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Sadie is now six months old and she is starting to say little words and she shocked me while in her high chair this morning when she said, mama

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Sadie is now six months old and she is starting to say little words and she shocked me while in her high chair this morning when she said, mama.

I almost screamed but I didn't want to scare her. I walked over to her highchair and she was pointing at Cotton.

"Sadie I am mama."

She giggled and stuck her little finger in her mouth. I sit down with the homemade baby food that Dwight makes her and she loves it.

Stone comes up the hall and over to where we are.

"Stone guess what she just said?"

"What did she say Ches?"

"She said, mama!"

"No, she didn't." He laughed.

"Stone she did. "Sadie say mama for me."

"Mama!" Sadie grinned.

"See I told you!"

"Holy moly what about dada Sadie bug?"

"Mama!" She grinned.

"How did that work for you Stone?" I laughed.

"Ok, maybe another day then." He sighed pouring his coffee

"Pouting won't work on her Stone."

"First you take my cat and then you take my daughter's first words too?" He laughed.

I couldn't help but laugh as I continued to feed her. "We need to get ready and head over to the venue. Don't want to be late for Clay and Whit's wedding."

"It snuck up on us fast didn't it?"

"It really did and Sadie gets to be the flower girl before she can even walk." I laughed.

After she finished eating I cleaned up and took her to bathe and put her cute frilly little pink dress on with a tutu.

I slipped into my red off-the-shoulder dress and put my wedding jewelry on that Stone got me and when he walked in the room his eyes almost bugged out of his head.

"Wow, you look gorgeous Ches!"

"And you look delicious."

"Maybe Sadie can stay the night with mom?" He smirked.

"That's the best plan you have had all day." I laugh.

I touch up my lip gloss and follow Stone out to the SUV where he is buckling Sadie into her car seat and we head over to the venue.

Stone links his fingers in mine and pulls my hand up to his lips. "Weddings make me mushy especially thinking back to the day of our wedding."

"Best day of my life besides having Sadie." I smile over at him.

We pull up at the venue and Bonnie takes Sadie from Stone and we kiss and head in different directions.

I go to the bride area and Whit is in there with her mom and I couldn't wait for her to marry my brother.

I got her a something new gift and I hope she likes them.

"I got you something."

"Oh, Chesney you didn't have to buy me anything."

"Hey you are my best friend and you are the sister I always wanted and you make my brother very happy. " I smile handing her a small box.

She opened the box and teared up when she saw the heart-shaped diamond earrings.

"Oh, I love them, Chesney!" She cried.

"Don't cry you will mess up your makeup! Let me touch it up for you"

I reapplied concealer under her eyes and touched up her curls and Stone knocked on the door.

"It's time to go. Ready to walk down the aisle Whit?"

"I am and thank you so much for walking me Stone since I no longer have my dad."

"It's my pleasure and you look beautiful let's get you out there." Stone smiled.

The music begin and I had to walk down the aisle with my beautiful flower girl Sadie and then when the wedding music played Stone walked out with Whit on his arm and Lordy he looked like a tall drink of water.

I handed Sadie to Bonnie and then took my place and I couldn't take my eyes off of Stone. He winked at me and it was all I could do not to cry watching my baby brother so happy getting married to the girl that he loves.

When Clay kissed his beautiful bride tears were running down my face.

They walked up the aisle and then I got Stone's arm and walked up the aisle and when I smiled up at him he leaned down and kissed me.

At the reception, we had a good time. We danced and eat the best food of course prepared by Dwight.

We laughed when Whit threw the bouquet and Meredith dodged it and Dwight caught it. He was jumping up and down and we couldn't help but laugh

Since Whit moved in with Clay she never got a chance to move into Mom's house so I was going to rent it out when Meredith surprised us by moving back home and wanted to rent it from us with Jorge.

We are all excited that she is back home with family and gets to watch Sadie grow up.

I look over and Clay has Sadie in his arms dancing with her and it takes me back to our wedding.

She loves her Uncle Clay and reaches her little fingers up for him to hold her and she smiles really big when he pulls out a bunny.

Stone pulls me into his arms and slowly dances with me. "I love you, Chesney."

"I love you so much Stone and today has made me sappy."

"I saw you crying."

"I am just so happy for Clay. I want him to have what we have."

"He looks pretty happy. Do you want to go eat some cake?"

"I would love some and to see how Sadie is doing."

"Last I saw her she was in my dad's arms asleep."

"This whole partying thing is too much for her." I laughed as we walked over to them.

"We are getting ready to leave and we are happy to take Sadie with us."

"I am sure you are mom." Stone laughed.

We kissed a sleeping Sadie and then we danced the night away together.

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