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"What do you mean your name is time?" Asked Cher slowly.
"Okay, sit down for this."
The kids sat down, and Elisa feeling awkward sat down too.
"Well, before I was born, their was a prophecy made about me. The prophecy said that I was destined to represent my race and be the scale weigher in the end. So, the Consul ordered my to be named time. The prophecy came true, and I ended up really controlling what happened."
The room was silent.
"You really control time?" Asked Nikki.
"Yes. I can see what has happened and what could happen." The Professor smiled grimly.
"So....did your name make the prophecy come true?" Asked Emily.
"Sort of. The only other person ever named Time in my culture was the first ruler."
The room stayed silent. The Professor stood up and brushed off his pants.
"Do you want us to call you time?" Asked Xander.
The Professor shook his head quickly and walked over to Elisa and reached for her hand.
"Come on, let's go."
Elisa extended her hand.
"I have nowhere to go." She said.
The Professor nodded. His grip on Elisa's arm loosened, allowing her to slip out and start running.
"COME BACK!" Yelled the Professor.
Elisa stopped and turned around.
"I've got nothing else to live for. I want to be a robot."
Elisa ran down one of the halls.
(Switch to first person)
I ran down the halls, forgetting all about the Professor and those weird kids. All I wanted was to be a robot. My feet pounded the ship deck, and I knew that I had made the right choice.
I had nothing else to live for but this game show. Why not become a robot again and regain my control?
I could hear the Professor and his crew racing behind me, but I didn't care. They would not be able to stop me. The process can't be stopped.
As I winded down the first of many halls, I thought about my son. Tobias. The poor child. Growing up without a mom.
I guess I really wasn't running from the Professor. I was running from my past.
(Back to third person)
The Professor could see that Elisa had released her blonde hair out behind her back. It was a horrible feeling to know that such a bad and rotten person like Elisa knew his name.
"Elisa come back! You don't know what you're giving up!"
Elisa didn't respond.
"Running won't help! All of your emotions, feelings, human ways will be taken away!"
"It's better than having this life."
"Then why not just die?" He asked.
Elisa stopped. She turned around towards the Professor.
"Because, I want a life. But I don't want my old one. It was sad, and filled with sorrow. Being don't have to suffer all of those things. I don't want to have to wake up every morning knowing that no one in this world loves me." Elisa took one last glance at the Professor, and then continued running.
The Professor stood, frozen in his spot. He could not believe that.
"You scummy humans. Throwing life away like it means nothing to you." Said the Professor angrily.
"What?" Asked Nikki in disbelief.
"Do you know how hard it is to watch someone die? It's like a thousand knives stabbed into you."
The Professor looked at Elisa, and regretted not following her.
"Come on Professor. Lets go."
"What's the point? She won't let anyone stop her. It's impossible."
The Professor kicked the wall in utter frustration. He looked at the group of kids.
They started running again.
Not from the past.
Not from shadows.
Running for good.
The gang race around the hall. The Professor led the group through twits and turns and up stairs and through rooms.
Soon, they could see Elisa. She really was not a fast runner, and it was kind of easy to almost catch up to her.
( first person-Elisa.)
I could hear the group coming up behind, but I didn't care. They would never be able to stop me anyways. A determined lady is someone who can't be quit.
I knew there was only a few more halls between me and myself.
But I did feel a twinge of guilt.
Guilt for Tob.
Guilt for Kent.
Guilt for the Professor.
They all wanted me at some point, and I was just throwing away my life.
No. I wasn't. There is no worth in that other life. I had nothing.
Only the beat of my heart would remind me of my past life.
But there was nothing in that life. The Professor didn't even care about me.
( back to third person.)
The gang continued down the hall. Elisa was winding through halls speedy quick. Her blonde hair flew wildly behind her.
"Come on!"
Soon, Elisa had darted into a room.
"Come on, Time!" Called Nikki.
"Don't call me that!"
"Because. Every day I have to know that the universe is in my hands like putty. I am in charge of saving it. Everything is put into me."
The gang stopped and slowly tiptoed into the room. It was too late.
(Elisa first person.)
I looked at the chair in the giant white room. It was welcoming.
The chair had multiple wires hanging down from it, many buttons and buzzers, and a thing for my head to go into.
I stepped into the glass case in which the chair was held. Seeing the Professor and his crew come in, I quickly shut the door and deadlocked it.
"No No No!"
The Professor banged against the glass. I knew that only a robot could open that door, so there was not turning back.
"Come out!"
"I can't only a robot can open up that door."
I looked over at the chair, and smiled weakly.
"This is the only escape from my horrible life."
"It won't be better. Trust me."
"Yes it will."
"That happened to me. I still went in saving the world and living my life."
"You had a purpose, Time." I spat
"Yes. I did. And so do you. Your purpose is to turn these games into fun things! Not death traps."
I shook my head and got into the chair. I buckled myself in.
"I'm sorry." I lied. I reached over, keeping my gaze locked on the Professor, and pressed the green start button.
The pain started crawling all over my body. My head was on fire. My lungs would not allow air in. I couldn't move.
(Third person.)
The Professor looked sadly at Elisa. She was in so much pain. Unthinkable pain.
He gulped, and thought of ways to let her out. Nothing came to mind.
Elisa felt the pain escape into every single corner of her body. She felt it was worth it.
The pain made her feel insane. It made her want to run up a wall. Or a building.
She would not even scream it hurt so much.
"Elisa?" Called the Professor weakly.
The thing stopped. Elisa slowly opened her eyes and swiftly stood up. She walked over to the cage door, and opened it up.
"I feel....alive."
The Professor looked at her once blue eyes. The pupils had become cat like.
"Get out of my games." She sinisterly whispered.
The Professor teleported the groups out and into the Machine. Leaving an extremely strong Elisa by herself.
Elisa walked over to the glass box, and firmly shut the door.
"Goodbye past."
She whispered, and left the room, feeling anew.
Her heartbeat could not even give her a clue of the past now.

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