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A couple of days later Gunner was able to come home after he passed all of the tests and we were heading over to see him

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A couple of days later Gunner was able to come home after he passed all of the tests and we were heading over to see him.

I couldn't wait to hold a newborn again and well all Sadie has said is baby.

We walk in and Sadie is jumping in my arms. "Baby dada! Baby!"

"You see baby Gunner?" I ask her.

I put her on her feet and she runs over to Clay to pick her up.

"Clay all she has talked about is the baby and she was upset when Chesney didn't bring him home."

"Sadie you want to hold your cousin Gunner?" Clay asked her.

She smiled and reached out her hands. I watched as Clay sit on the couch and Whit handed him Gunner and he held onto him as he placed him on Sadie's lap.

Ches was right there with her camera to take a picture. Just watching Sadie makes me want to have another baby with Chesney.

It would be nice to have another little set of feet running around here. I couldn't help but smile.

"Dada baby!" Sadie smiled.

"I see that Sadie bug."

She was smiling so big and barely touching his hair.

Chesney was in tears and Whit was too. It was such a sweet moment Ches started to record it so she could send it to mom later.

When Gunner started to cry Sadie made this scared face and wanted nothing to do with it.

"What's the matter, Sadie?" I asked laughing.

"Baby cry!" She made a sad face.

"He is ok," Ches said sitting on the couch and Sadie ran over to her mama.

We all laughed and Whit took Gunner to another room to breastfeed him.

"So how is it going, dad?"

"So far so good but I swear I am so nervous now that we are home.

"Clay you will be fine. It will all come naturally to you just wait." I smiled as Ches started rocking Sadie.

We stayed for a little while and once Whit fed Gunner and burped him she came back to the living room and let me finally have my turn at holding him.

As soon as he was in my arms I couldn't hide my smile. He was really cute even though he looked like Clay.

"Does this make you want to have another one?" Clay laughed.

"Honestly yeah I miss Sadie being this little." I smiled.

I handed him over to Chesney and just watched her with him and the way she kissed him and talked to him just melted my heart.

When we got up to leave Sadie cried because she didn't want to leave the baby.

"We will come back soon and visit him ok Sadie?"

"No!" She cried.

Clay got up and went into another room and then come back with a bunny figurine. "Look what I have for you."

"Bunny!" She squealed.

"I promise I will bring the baby over to see you ok little bunny?"

"Ok." She smiled kissing the figurine and throwing one arm around my neck.

I carried her out to the car and buckled her in her car seat and we headed home.

Once home I carried her to her room while she was still holding her figurine.

"Let's put it up on the shelf with the other ones ok?"

"Ok dada!"

We walked over to the shelf that was almost full and placed it beside the others and she clapped her hands together and smiled.

I smothered her face with kisses when Chesney walked into the room.

"Mama!" She squealed.

"Let's go get you a bath and get you ready for bed Sadie."

I went and fed Cotton and made sure the doors were all locked and the lights cut off besides the kitchen.

I was getting out ice cream when she walked into the kitchen and set down.

"Stone seeing and holding Gunner does that make you want to have another baby?"

"Honestly it does. How about you?"

"Yeah, it does. Want to try?" I smirked.

"Of course, we can try Stone. I mean we got pregnant once."

I pushed the bowl of ice cream over to her and sit down.

"Then hurry up and eat so I can get inside you."

"Wow Stone that was so romantic. We could just strip naked right here in the kitchen."

"Maybe but what if by some chance Sadie figures out how to get out of her crib? We would be in trouble."

"Yeah, scratch that. Let's go take a shower together then."

We finished our ice cream and put the bowls in the dishwasher and we headed to our bedroom.

I stopped to check on Sadie first and she was sound to sleep and Cotton was laying on the floor in front of her crib asleep.

She cut the monitor on and we headed to the shower. She got the water ready and I grabbed the towels and we stripped down and I helped her into the shower.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in for a kiss. "Are you serious about wanting another baby with me?"

"Yeah, why not? I mean we could handle two kids Ches."

"I think we could too. How about you jump into my arms now?"

She leaps and I lift her against the wall as I position myself at her opening and she slides down on me.

God, it feels so good each and every time she slides up and down on my dick.

I lean in and bite her bottom lip as I thrust in and out of her.

She moans out as I bite and suck on her neck. "Oh god, Stone."

I let out a low moan as I begin to thrust harder over and over until she was on the edge of her orgasm.

"Come on my dick Ches. Give it to me."

She moans throwing her head back as her legs shake and I can feel her tightening around me as I lose my shit and fill her up hoping that makes a baby.

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