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Ten Years Later

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Ten Years Later

Today is our tenth anniversary and it's hard to even believe that we have been married that long.

We never did have another child but Sadie is all that we need and she knows more about the venue than me and can run circles around Whit and me.

Just as we thought she is bossy with Gunner but he is her best friend as well and puts up with her obsession with bunnies still.

In her ten years of life, she probably has over a thousand bunny figurines.

It was actually her idea that we renew our vows today and what better way than under the arch of where it all began?

When I asked Sadie to be my maid of honor she was so excited. I have to say Sadie is my best friend and I couldn't do life without her. My mother really missed out on a relationship with me that could have been just as amazing.

There is no wedding dress just a beautiful white long dress but I do have on those beautiful earrings that Bonnie gave me ten years ago.

The harp begins to play and Clay walks me down the aisle again to Stone.

I smiled at Stone and then looked back at Sadie and winked at her. Standing behind her was Whit in a beautiful green color gown.

The preacher begins speaking. "We are gathered here today with Stone and Chesney. They still say I do."

He opened his bible. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always preserves. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

Stone squeezes my hand and winks at me and I mouth I love you.

"Stone you may now kiss your beautiful bride and we all wish you many more years together." The preacher smiled.

Stone dipped me back and kissed me long and hard on the lips.

When he stood me back up I heard Sadie giggling behind me and I couldn't help but smirk.

Stone led me over to the fountain and pulled me into his arms and kissed my lips. "I love more today than I did ten years ago if that is even possible Ches."

"I feel the same way. You taught me how to love and my heart only beats for you and Sadie." I smile wiping a tear.

Sadie runs over and wraps her arms around the both of us. "You look so pretty, mama."

"Thank you, baby. I am glad you got to be a part of this wedding as well."

"Well, I don't really remember the first one." She giggles and runs off.

"Gunner and Van doesn't have a chance with her around. She is very bossy." Stone laughed.

"Do you think she will marry Van when she gets older? I don't think Turner would mind."

"Nah I don't think so because she's not getting married until she's thirty or older and let's not even discuss dating."

"Oh Stone! Your little girl is growing up and I swear she knows more about the venue than me and when people come to look at the venue she tells them all about it and sells them on the idea of getting married here."

"She will take it over someday for sure." He laughed.

"That would be great. It would continue in the family the way it should." I smile.

We join the family at the table to eat a big feast that Dwight has made. Yes, he still works at the venue and married the love of his life right here a few years ago and they are so happy together.

After we eat we walked over to cut the cake that Bonnie had made for us.

Stone very easily put it in my mouth because he knew better than to throw it in my face

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Stone very easily put it in my mouth because he knew better than to throw it in my face.

I giggled as I put a piece of cake in his mouth then I leaned in and kissed his lips.

He got me by the hand and we went out around the fountain and had a dance together.

In Stone's arms is where I was supposed to be. He stole my heart when I didn't even know that I could love another person. I think god I met him all those many years ago.

He twirls me around and kisses my lips over and over again.

"I would marry you over and over Ches for the rest of my life."

"Well, I would say I do over and over again because this heart is only reserved for you."

Thank you all for taking the time out to read Reserved For You! The sequel Reserved For Two can be found on my friends page writerlove03 💚💚

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Thank you all for taking the time out to read Reserved For You! The sequel Reserved For Two can be found on my friends page writerlove03 💚💚

Thank you all for taking the time out to read Reserved For You! The sequel Reserved For Two can be found on my friends page writerlove03 💚💚

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My Kittens.

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