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Clessa felt an empty hole in her heart. She had finally met her mom, but then she left so soon.
Nice mom.
No. I really mean it.
If only you could live up to her.
There it is.
She's so kind, and then there You are like a poor representation.
Shut up. Just shut up.
Never. Remember, I'm a fire light in your head forever in your days. Well, your three days.
I thought I had four.
It's been a day.
The worst day spent in this brain ever.
Shut up.
Shut up.
No! I don't listen to you.
Clessa forced herself out of her mind, and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. She felt stressed, and a little bit insane. All of her anger felt bottled up, and she was finally letting it go.
She grasped her dress, and clenched her fists until her knuckles were white. Sweat was trickling down her face.
She gasped. Her face turned as pale as her knuckles.
Clessa rocked back and forth. Soon, she could feel her knees getting weak. Clessa stumbled into the corner of her cell. She sank to the floor and brought her knees to her chest.
Words wouldn't even come out of her mouth.
Make it stop.
Mess with the bull, you get the horns. And these horns are sharp.
Please. Just make it stop.
It's not my fault. Yah let your anger take over you.
But I can't make it stop.
Clessa this time didn't pull herself out, but her mind forced her out.
She felt the sweat running down her forehead, but she was afraid to even move.
Clessa forced herself up and out of the corner. She let her clenched fists fall to her sides, and paced around the edge of the room.It calmed her...barely. She kept pacing.
She banging her head against the wall. Soon, Clessa's hair was frizzy, ratted, and all messed up. She looked like she was from an insane asylum.
Clessa felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. She had another seizure. This one was the absolute the worst. The pain swept all over her body.
"SUBJECTS!" She called through gasps. No one came.
"She's going mad." Said the man.
"" Said the shadow.
"It's soon going to be time for the transformation soon."
The man turned around.
"She'll be ready." He said.
"Yessss.....she willllllllllllll.......History."
"I told you! Never say my name!" Barked the man.
"I said so!"
"Shut up."
History looked angered. His silver hair was everywhere, and his light green eyes grew sharp.
Soon, the seizure was over. Clessa stood up, and brushed her dress off. She still felt insane, just dialed down.
"Okay." She breathed.
Clessa paced again to calm herself with no prevail.
Sorry! Really short chapter. Spoilers: only about six chapters left!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I feel sad.
The next chapter, I'll reveal the truth about History. Maybe the next.....just read on!
200 reads!!!!!!! Thank you all sooooooooo much!!!!! Through device high five

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