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A couple of days later the painting in Sadie's room was all done and dry and I was ready to decorate

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A couple of days later the painting in Sadie's room was all done and dry and I was ready to decorate.

Stone was excited as well and he was in the bedroom getting ready to put the crib together and you better believe that Cotton is checking everything out.

I walked in and set on the floor and Cotton walked over and curled in my lap.

"Thank you, Ches! He was trying to steal the screws that I need to put this together with."

"He is nosey that's for sure." I laughed.

I watched him put the bed together and it made me get excited. I can just picture her in my arms already.

He unboxes the changing table and sighs. "This is a lot of stuff."

"Do you want me to help Stone?"

"Can you read the instructions or hand me the correct pieces?"

"I can do that." I smile taking the directions and picking pieces out for him.

Cotton is in my lap with his head on my bump and Sadie is kicking away.

"Your daughter can't wait to get her hands in Cotton's fur."

"Oh, no is she kicking?"

"Oh yeah kicking up a storm." I smile.

I watched Stone get the changing table put together and I couldn't wait to put the mattress on the crib and the bumper pads and everything decorated in bunnies.

"Ready to get this room decorated in bunnies?"

"I am and wasn't it sweet of Clay to get her the first bunny?"

"It was. I think Clay is as excited as we are and I am surprised by that."

"With us not having family and now all of a sudden we have several and this will be his blood niece."

"Family is important and our daughter will always know that Ches no worries about that."

Stone started bringing in the bags and I couldn't wait to go through the goodies again.

"We should wash all of these clothes in baby detergent first Stone."

"Oh, I didn't know there was such a thing." He laughed.

"No worries someone bought us some." I smile.

We pulled out the other items and he set up the diaper genie and we put up pictures on the wall and fixed the bed and I put the bunny in the bottom of the crib.

When I stood back to look at things Stone wrapped his arms around me and placed his hands on my stomach.

"We are all ready for her aren't we?"

"I am so ready! She is ready as well because those kicks are getting harder." I laughed.

"Want to go have some cobbler?"

"How did you get cobbler Stone?"

"Dwight may of gave it to me with ice cream."

"Hell yes! I want some right now." I laughed.

I waddled my big butt to the kitchen and sit on a stool and watched Stone get the cobbler and ice cream out and slid a bowl over to me.

I took the first bite and closed my eyes to savor it.

"That good huh Ches?"

"Oh god, it's the best, and I know our baby girl is going to love cobbler as much as I do."

"Oh, I don't doubt that a bit. We don't have much longer to go. How are we going to manage this? Are you taking her to work with you or what?"

"I thought about it and I think I will for a while and then I will need a babysitter or put her in daycare which I don't want to do."

"I think you could speak to my mom about that she will have some sort of idea."

"Oh, I think I will do that. Your mom will know what to do."

"I could be wrong but I would bet you she will want to keep her."

"Oh, Stone I couldn't put all this responsibility on her like that."

"I don't think she will mind. Ches she wasn't sure that she would ever get a grandchild and Sadie is going to be spoiled beyond words."

"I love that Stone. I wish I would have had a grandmother or someone to love me."

"Well you may of not had anyone back then but you have a bunch of people now that love you very much."

"Who knew coming back to Somerset would bring me all of these wonderful gifts."

"You lost something but you gained so much more."

"I hate saying I lost something because you can't lose anything that you never had."

"Have you read any more of that journal?"

"No! I put it in my nightstand and I will read it at a later date. I don't want it upsetting me or Sadie."

"How is your cobbler?" He asked.

"It's delicious! Thank you for suggesting it."

"Do you want to go outside and set in the swing before bed?"

"That sounds perfect Stone."

We clean up our mess and head outside and I waddle to the swing.

"It won't be long until I can't fit in this swing anymore."

"Don't say that Ches you look beautiful pregnant and I can't get enough of you this way."

I blush a little bit and he leans over for a kiss.

"I love you Stone."

"I love you so much Chesney and I have a question for you. If I were to propose to you would you accept?"

It shocked me and I looked over at him and I had no words. "Wait what?"

"You heard me." He laughed.

"Why are you asking instead of surprising me?"

"Because I don't want to crowd you or have you thinking that I would only propose because you are pregnant."

"You know how I think and thank you for even considering how I would feel about it. You don't have a ring do you?"

"No I haven't bought anything as of yet but it's on my mind."

"You want to marry me Stone?"

"Of course I do. I love you with all of my heart and I would love for you to be my wife Ches."

I couldn't help but smile at him and lean in for another kiss. I hit jackpot with this one.

 I hit jackpot with this one

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