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"Where am I?"
Clessa looked around.
"It's fine, were out," said a familiar voice.
"It hurts to move."
"I know."
Clessa looked up. Her vision was a little bit blurry, but she could see a man. Long coat, blue suit, and sideburns.
"Professor...what happened?"
"You collapsed, and I jammed the door open. You looked dead. It was terrifying. You were almost bleeding."
Told you! Look at his face. Its all bruised.
Not my fault. It's yours.
It is.
Get out of my head!
No. I'll be here. This is a fire that you have lite.
Can I put it out?
"Sorry. What do you need?"
"How are you feeling?"
Clessa tried sitting up, but the pain overwhelmed her.
"Don't move too much."
Clessa could see the pain in the Professor's eyes. He was hurt.
It's all your fault.
Stop it.
You have seven days to live.
I want to spend them with him.
Good luck.
I know who you really love.
She could hear footsteps. The clicks on the Machine floor.
They weren't the Professor's.
Clessa fell asleep.

"Is she okay?"
Clessa could hear voices.
"Yes, lots of pain."
Clessa opened her eyes. She was now on a bed until the Machine.
"Professor," said Clessa weakly.
"Who's there?"
Clessa could see a blurry man. Blonde hair, blue eyes, leather jacket. An extremely bruised face.
"What happened to you?"
"Camilla. I was locked in your closet."
"It's okay. I'm not as beat up as you."
Clessa smiled. Oh how it hurt to smile.
"Go back to sleep now," said the Professor.
Clessa drifted away into a sleep that would bring more than she expected.
In the dream, all of Clessa's bruises were gone. She was sitting by a river, in a blue dress that was the color of the deep sea. Two people in white clothing appeared next to her.
She smiled at them. They were Xander and the Professor.
Clessa opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.
The boys walked over to the river, and jumped into the rushing rapids.
She tried to scream. Nothing. They were drifting away. Clessa felt someone come up from behind her.
"Hello sweetie."
Clessa turned around and saw Camilla. She was wearing a dress the color of blood.
"Your welcome."
Camilla left Clessa crying next to the river.
Soon, she could not even see their bodies. They had floated down the river. Clessa had only one thing to do. She jumped into the river.
Clessa was awake, hyperventilating, and screaming. Tears started coming down her face.
"What's wrong," asked the Professor as he ran into the room.
"J-just a n-nightmare."
Clessa felt her hand shaking.
"Your shaking."
"No I'm not."
"Yes, I see your hand."
See! This is what happens when you lie to him.
I don't want him to fuss.
Well, what if it's a side affect of the Geranium thing.
No way.
Yes way.
Ask him.
Clessa felt like her head was burning.
Clessa started panting and wheezing.
"What's happening," asked the Professor.
Clessa could not respond.
"What's wrong," said the Professor even more firm.
Clessa felt sweat trickle down her forehead.
"My head. It feels like it's on fire. And I'm fighting with myself inside of it. AAAAAAAHHHHGGGG!"
Clessa curled up into a ball.
"Oh no."
"Someone is speeding up the Geranium in your body.... I'm thinking now you only have two days to live."
Clessa kept gasping, but grabbed the Professor's hand.
"It's like someone is lighting a fire inside of you."
Clessa was rapidly blinking, and she felt herself heating up.
"The only way to get out of this is to sleep."
"Please, don't make me sleep."
"The pain is more worse out here than it could be inside your head."
"You don't understand. The dreams are taking my worst fears and making them feel like real life. But out here, I can feel the earth's rotation, every waking second. I can see all of the things that should be here, and what should not be here. And, right now, I should not be in this room."
"I'm sorry."
The Professor started singing a song. It was a song like no other, it made Clessa feel tired, and soon she was asleep.
In the dream, Clessa was inside the Machine. It was in flight. Xander came out of the hall, the Professor right next to him. Then, Camilla came out.
She had a gun.
"Choose which one lives. Then kill the other."
Clessa looked down at her shaking hand.
"And if you shoot me, they both die instantly."
Clessa looked down at the black handgun. Surely, she would never be able to make the choice.
"How should I know that shooting you will kill them both?"
"Do you want to risk their lives?"
Clessa shook her head.
"Good girl."
She cocked the gun, and pointed.
Camilla fell to the ground.
Soon, blood started pouring out from all three of the people on the other side of the room's chests.
Clessa tried to run to them, but something was separating them.
In the next dream, Clessa was in Stacey's room. Stacey was sitting in a pink chair.
"Tee hee! My mummy sure got into your head."
"She's causing you to have these dreams. She's causing the Geranium to speed up! She made you almost die in your house."
"Did she start the Geranium?"
"Oh no. Mummy did not do that. Trust me Clessa Fairway. Worse things are coming your way."
Stacey giggled and started skipping around the room.
"Ring around the Rosie! A pocket full of Posey! Ashes, ashes we all fall down!"
Stacey fell to the floor and started giggling.
"Mummy will see you soon!"
And with that, Clessa fell down.
Awake and alone in her room, Clessa stood up. All of her wounds were healed.
She was wearing the same clothes as before, and a new set was on the nightstand.
Dear Clessa
Here are some things to wear. I had to go and take care of some things but Xander will be taking care of you.
Clessa put the note down. All of a sudden the Professor trusted Xander with her life. It was peculiar.
She looked at the clothes. A simple blue t-shirt, jeans, looked comfy. She quickly slipped them on and went back to her bed.
So, the Professor trusts Xander.
I guess so.
With your life.
Not really.
Maybe the Professor was so sick of you that he needed to get out of this dingy time machine.
No, sick of us.
Two shay.
Maybe he wanted to track down that witch Camilla.
He would've taken Xander.
This is the first calm conversation we have ever had.
I guess so.
Clessa stood up off of the bed, and walked to the door.
"Woo! Cold ground."
The door was closed, and she opened it. In the hall, there were many.
Clessa rounded the corner. The main room in the Machine was empty.
No one was there. There was a note on the panel.
Dear Clessa
Went out for a bit, the Professor will look after you.
Clessa sighed.
She was all alone in the giant Machine, recovering, with no one to look after her.
Then, a flash of light appeared.
Clessa could not make out the figure.
"No, an old friend."
Then, Clessa was face to face with someone who she never wanted to see again.
"I am here for my blood deposit."
Camilla laughed.

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