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Since Sadie's birthday, I could tell something had been really bothering Chesney and I was a little worried

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Since Sadie's birthday, I could tell something had been really bothering Chesney and I was a little worried.

I walked to the bedroom after putting Sadie to sleep with some cherry cobbler and ice cream and handed it to her then set a bottle of water on her bedside table.

"Are you ok?"

"Why do you ask Stone?"

"Ever since Sadie's birthday, you have been sad.

She dropped her spoon with ice cream on it with tears in her eyes.

"I am sad that we can't seem to get pregnant again. I wonder if Sadie was to bring us together?"

"That is very possible. Maybe it was your dad because he wanted you to find happiness sweetheart."

Tears were rolling down her face. "I think so and not just that but his birthday is this week and I just miss him."

"Is he buried somewhere that we can go decorate his grave?"

"Yeah, I haven't been there since he died but I would like to go. Will you go with me?"

I will go anywhere with you Ches." I smiled over at her.

"Thank you for my comfort food and just being here for me and sitting with me."

"I love you Ches. Of course, I would do anything for you and you should know that already."

"I do I am just a crybaby sometimes."

"You aren't a crybaby. It's ok to be disappointed and to also miss your dad but I am just thankful that we have Sadie and she is enough."

"She is a handful is what she is and your mom keeps spoiling her I don't know what we are going to do with her." She laughs.

"I told you I had a great mom and she is an even better grandma."

"Sadie will attest to that." She laughed.

Since the next morning was Sunday after we woke up and fed Sadie we decided to go to her dad's grave.

I stopped along the way and got her dad some red roses and even got her some flowers as well to try and cheer her up.

"Stone thank you for coming with me but I am so nervous. It's been a long time."

"It doesn't matter how long it's been Ches. Your dad knew how much you loved him that I am sure of."

"You always know what to say to make me feel better Stone." She smiled over at me and put her hand in mine.

We went through the gates at the graveyard and she pointed out which way to go.

She looked around and then she wasn't sure. "I can't remember Stone but I think in this area."

"Let's get out and look around and I am sure I will see it." I said.

I unbuckled Sadie out of her car seat and put her on my hip as we walked around.

"I know people called him buddy but was his name Clay as well?"

"Yeah Clayton but his dad nicknamed him buddy and it just stuck." She smiled.

We walked a little way and I spotted it. "Ches it's right here!"

Ches walked over with the roses and she sit on the ground with her legs crossed and begin to clean off his grave.

"Sadie this is your grandpa Buddy!"

She smiled and handed Sadie a rose. "Smell Sadie."

I sit down off of the grave and pulled Sadie on my lap.

"Hi, daddy! I miss you and I am sorry it has taken me so long to get here but I hope you can see that I am happy and I have a husband and a daughter."

I just smiled and listened to her pour her heart out to her dad and I think she really needs this to heal.

She put some roses into his vase and put her hand on his headstone when Sadie got out of my lap and went over and got in Chesney's lap and wrapped her arms around her mama's neck.

"Mama!" She smiled.

"Oh, Sadie you and daddy brighten my days every day." She smiled wiping a tear away.

When Sadie came back to my lap I picked her up and we decided to walk back toward to truck to give Ches some time with her dad to just talk to him.

"Mama sad?"

"Mama is just fine." I tickled her belly.

"Stoooooop!" She giggles.

I walked her around until Chesney walked back over to the truck and she was smiling.

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my lips and Sadie tried to kiss us at the same time.

We laughed and then both smothered her face in kisses.

"Ready to get out of here now?"

"I am ready and I have peace in myself but I know that I will be back to decorate more."

"Sounds like a good idea. How about we stop by moms for a while?"

"Sounds good. Bonnie is a good dose of medicine." I smile.

We pull up at mom and dads and Dad was mowing the grass and mom was rocking on the porch.

I put Sadie on her feet and she took off toward mom so I chased after her to help her up the steps.

"Grangy!" Sadie giggled.

She can't say granny or grandma so Grangy it is.

Mom picks her up and kisses her face. "How is my beautiful girl?"

"Fine." She giggles.

Chesney sits down beside mom and they start talking as dad walks over.

"What brings you by?"

"We were out and about and thought we could come to say hey since we have some time."

"Well, I am glad you are here. I have chicken and dumplings on the stove and they should be done. Let's go in and eat."

"Oh Bonnie that is the best comfort food and I need it today."

"Well, you come on in the house and get you a big bowl of it." Mom smiles and hugs Chesney.

"Your hugs are the best and I needed that today." She smiled following mom into the house.

" She smiled following mom into the house

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⭐️ Only One Chapter Left! ⭐️

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