Name of the Professor

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Emily whimpered. The Professor gasped.
"" Said Emily slowly.
The Professor peaked around a black curtain, revealing a large room. There was a human looking person standing in a silver jumpsuit. It was Emily. The girl she was giving the games to was Clessa.
"Get back Professor!" Whisper yelled Emily.
"I'll explain." She said.
The Professor nodded, and tuned out the game show.
"Okay, so, a while back, the game show tried to kidnap all of my friends. We thought we had defeated all of the droids, but one was still alive. It grabbed me and teleported me here, planted a chip into my head, and forced me to do these horrid killing game shows."
"What about Clessa?"
"The game show hand selected her. It was about to kill her when Donna came and (Emily swallowed back tears) saved us."
The Professor nodded and listened back to the game show.
"Incorrect. You will be deleted."
Emily grabbed his arm to force him to not go out.
"Donna saves her."
The Professor peeked out, and saw the bullet flying. Then, he saw Donna. He grabbed Clessa's hand and disappeared to the other side of the room.
The Professor looked away from the room.
"Told yah."
"But why would the Machine tell u to go here?" The Professor thought long and hard.
He heard from the other side of the room Donna disappearing with Emily and Clessa.
"Alright. I think I figured it out. So, Clessa must have gotten to the games somehow. I'm guessing a link from the Machine. But, stuff can go both ways. I am thinking that something is going back through the Machine."
"What?" Asked Cher.
"Let's look." Said the Professor.
The Professor peaked around the corner. He saw a tall lady with her blonde hair pulled back into a bun. The ladies eyes were chocolaty brown. The lady walked over to the wall farthest away from the Professor. She tapped the wall. A window appeared. The lady dropped a sleek silver container into the window, straightened her black suit, and walked back towards the middle.
"Hey! That's my Machine you are dumping....whatever that is into!"
The lady turned towards the Professor.
"Incorrect. You aren't suppose to be here. Time shows the Professor is in his Machine." The lady had a smooth robotic voice.
"Yeah, but that Machine can travel in time. Who are you?"
"I am Elisa Cooke. I run Gateway Enterprises."
"Is your husband Kent?"
"Yes. My past husband." Elisa had swift robotic movements.
"Have you always been a robot?"
"I am devoted to my trade."
"Have you always been a robot?"
"I am devoted to my trade sir."
Clessa, Cher, Nikki, and Xander stepped out from behind the curtain.
The Professor started putting things together. Gateway games, Gateway broccoli, it all meant something. Gateway, like a door. The games and the broccoli must be starts to something huge.
"The shadows are coming. You won't be able to stop them." Said the robot.
"What's so bad about the shadows?" Asked the Professor.
"They will make the world dark. It will be so beautiful." The lady laughed.
She looked so human, but she was a robot.
"How are you a robot?" Asked the Professor.
"You see, the Creator configured me into a robot to run Gateway, but he always had the upper hand. So, I laid him to permanent rest and took over."
Elisa exploded into giggles.
The Professor looked at her with his eyes wide.
"Let's start the games. Contestants, to the podiums."
The five obliged.
"Welcome to the Gateway Games. A game show for our friends across the galaxy. I am your host, Elisa Cooke. The rules are simple. I will ask each of you one question. If you answer it correctly, then you get to leave. But, if you answer it incorrectly, delete." Elisa smiled and looked from person to person.
"This is sick!" Whispered Cher.
"First question....for Emily. Where is the moon of Karatyul?"
" the coast of Kolip?
"Correct. Next question....for Cher. When does the common earth year end?"
"December 31."
"Correct. Emily, what is ten plus three?"
"Correct. Xander, how old is Yolapap?"
"Six thousand seven hundred ninety two years old."
"Correct. Professor." Elisa stared at the Professor. She started twitching.
"'t....exist.....shadow searchers.....died.....out......"
She kept twitching, then malfunctioning.
"Incorrect delete correct what is I am your host correct delete human game show games incorrect." Elisa was going to fast for herself. Soon, she started falling to the ground. But, our great Professor ran over and caught her.
"Sh sh sh sh. Your fine."
Elisa had her eyes closed, but, even as a robot, you could see her chest very slightly, heaving up and down.
"Whats happening?" Asked Cher.
"She's configuring back to human." Said Emily.
"What?" Asked the Professor.
"She was never meant to be a host, but the same programming goes into each robot they make. So, it is written in the programs that after you host one show, you go back to being human. Even though she had higher duties, she is going to be human again." Said Emily.
All of the eyes in the room were on Elisa. They watched as she started barely glowing. Her eyes started slowly opening. She looked human, not robotic.
"What happened?" She asked.
"You are human again." Said the Professor smiling.
"Where is my games? My Gateway Games?"
"They are here. You accidentally hosted one. Your human." Said Emily.
Elisa moaned.
"No. My pretty games."
Elisa had a faraway look in her eyes. Tears were streaming down her now human face. Elisa was bent, limply on the Professor's arms. She wiped her tears.
"I need to be a robot again...please."
"I can't let you do that." Said the Professor softly. He stroked her blonde hair, and made her rest.
"Stay here."
The Professor let her rest in his arms.
"Please." She whispered.
"I can't. It's much more worse than this."
Elisa forced herself out of the Professor's grasp. She started gasping, and freaking out.
Elisa walked around the podiums, looking for something to change her back to a robot.
"You can't go back." Said the Professor.
Elisa wiped away her tears, and looked up at him.
"I have nothing left except for this. Please."
The Professor reluctantly shook his head. Elisa pace even more nervously.
"Even if you tried to go back, the transformation would kill you."
"My database showed you were a Shadow Searcher. But....they are extinct. How are you standing here in front of me?"
The Professor put on a grim smile. He didn't answer.
"What's your name?"
The Professor leaned in and whispered into her ear. Her expression turned grave. She looked up at the Professor with sad eyes.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered.
The Professor nodded and turned away from Elisa. He immediately regretted telling her that, but what's done is done. Now, a stranger who was a robot and on the opposing side of their battle knew his name.
"What is your name, Professor?"
The Professor looked at the group of kids in that room.
"My name, is Time."
Hey, so what should I do with Elisa? Make her and the Professor fall in love, an then betrayal? Love no betrayal? She configures herself to a robot then dies? Goes back to the games as human? Leave a comment please PS, no more Shakespeare quotes, I am running out.

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