The Disaster Twins

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It only took about a week of Yelena finally slipping into her little space for her and Wanda to be dubbed the Disaster Twins.

It started one afternoon when Melina was sitting with Wanda and Yelena and the little witch in particular had given enough puppy dog eyes to the woman to have gotten them some popsicles. Then Melina made the mistake of needing to quickly run to the bathroom, "Stay right there until you finish your popsicles, darlings. Okay?"

They were sitting on the concrete of the patio amongst the chalk drawings they had just finished. Wanda nodded in understanding, waving the icy red treat and telling Melina, "T'ank you fer pop-pop, tetya."

"Pop-pop." Yelena held up her blue one, looking at it with a curious, serious expression. The little Russian was still getting used to American things and little things and her English wasn't as good when she was in her little space. The result being that she was often quiet or answered in Russian. Fortunately, Melina, Nat, Wanda and even Bucky spoke Russian so there was never a lack of people around to understand her. When she did find an English word she liked, she would repeat it in her funny, flat intonation. "Pop-pop."

Melina smiled and ducked inside to quickly go to the restroom. Wanda knew to push popsicle up and out of the plastic to get the treat but Yelena chewed more ineffectually over top the plastic. The blond pulled it back and scowled at it, not liking the feel of plastic in her mouth and only getting a little bit of favor. Instead she decided to turn the packaging upside down and dump the popsicle out onto the ground.

"Dats not how you do it." Wanda giggled. Yelena didn't pay attention to her statement now as she investigated the splattered popsicle. She took a broken off chunk and tasted it then messily shoved more in her mouth. She quickly became disinterested in eating it though and started to mash around the blue on the patio until it was slush. The little witch laughed and immediately followed suit with the rest of her popsicle, seeing what fun Yelena was having. She mashed the red around, where her mess and Yelena's mess met turned into purple, which Wanda thought was very neat.

The Sokovian went to lick her hand to clean up some of the mess but the stopped short. Mama said not to eat off the ground and she was pretty sure this counted. She wiped her hand down her shirt instead, looking to Yelena who was stamping her feet in the colorful puddle, "Lena wanna play in da sandbox?"

"Da. Box." Yelena grinned and the pair of the scurried off to go play, covered in sticky juice on their arms and legs.

When Melina came back barely 5 minutes later, she had Natasha in tow and they we discussing dinner. Nat noticed first, "Oh my god."

Melina gasped then as well at the mess on the patio, ants already being drawn in by the sugar in it. Wanda and Yelena were fortunately not in the mess anymore, but were unfortunately in the sandbox. The two girls were covered in red and blue, pale sand now sticking to those spots as well. Natasha called across the short distance to the culprits.

"This is a pretty big mess over here girls." She said.

Wanda stopped digging and looked at her worriedly, chewing on her lip. She caught the disapproving tone, but Yelena did not, or at least didn't care as she kept digging. The little brunette finally said, "I di'nt eat off da ground, Mama."

Natasha suppressed a smile, as she tried to stay serious at the funny remark, as if Wanda were worried Nat had thought she had forgotten that rule and was not happy about the mess of it.

"I'm glad you didn't eat it off the ground, detka, but this isn't how we treat our food, okay? Food is for eating. This makes a big mess we have to clean up, you see?"

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