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Things have been rough ever since Chesney read that journal

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Things have been rough ever since Chesney read that journal. She wakes up in cold sweats and nightmares and I told her until she talks to Clay about it she won't feel better.

She went over to the house to talk to him while I keep Sadie at home with me.

I have been on the floor romping with her and of course, she wants to ride a horsey. I am getting too old for this.

A couple of hours pass by when Ches walked in the door. She had tear stains on her face and she walked over and sit beside me.

I wrapped my arm around her and Sadie crawled up on her lap and wrapped her little arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.

Even though she is too young to know what is going on she knows that her mama is sad.

"I love you both!"

"We love you too don't we Sadie?"

She shakes her head yes and smiles real big.

After a while, she went to bathe Sadie and I called and ordered us some Chinese food.

When she came out she got Sadie a bottle and went back to rock her and I could tell she was still really upset.

Before she came back out the Chinese turned up and I walked to the bedroom door to check on her and she was singing to Sadie.

I laid the food out in the living room on the coffee table and went back to grab some wine when she came out.

"I ordered food Ches."

"Good I am starved."

She followed me to the living room and we sit down on the floor in front of the coffee table and eat and talked about how things went.

"I just don't want that woman's name spoken around me anymore after tonight."

"I understand that Ches and I won't bring her back up. She doesn't have a place in our lives and I don't like that her words upset you so much."

"Never again Stone." She smiled and took a sip of wine.

We eat and then read our fortunes and snuggled on the couch and made out until I carried her to bed.

I walked by Sadie's room to check on her and Cotton was laying in front of her crib asleep and I went to put the food in the fridge or Cotton would eat it all and then I went back to find my wife curled up in a ball asleep.

I snuggled her in my arms and fell right to sleep.

The next morning Sadie woke us up at 6 am screaming and Chesney went to get her before I could get out of bed.

Ches had a wedding today and she was scattered. I told her I would take care of Sadie and take her over to moms for her to get dressed for work.

I put Sadie in her high chair and set down to feed her while she giggled watching Cotton reach for her food.

"Do you want Cotton to have some egg, Sadie?"

"Yes, dada!" She grinned.

"Then hand him a piece." I smiled.

She picked up a piece of egg and looked sneaky when she handed it to Cotton and he eat it off of her fingers.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Don't tell mama ok?"

"Ok dada." She giggled and covered her mouth with her hand.

When Chesney walked into the kitchen Sadie started laughing and I put my finger to my lip. "Shh!"

She grinned. "Mama cat eat."

"What is she saying?" Chesney asked walking over and kissing the top of Sadie's head.

"I have no idea Ches." I laughed.

"You two are being sneaky but I need to get going. I will see you this evening sometime after the wedding."

"I will pick Sadie up when I get done with my job today."

"Sounds good. I love you both."

"I love you!" I kissed her lips.

"Bye, mama!" Sadie waves.

I got Sadie dressed for the day and her diaper bag ready and headed over to moms with her.

I dropped her off and mom had some lunch for me for later so I took it and headed over to the house I was working on.

The older lady was really nice and took to my suggestions but when I saw the other woman walk out of the house I about shit a brick. It's the flirty girl from the lumber place.

"Hi there Stone! Fancy meeting you here."

"Yeah married."

She giggled. "I know that silly."

"I am a father now so keep on moving."

"What you think fathers don't cheat?"

"Some do but I don't I happen to love my wife."

"Yeah, that's why I ignore you when you come in the store now. I am jealous she got you."

"I am sorry but even if I didn't meet her I wouldn't have taken you out."

"Ouch! I get it. Bye Stone."

I really hope she understood and left me alone while I had to get work done at her mother's house.

I fixed the gutters for her and cleaned the others out and got out of there as fast as I could.

I called mom to pick up Sadie but she asked to keep her so I decided to go home and take a nap until Ches got home.

I woke up with a kiss on my forehead. "Hey there!"

"Hey, sweetheart! Sorry, I must have dozed off."

"Where is Sadie?"

"I was on my way to get her when mom begged to keep her longer."

"Oh ok then."

"I went to work on that old lady's house this morning and guess who walked out of the house?"

"Who?" She asked sitting down beside me.

"The lumber yard girl."

"Oh no." She laughed.

"Yeah she tried to flirt and I said I am married and a father and she said so they cheat."

Chesney's eyebrows went together in a scow. "She what?"

"Don't worry I handled it. I am a one-woman kind of guy and I happen to love her very very much."

She leaned in and kissed my lips and smiled. "Good answer Stone."

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