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Clessa got up from where she was resting and brushed off her dress.
Four days left.
Yes. I'll be stuck in here for all of them.
I can hear the snarl even though you aren't speaking.
Clever one aren't we?
Oh shut up.
Make me.
Clessa pulled herself out of the conversation and wiped her tears. She sank to the ground, and just let the tears go. Maybe the shadows would pity her.
" Oh I'll just call you mom. I really need help now. I'm stuck in here...queen of darkness....dying. My other mom saved me...and I know this is a lot to ask, but can you help me too?"
Clessa looked up, nothing was given back to her.
"Of course. Stupid of me to think you'd listen."
Clessa wiped her tears again in frustration. She stomped her heel on the ground and screamed. No one could help her. No one.
"Subjects?" She called weakly. Fair enough, a shadow appeared.
"Can I have something to eat and drink again?"
The shadow teleported food in and then left. At least they cared. No one else, except maybe her dad, did. No one else cared that she was trapped in that cell.
"Yessss....missss?" Another shadow appeared.
"You already came."
"No....thiss....isssss.....the.....first...time.... I came."
"Never mind." Clessa grinned and dismissed the shadow.
"Thanks mom." She whispered. Clessa picked up the bread and water. She ate quickly.
Clessa stood up again and paced around the cell. She had absolutely nothing to do.
She messed around with her dress. After that, she looked out the window again. Shadows everywhere. Did she really rule them? Or are they just using her. So many shadows could not be contained by just one thing. A human for that case.
You are not the ruler of them.
Yeah I think I've got that figured out.
They have a higher authority than you. You are second in line.
Hey! I'm the bloody queen.
No, you are basically the princess.
Well then, who's the queen?
It's just another shadow. Nothing to worry about. Misssssssss.
Shut it.
Clessa pulled out of her mind.
"Mom, you can work miracles. Please. Just get me out."
Clessa felt a chill, and then something appeared in her room. It was not a shadow.
"The ring is grand. But, we won't need it anymore. Her powers will work." The man tossed the ring into a fire pit, earning the cheers of shadows.
"She will be ready soon."
The shadows cheered.
The thing appeared in front of Clessa, and soon came into focus. It was a ghost. Reagan.
The ghost smiled and nodded.
"I'm your mom."
The ghost shifted over to Clessa.
"You look like me." She sat next to Clessa and smiled. Her brown eyes looked kind.
"So, I want to tell you all about me. I am Reagan Genual. I was born in Illinois, but as a shadow searcher. My parents were very loving. I had a great childhood, and then went to the Shadow Searcher academy, where I met your dad. He was amazing, and everything you could ever want in a guy. We became what you'd call high school sweethearts, got married, and had you."
"How did you...and everyone else...."
"Die? It was a rainy day. Then, the Shadows came. Your father grabbed me and you and ran into the Machine. I told him you needed to be human, for protection. He disagreed. But, I argued and found you a home. But, as I delivered you to their doorstep, a shadow got me."
Clessa looked down at her feet.
"Do you wanna know about me?" She asked timidly.
"I already know everything about you dear. I am your guardian Angel."
Clessa smiled at her mom, wanting a hug. But, you can't exactly hug the air....awkward.
"Can anyone else see you?" Asked Clessa.
"No, just you."
Reagan danced across the room in her dress and sang. She sang beautifully.
Your mom.
Our mom. She's amazing.
Yeah, when she's dead.
Stop it. I won't even let you ruin this perfecto moment.
You don't have to let me.
Clessa felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, and went into a seizure. She fell off the bed and was on the ground, curled up into a ball.
"Clessa? Clessa dear, what's going on? Clessa? CLESSA?"
Reagan knelt next to her daughter. There was absolutely nothing she cult do to help her, except, sing.
"All those days, watching through the windows. All those years, outside looking in. All that time, never knowing Just how blind I've been," she started crying,"Now I'm here, blinking, in the starlight. Now I'm here, suddenly I see, standing here it's all so clear. I'm where I'm meant to be. And at last I see the light! And it's like, the fog, has lifted. And at last I see the light! And it's like, the sky, is new. And it's warm and real and bright! And the world, has somehow shifted. All at once, everything looks different. Now that I see you." Reagan wiped her tears and sat down next to Clessa.
"I sang that to you when you were younger." She said.
Clessa sat, twitching on the floor, every little inch of her body hurt. She managed to open her eyes, and see the figure of her mom. She sang so pretty.
"Mom?" Asked Clessa weakly.
"Yes sweetie?" Asked Reagan crying.
Clessa looked at her mom. Should she call her mom? Angel had been the lady that had raised her, but Reagan had saved her. She gave unconditional love, she did deserve to be called mom.
"Can I see you again?"
Reagan smiled.
"Maybe. I'll try my best. Today was just pure luck, but I've been waiting fifteen years." Clessa refused to cry.
"Okay." Said Clessa, trying to hide her disappointment.
Reagan glided over to the wooden bed, and sat her ghostly figure down.
"I've missed you." She whispered.
"Am I a shadow searcher?" Asked Clessa.
Reagan smiled and nodded. Clessa grinned and slowly moved over to her mom.
"Why can't you just stay here? Forever? As a ghost?" Asked Clessa.
"I'm not meant to be here. It would rip a hole in the space time continuum."
Clessa frowned and looked back up at her mom.
"I'm sorry." Said Reagan.
"It's not your fault." Added Clessa.
"I really have to go." Said Reagan sadly. She moved her apparition over to Clessa.
"I love you." Said Reagan, crying.
Clessa looked down at her shoes.
"I love you" Clessa let tears spill out of her eyes and cascade down her face.
Reagan hugged Clessa.
"If you're a can I feel you?" Asked Clessa through cries.
"Because, I'm a special type of ghost. I died sacrificing for a loved one, so I was given the gift of being able to actually be seen in this world and be felt."
Clessa gripped her mother tight, never wanting to let go.
"I really should go. Clessa, if we never see each other again, I want you to know that I love you. And I'll always be watching over you."
"I love you too mom."
Clessa let go, reluctantly, and watched her mom fade away.

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