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"What did she tell you?" Asked Cher.
"Well, she figured that if the shadows had no idea what a cellphone was, she could keep hers with her. And if Clessa needed help," the Professor pulled out his phone," she can give us a ring. Also, she can report plans, and give us coordinates of the secret hideout."
"Genius." Breathed Emily.
"What if they were faking knowing what a cellphone is?" Piped up Tobias.
"Well, then we will check Clessa's coordinates from where her cellphone was last on."
The room was silent. The Professor walked over to his computer and pressed a few buttons. He raised his eyebrows and pressed a few buttons. His face relaxed.
"Okay, she is fine."
The room stayed silent.
Clessa felt her feet touch the ground with a bang. The teleportation made her a little sick.
"We......are here."
Clessa never got used to its raspy voice. She looked around the room they were in. It was large. A long, red velvet carpet ran across the tile floor. Across the room, the carpet heads up three steps and to a large golden throne. Glass chandeliers hung from the high ceiling. Ornate pictures of scenery hung on the walls. It looked like a throne room from a castle.
The shadow handed Clessa a long, black dress. (See chapter picture click for full pic.) The shadow gestured to a dressing curtain. Clessa went in and changed. She came out wearing a tiara and the dress. Her hair was in an elegant up do, and black feathers were twisted into it.
Clessa walked across in black heels that made her stumble, but after a few steps, she got used to it.
Clessa strolled to the throne and sat down.
"The room...will be......fit.....for......your......outfit."
The shadow swooped around the room. Now, the chandeliers were black. The walls were dark black. The floor was gray, still we the carpet. The pictures turned black, and the chair became a nest of thorns and blackness. Clessa looked around the room and gulped.
The Professor walked around the room, bored.
"What should we do?" Asked Nikki.
"I'll trace the phone."
The Professor walked over to the computer and traced her phone.
"The last place it was active was here. She has not used it."
Clessa's phone was lying in her pants pocket.
Clessa nodded.
Clessa nodded again.
The shadow disappeared from the room.
"Hello? Hello?"
Clessa tried to get up from the chair, but the thorns and branches held her back.
"Um? Shadow? I'm stuck!"
The shadow came back.
"The.....chair....is built....for....you."
"What does that mean?"
"You....are...our eternal.....queen....the...chair....shall.....fit....you....forever."
Clessa struggled to get out of the chair, but the thorns and branches scratched her skin. She yelled for the Professor.
The shadow left Clessa in the room, stuck forever.
"I can track her energy sourced."
Everyone in the room sat, bored. Nearly everyone was curled up in a chair and was asleep.
"Okay. I tracked her. Any volunteers to come?"
Everyone except for Tobias raised their hands.
"Xander, stay here with Tobias." Said the Professor firmly. Xander, knowing it would be pointless, didn't protest.
"Alright ladies, lets go."
The Professor launched the Machine into action.
"So, if I am now your queen, I need to know, why are you at earth?"
"We....came here....for....a...new....home."
"Tell me the real reason."
"Our...dimension bumped...into...yours."
Clessa nodded, and looked down at her black fingernails, and then back at the shadow.
"So, as your queen, what do I need to do?"
The shadow disappeared from the room.
When the Machine landed, the girls/Professor hopped out.
"Pretty castle."
The castle was large, with many towers. Black branches and thorns tangled around the entrances and windows.
"Scary." Breathed Emily as the four started walking towards the castle.
The four soon was walking on a drab black pathway. Cher stepped on a stone, but something flew off of it.
"Don't worry, just a baby shadow." Said the Professor reassuringly.
The four kept on going slowly.
"This is eerie." Said Nikki.
"Yep." Said the Professor, popping the p.
Back in the Machine, all was silent. Tobias and Xander were sitting on separate sides of the room.
Clessa sat uncomfortably in the throne. She shifted her wait. It was first fun being the queen, but now she felt tired and uncomfortable.
Only six days left for you.
Yes. I'll be stuck here.
Stop it.
I have discovered to do more than just mentally control you.
Clessa snapped back into reality, and felt a sharp pain in her head. Soon, she was twitching. Then, shaking. And then, Clessa was moving uncontrollably. She was having a seizure. Clessa felt the thorns digging into her jostling sides.
It hurt.
The man on the other side of the room sighed.
"Yes. She will have powers."
The shadow moved towards the screen. He saw Clessa twitching.
"She's getting more powers."
The shadow gave a raspy laugh.
"The shadows.....will.....dominate." The shadow stretched the last word, and gave an evil cackle.
"The ring the old queen, Coomilla? Whatever. It will help us win this world."
The man moved his shadow body next to the other shadow.
The four finally reached the door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Inside, there was large black tunnels that lead in every direction. A map that was extremely dusty was plastered on the wall.
"She must be in the throne room. Follow me."
The Professor led the gain down the tunnels.
"So, your dad."
"Don't talk about him. He abandoned me."
Xander nodded and turned around to face the wall.
"Your hard to make conversation with, you know." Said Xander.
Tobias snickered.
"So Nikki, does she talk about me?"
"No. Keep dreaming brother."
Tobias sighed and went back over to a chair.
Clessa's seizure finally stopped. Her sides aches from the constant pressure from the branches. She tried to smooth her dress, but if ached to move.
"Servant?" She called. A shadow appeared into the room.
"Get me some water."
The shadow disappeared. Two seconds later, water appeared on her throne.
"Thank you!" Called Clessa.
She sipped the water, and brought her attention back to the room.
The tunnels were dark. Really dark. Twists and turns were everywhere. Thorns jabbed out from the walls.
"Almost there, about five more minutes."
"What do you think they are doing to Clessa?" Asked Cher.
"Worshipping her." Said Emily.
The four continued walking, slowly, and carefully in the dark.
"Are you sure we are going the right way?" Said Cher.
"Yes. Positive.
The throne room was silent. Clesa felt lonely.
"Is this what power does to you?" She muttered.
Clessa leaned back, but was met by thorns.
She sighed, and sat.
"We should go after them." Said Xander.
"*cough* lazy."
Tobias shot Xander a glare.
"Come on."
Tobias slowly reached for his belt, and pulled out a gun. He cocked it, and pointed it at Xander.
"You do what I say."
"What if I don't?"
Tobias shot at the wall.
"I have nothing to live for."
"Oh really. What about Clessa?"
Xander turned bright pink.
"That's what I thought."
"Are we there yet?"
The Professor stopped and gestured towards the ornate black doors.
He opened them.
Clessa was sitting in the throne room, frowning.
"Leave, subjects." Three shadows left.
Clessa smiled warmly at the Professor.
"Dad." She said.
"Come on, let's get out of here." He said.
"I can't."
"I'm here, forever."
So, this chapter I didn't do Shakespeare quote, but I have one. "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."
Thanks for all the reads!

ComplicationsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora