Love Dies

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Clessa stayed on the floor, she had blacked out after Camilla had shot. Soon, the Professor came to the door of the Machine.
His keys jingled, but the door was stuck. The Professor knocked on the door.
He shoved on the door.
"This isn't funny, open up."
The Professor knocked and knocked, then he banged and banged on the door.
The Professor pulled a bobby pin out of his pocket, and picked the lock.
"Xander this twas not funny."
The Professor looked around the Machine, and then saw Clessa lying motionlessly on the ground.
"Clessa? No no no no no no no no!"
The Professor shrugged off his long coat and raced over to Clessa.
"Can you hear me?"
Clessa had a pulse, but barely.
"Wake up Clessa. Wake up. Come on. Come on."
The Professor picked up Clessa.
"Who paralyzed your legs? Come on Clessa, do this for me, wake up."
He felt her pulse slowly fade away, until there was no life left in her.
"Clessa, please, come back, please, Clessa, I need you."
The Professor picked up Clessa's body and held it close. He started rocking back and forth, then tears came.
That's it for us.
All of the fighting.
Goodbye, Clessa Fairway.
Clessa was dead.
"My Clessa, my sweet sweet Clessa."
The Professor picked up her body, and carried her to the room where she had lied safe after injured.
After he had laid her down, he spoke through tears.
"I promised to protect you, and I didn't. You were the first human I had ever loved, and I promise Clessa Fairway... I promise to kill Camilla."
The Professor grabbed her hand, and rocked back and forth. He released it, leaving it limp.
The Professor left the room, and went into the control panel. He started angrily kicking things, and swearing.
The Professor stopped. He sniffed, and called Xander.
"Clessa's dead."
The Professor hung up. Soon, Xander had teleported to the Machine.
The Professor angrily looked up.
"I told you SHE'S DEAD!"
"I thought you were here and looking after her."
Xander looked stricken.
"I was only half listening."
"Well, she's not just half dead."
The Professor walked over to the doorway of the Machine.
"I'm sorry."
"You should've told Clessa that."
Xander walked over next to the Professor.
"I loved her as mush as you did. But I am grieving twice as hard."
"How so?"
"I was the one not here."
"I know."
"This is hard for me too, and if you need someone to talk to I-."
"Save your breath. I don't vent to people. Not anymore. This isn't middle school counseling. I only vented to Clessa."
The Professor walked to the control panel.
"If you want to see her, she's in the room where she lied sick."
Xander silently walked to the doors. He felt sad, and alone. Everything that he had ever loved was lying dead in a room.
Xander felt like he had just killed himself. The pain and grief was devouring him. He thought that it could not be happening to him, she should be alive, but that was not true. Clessa Luanne Fairway had died.
When Xander got to the room, he saw Clessa. Her dead body made the hole in his heart even bigger.
"Hey there Clessa."
Xander sat down next to her, and grabbed her hand.
"There was so many things I wanted to tell you. I might as well start now. My full name is Xander Cane Lee. I was born in Italy. My parents were named Gene and Finn. I also had a sister, her name was Giselle, but she moved and I only get to see her ever so often. We were shadow hunters, and both of my parents died from a demon attack. Anyways, I grew up cooking, cleaning, and speaking Italian. My best friend was named Jonny. I went to school for a while, but dropped out of our local high school and started going to an interstellar school that accepted aliens too. Don't even know why I got an invitation there... anywho. My favorite color is orange. My favorite number is eight, and my favorite month is May. I fell in love with you...the first time I saw you. And now, it's my fault that you are dead. I love you Clessa. Your the only girl that I have ever loved."
Xander released her hand. He could not bear seeing Clessa so lifeless, because she had been so full of life.
Xander walked out of the room, and closed the door.
Back in the central of the Machine, the Professor was sitting there.
"You don't think that-."
"She's one hundred percent dead."
The Professor looked tired.
"I'm sorry."
"I know."
"Then why do you look mad?"
"Because, I really trusted you."
"Do you still?"
"I'm sorry."
"I don't want to hear it again."
The Professor closed the door to the Machine.
Then, as though speak of the devil, Camilla flashed in.
"Hello boys."
The Professor looked at Camilla like she was the only person that had ever committed a crime.
"Sorry about Clessa. I was testing out this beauty."
Camilla extended her hand. The capsule had swirls of smoke in it.
"You got her blood."
"And I'm here for the rest of it."
"I won't let you touch her."
The Professor walked over to Camilla.
"I doubt it. Where's your motivation tough guy?"
"My motivation? Here you have it. You killed the only person in the whole world that I have ever loved in my whole life this much. You stole her blood and are planning to dominate the world with it. And now you want the rest. So you question my motivation. And Camilla Brown, I am motivated to erase you from this very earth."
"It's funny how you never say kill," whispered Camilla.
Xander stood silently behind the Professor.
"I wouldn't mess with me."
Camilla shot a bolt of lightning into the ceiling, and then blew smoke off of the ring.
"That's how I killed Clessa."
Camilla laughed and started twirling her black hair.
"You better start praying," said the Professor.
"Because your going to die here, and I don't think you'll be sent to heaven with that beat up soul of yours."
The Professor pulled out a device of his pocket.
"This, will send you a place that I have feared my whole life. Emptiness. It's where time goes when it is finished. So, technically, you'd be dead."
Camilla grinned.
"Nice try French fry."
The Professor only moved his arm to shoot at his jacket. The jacket disappeared, with only smoke left behind.
"Looks like I have underestimated you, Professor."
"No matter how strong you try to act, I can hear the fear in your voice."
"It's not fear for myself."
"Okay you got me. But we have equally strong weapons. How do you expect this to play out?"
"I expect this to end with you being sent as a piece of time waste."
Camilla shot next to the Professor's ear.
"What? I've never missed a shot."
"Well, when you put an invisible force field that messes up with a person's perception, it's really easy to win."
"Then shoot me. Send me as a piece of time waste. Do it."
The Professor pointed his weapon, and then released it to the floor.
"That's what I thought tough guy."
"Never would I shoot someone without giving them a chance to correct their behavior."
"See you at Clessa's room."
Camilla giggled and pressed the middle of a ruby on her pearl necklace, and teleported out.
"Now I have permission to shoot."
The Professor raced to Clessa's room.

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