The Beginning

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I don't edit the parts in this story before posting them, so there will be spelling and grammar mistakes.
But anyways enjoy the story!!
(Based off of Doctor Who)

"No daddy! Put me down," exclaimed young Clessa Fairway.
She giggled and ran down the hallway, with only legs of a five year old to carry her. The small feet slapped the wood. Clessa's brown hair was flying everywhere, and her doe brown eyes shined with adventure. She ran to escape from her dad, who was playing the monster in their princess game. Of course Clessa was the princess, she would not have it any other way.
"I'm gonna get you," said her father, purposely slowing his speed to let Clessa feel accomplished. Which of course she did. The mind of a five year old can be pretty naive to the world around them, especially world where dads are the monsters.
Clessa giggled and trotted into her bedroom. What a pink bedroom it was! Pink walls, rugs, bed, curtains, and doll house. She quickly hid in the large PINK wardrobe. Clessa giggled. Her giggle made even the grumpiest man smile, and turned a rainy day into eke thing more.
Clessa's dad, Jan, came loudly tiptoeing into the room. As if he was to give himself away, he stomped when he reached the middle of the room.
"I guess Clessa is not in here. Oh well."
Clessa giggled, and tried to muffle the laughs afterword. Jan recognized the laugh. That laugh made Jan feel like every single little detail in the world, was beautiful.
Jan tiptoed over to the wardrobe.
Clessa giggled and was scooped into her fathers arms. She loved it when that happened, and gave a squeal of appreciation.
"Alright squirt, time for bed. Mommy will be back from work soon."
Clessa stuck out her lower lip in protest. She crossed her arms, and shook her head. As all five year olds do, she acted like a brick and refused to move.
"I'll take away Bubby!"
Clessa looked over at her stuffed animal, Bubby. He was a gray bunny, that Clessa has had since she was two. The comfort he had brought over the years was too much to gamble. Trapped in a corner, Clessa sighed and decided to brush her teeth and go to bead.
Jan walked into the living room and sat on the plush couch. He knew how grateful he should be for having Clessa, but gratitude was never felt. Maybe it was the fact that he was under stress, or the fact that he was only a part of her world. Jan wanted to be everything to Clessa, but Clessa's best friend Simon took his place in a way. Jan knew in his heart that Clessa loved him, but his head had other ideas.
Clessa walked in the bathroom, and jumped up on a stool so she could see herself. Of course as a five year old, she never had much to think about during the times when she was bored out of her mind. All she thought about was Simon. Her best friend. She loved the way his brown hair, the color of Clessa's eyes, was always spiked perfectly at the front. His green eyes made Clessa all fuzzy inside, and his glasses made him look sophisticated. Clessa jumped down from the stool after the thoughts and ran into her room.
Jan hopped out of his place on the couch. He jogged into Clessa's room, knowing that if he took long, she would get impatient.
"Goodnight sweetie."
Jan placed a kiss on Clessa's white forehead, an she was soon asleep. After staring at the little angel he knew she was, Jan walked back into the living room.
Clessa had dreams about princesses, sugar plums, and castles. Maybe a few monsters terrorized the kingdom.
Dreams came easily to Clessa. She had always thought happy, so she dreamt happily. As she lulled into a nine hour sleep, something appeared at her window. It was a man, a gorgeous man. Beautiful cheekbones, the most gorgeous brown eyes, and spiked brown hair that was perfect.  The man wore a long coat, down to the floor, and a blue suit. He smiled at Clessa, and cocked his head in curiosity.
Light footsteps were heard down the hall, but the man remained at the window. Jan entered the room with Clessa's mother, Angelina. Angelina had jet black hair that framed her face. Her dark green eyes lite up her face like a thousand pixels. Her gorgeous pale face looked like Clessa's but more worn.
"She looks like a little angel," said Angelina.
"Yes she sure does."
Angelina heard a rustle outside. She perked up a wee bit and snapped out of Clessa land.
"Did you hear that," asked Angelina.
"Yes," said Jan as he curiously turned away from his daughter.
Angelina walked over to the window, but nothing was there. She peered out into the heart of New York, and saw nothing out of the ordinary.
"The wind," said Angelina.
She walked over to Jan and planted a kiss on his forehead.
"I'm going to bed"
"I'll be in there," said Jan.
After Angelina left, Jan walked over to the window. He peered out of the thick glass. The bustling streets of New York were there, but nothing else.
Jan slowly turned around and walked out of Clessa's room. Soon after he left, the man appeared again. This time, a smile on his face sweeter than a cookie. He leaned against the window, and with a voice that sounded like silk he whispered in a British accent.
"We will meet again soon, Clessa Fairway."
With a blink of an eye, the man was gone. Gone with the wind.
So the years went by like that. The man appearing at the window or on the streets, but no one seemed to notice him, at least no one Fairway. He soon learned all about Clessa, but not in a stalker sort of way. This man was to play a big part in Clessa's future, and he wanted to learn about her before then. Every day, he studied her, and made sure she was well for the day. The day when Clessa's parents died.

"Technically speaking, you are German," said Simon with a whirl on his black spinning chair.
"And how do you figure Mr. Clark?"
"Well, if you look at your family tree, one of your ancestors came over on the Mayflower, implying you are German."
Clessa flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned to face Simon. She leaned in and talked in a low voice.
"Well, what if my ancestor was Irish and came to Germany then left on the Mayflower?"
"Don't question my genius."
They giggled. Clessa really enjoyed taking about her family and where they came from. It made her feel connected to the past, not just a piece of the future.
"Fine Mr. Genius man. I am German."
Simon grinned. As he turned to face the window, a million thoughts raced through his head. They were something like, Clessa thinks I'm a genius! Am I a genius? What does she think?
"I'm officially bored now that my family has 'been all figured out.'"
Simon turned back towards Clessa, and just in the nick of time. The handsome man started walking down the street. He looked over at the window, sunshine running through his hair. The man looked absolutely beautiful and flawless.
Before anyone could see him again, the man disappeared. Disappeared into thin air. As if though probably the most handsome man alive never existed.
Now whenever this mysterious beauty disappears, a chill is felt. All around, sort of like a chill when you think it will be hot outside but really it's cold. No one ever notices the chill, only few people. Anyways, in Simon's apartment, Clessa and Simon were hanging out, unfazed by the chill. A chill would soon be felt though, only by Clessa.

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