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The whole ring thing was on my mind but Chesney didn't say no to it but I think after Sadie is born I will propose to her

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The whole ring thing was on my mind but Chesney didn't say no to it but I think after Sadie is born I will propose to her.

It wouldn't hurt to go look at rings and who better to ask about her style but Whitney? Maybe she can hint around for me.

I stopped by the venue to check the fountain out and while Chesney was taking another trip to the bathroom I rushed out to Whitney to explain what I needed.

She grinned. "I am on it Stone!"

When Ches came back out I pulled her into my arms and kissed her lips. "Ready to go see Sadie?"

"I am more than ready and see how much longer we have to go." She smiled.

I rubbed her stomach and helped her out to my truck and I basically had to lift her up because she couldn't get in.

We were both laughing. "Oh my god if someone saw me I would die Stone!"

"Just that couple going in the venue."

"Oh hell really?"

"No, I am lying!" I laughed.

I shut her door and went around and got in and headed to the doctor's office.

We sit for a while and Ches was getting restless and she had to pee really bad so the nurse took her back to get the sample.

The doctor checked for everything and then the nurse come back in to take blood before Dr. Nickel came in the room.

"Hey, guys! How are you doing?"

"I am done, Dr. Nickel." Chesney laughed.

"You don't have much longer to go. Let's get a look at your baby."

"We know it's a girl doc," I said.

"Got a name picked out?" He asked.

"Sadie Danielle." Chesney smiled.

"Beautiful name and she is going to be one beautiful baby just look at you two." He laughed squirting the gel on.

He checks dimensions and then points at the screen and I can't help but smile when I see her thumb in her mouth.

"Oh Stone look at her!" Chesney cries.

"She looks like you Ches."

"She has your lips Stone."

I kiss her forehead while Dr. Nickel prints out our sonogram pictures.

"I will see you in a month unless you need me beforehand."

"Are you saying I could go into labor?"

"Not right this minute no you still have a while to go and you should start experiencing Braxton hicks but she will be here before you know it."

"I am excited for her to get here but scared about the whole thing." She laughed.

"It will be fine and you will be a pro and when it's all over you will have a beautiful little girl."

"Thank you for everything, Dr. Nickel." I shook his hand and we went out to make an appointment.

Once I helped her back into the truck she laughed. "Stone can we go get some food I'm hungry."

"Do you want Dwight to make you something or do you want to go to the diner?"

"Diner I want a greasy burger and fries please and a strawberry milkshake."

"Well, I can get you that sweetheart." I smiled over at her.

When we walked into the diner the owners made over Chesney's belly telling her how beautiful she looked glowing.

"Those people are so nice."

"Yeah because they told you how beautiful you are but they aren't lying."

"Thank you, Stone. I feel beautiful today. I love my maxi dress and seeing Sadie today makes the day better."

"Oh, she does that for sure. She is going to be your mini me I already see it." I smile at her.

"I can't wait to spoil her and just hold her in my arms Stone."

"You and me both but I think mom will want to hold her the most."

"You are probably right." I laugh.

We were eating when a guy walked over to our table and looked at Chesney and grinned.

"Oh my god, I thought it was you!" He laughed.

She smiled but had a look on her face like she had no idea.

"I heard you came back and took over the business. It's so good to see you, Chesney!" He laughed.

She smiled at him. "Umm sorry, I don't recognize you. Who are you?"

"You don't recognize your high school boyfriend?"

She laughed. "Oh, my Ricky!"

"It's nice to see you and wow you are really pregnant!"

"I am but it's nice to see you and this is my boyfriend Stone."

"Hey man sorry for interrupting but I had to say hello. How have you been?" He asked.

"Doing good how about you?"

"I'm doing good. Married Jennifer from high school and we live here in town we own a pet store."

"Oh cool. We will have to stop in sometime."

"Well, I will let you get back to eat. Nice seeing you."

"You too Ricky." She smiled.

When he walked away I smirked. "Tell me about this high school boyfriend."

"Oh my god, we dated two weeks in seventh grade only because we didn't want to go to the dance alone."

"Did you kiss him?"

"No he tried but his lips were like frog's butts and slimy and I said nope can't do it."

"I'm guessing you don't think the same about mine."

"No way. I love your lips. I love everything about you Stone."

"I love hearing that from you, Chesney. Ready to get out of here?"

"Oh yeah, I am ready to go home and lay down."

"Sadie kicking up a storm?"

"Yeah, she's hard down kicking me."

I paid and we headed out the door and that guy was just waving at Chesney.

Once home I helped her to the bedroom and Cotton was on our heels. He jumped on the bed and waited on Chesney.

I took her shoes off her and rubbed her feet before helping her under the cover.

Cotton moved over so that he could lay in the crook of her neck. That is his favorite place to be.

I leaned down and kissed her lips before covering her up and walking to the kitchen for a beer.

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