The Man is Back

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Clessa looked at Simon for comfort.
"Should I call the police?"
Clessa was sobbing.
Simon fumbled in his pocket for a phone, and quickly jammed in 911.
"911 what is your emergency?"
"Hi I'm at apartment 88 on the corner of first and third. Me and my friend were in a bedroom and soon we heard a crash, and then her parents...were gone."
"Alright I'll have someone over right away."
"What did she say?"
Simon was about to say something when Clessa interrupted him.
Clessa started sobbing. She covered her face with her hands and sunk to the floor.
"They are sending someone over in about eight minutes."
Clessa nodded. She took some deep breaths, and calmly stood up.
"I hope they are okay."
"Me too. And I bet they are."
Clessa reached for Simon, who quickly embraced her in a hug.
"It'll be fine."
"How do you know?"
"Because, I know your parents are tough and amazing. They will make it."
Sirens were heard off in the distance, and then gradually coming closer.
Clessa got out of Simon's hug and walked over to her door.
Soon the police were there, and everything after that was a blur.
"Squadron eight reporting for duty. Men, search the house."
Clessa watched the police scatter around her house, and her world seemed as if it was going in slow mo.
The men were yelling at each other, and then someone approached her.
"Are you alright?"
Clessa shook her head.
"Can I ask you two a few questions?"
They nodded. The woman gestures for the two to enter into the hall, which they obediently did.
"So, what happened."
Simon spoke first.
"We were in Clessa's room talking, and then all of a sudden a crash was heard from the kitchen, and then a scream. When we reached the kitchen, her parents were gone."
"Was there anyone else in the apartment?"
"No," said pale faced Clessa.
"Thank you for your time," said the detective as she walked into the apartment.
"What now?"
Simon shook his head. Then, like a miracle, the man showed up.
"Am I late?"
Knowing what to do, Clessa walked over and whispered a word into the ear of the man.
"Oh. I am so sorry. Come with me."
The man grabbed Clessa's arm and dragged her down the hall.
She soon forgot about all of her troubles, and all of her problems.
"You make me feel like everything is okay."
He stopped and turned towards Clessa, and said, "I have that effect on some people."
They raced to a box, a white box, tall, with streaks of rainbow. It had a door. The man gestures for Clessa to enter.
"It's beautiful."
"I can make it look like anything you'd like."
"Make it look like the stars."
The man nodded and entered his box. He quickly flicked a few switches and pressed some buttons, making whizzing noises and thumping sounds. A large flash came and soon the box looked like the stars.
The man hopped out.
Clessa giggles and clapped, completely forgetting her missing parents.
"Now, back to some more serious stuff. Your parents."
Clessa looked away.
"I don't want to talk about it."
The man grabbed Clessa's shoulders and turned her to face him.
"I know this is extremely hard and a very touchy subject but this event leads to the very future of the earth so I am going to need you to cooperate in every way I can. Okay?"
"Alright. What do you need?
"What did it sound like when your parents disappeared?"
"A loud crash, and then a scream."
"Good. Now I think I know where your parents went. We just need to investigate the disappearance of Camilla Brown."
"What do you mean we? And who is Camilla Brown?"
"Lots of questions. Now I have one, are you coming or not?"
Clessa grinned. The man reached out for her hand, and she grabbed it.
As he guided her into the starry ship, Clessa looked around.
"It's bigger on the inside?"
"Yes. Quite a science actually."
"I'll explain later but now," the man walked around a giant control center in the middle,"Camilla Brown. Camilla Brown, sort of looks like your mother, with the jet black hair and bright green eyes. Any who, she had a disappearance rather like your parents except was never found. If we investigate now, I think the clues will lead to finding your parents."
"But why are my parents so important?"
The man looked up from his controls.
"I can't tell you now, but soon we will find out."
"Okay first, I have a couple of questions."
The man, who looked utterly relaxed, sat down in a chair.
"Go on. Ask away."
"What is this thing?"
"Glad you asked! It's my time machine. Well, it can also take me anywhere I want to go. Bigger on the inside and can change into anything so random people won't notice."
" old are you?"
"That question really cannot be answered. I travel through the stars an time, so I eventually lost track of my age. And while I may look old, my features are from the different places I visit."
"Are you some sort of alien?"
"...Yes. My race is also known as Shadow Searchers. I'm one of the last."
"Are you the last?"
"I don't know, but never have I ever seen another one."
"What about your family?"
"Once you travel as much as me, some things you have to choose to forget."
"Oh jut give me a different question."
" you have a wife?"
"No. She died a while back. What a lovely gal indeed. She was a Shadow Hunter, now us Shadow Searchers are like their cousins, but instead of hunting demons, we go to the past, present, or future and fix things that were never supposed to happen, but happened. That's why we are called Shadow Searchers because we search for shadows in time. Sort of like a Time Lord except way more than that."
"Did you have any kids?"
The man looked stricken.
"Well, I did. A son and a daughter. They died along with my wife, in a demon fight."
"You must really trust me to tell everything to me."
"Yes I do trust you."
"What is your name?"
"I go by Professor."
"Really? That's your name?"
"No, but I go by that. My name is old, distinguished, an a secret."
"Did you ever tell anyone?"
"My wife. That was it."
"Why do you trust me so much?"
"I know everything about you. But that is just another story."
"Will I learn soon?"
Soon Clessa got a ring on her cellphone. It was Simon.
"Where are you Cless?"
"Out and about."
"The officers need you."
"Tell them I'll be back soon. What do they need?"
"Oh nothing I just wanted you to come back."
"Kay gotta go byyyyyeeee!"
Clessa hung up the phone before Simon could say anything else to her.
"Alright here we are! Camilla Brown's house."

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