on eggshells around me Stone. Please don't ever be afraid to ask me anything. I will always be honest with you and not run."

"Ok, so will you move in with me?"

"I would love to!" I smile over at him.

Once back at his house we get out and walk in and Cotton meets us at the door meowing.

"I think you are going to steal my cat once you move in."

"I have already stolen him Stone." I laugh bending down and picking him up.

"Yeah, that is apparent." He chuckles putting the food in the fridge.

"Want to go set in the swing before bed?" I ask.

"Sure let's go." He smiled.

We walk out and sit down and as soon we did I felt a kick.

"Stone feel! Our baby girl is kicking." I smiled over at him as I place his hand on my stomach.

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