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The gang bolted out of the jail cells and into the maze.
"Let's get back to the Machine!"
Multiple cheers were heard. They all ran in the musty halls.
It was amazing to see them so happy.
They all ran.
Everyone stopped. A shadow was standing in front of them.
"I'm busting this joint!" She exclaimed.
Before they could protest, the shadow teleported them to a different room.
The room was big. On one end, a giant table sat with a gavel. Both sides held pews that extended almost to the ceiling.
"Shadow court. One of their most amazing advances." Whispered the Professor.
The raspy voice made your neck hair stand up. Soon, the room was filled to the brim with shadows.
"Be careful now. One wrong move and they can destroy you."
The shadow that had teleported them in glided over to the judge seat. His voice became louder.
"Not guilty." Said the Professor.
"Alright then. You have accused me and my crew of disrupting you. But, you kidnapped my daughter, stuck her in a chair for all eternity, and placed her in a jail cell."
"So, that is illegal. I could turn you in."
"Can what? See, you've got nothing."
The Professor was about to leave.
Soon, Clessa felt a tugging at the back of her mind.
One day left.
Don't I have two?
Time passes in court.
What! I have one day left on this earth.
Yep. Bye.
Clessa wiped her tears and tried to focus back on shadow court.
Clessa POV
The Professor continued to argue with the shadows. He had no idea that I only had one day left. One day.
My life was soon to be over.
And I can't even tell my own dad.
He kept on dragging it out that they ha kidnapped me and yaddah yaddah yaddah.
I really need to tell someone my remaining time...but who?
Who would take time out of their day and listen to some girls random problems?
That's what I thought.
Third person POV
"By law under the toyon proclamation, you are under intergalactic arrest."
The Professor was about to leave the room, winning.
"Why should I do that?" He snapped.
The shadow gestured towards a projection that he was about to play.
"The shadows. A race that has been misunderstood and feared for millenniums. We have been thought of as mass murderers, and the bringers of destruction. But we were just looking for a home. So please. The next time you look at a shadow, take the time to realize that we are just as human as you are."
The video stopped.
The shadow gestured over to the door behind him. Leaning against the frame...was History. He smiled at the Professor, who just gawked at him.
"No way."
"Yes way."
"No way."
"Yes way."
They hugged each other.
"How?" Asked the Professor, with tears running down his face.
"They saved me."
The Professor looked at the shadows. He sighed. Either thank them for saving his brother, or deny them because they killed his race.
He had made up his mind.
"No mercy. You let me think you were dead."
The Professor started to leave the room with his people trailing behind.
The shadows moved from the walls, and started racing towards the gang.
"RUN!" Yelled the Professor.
They ran.
Hey! Sorry, this one was short too.
Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me until the end. I am so happy to have two hundred reads, you would not believe.
Two more left!!!!!! Read on!!!!!!

ComplicationsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon