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A bright light filled the room that Giselle was standing in. The girls came in.
"Hey guys," squealed Giselle.
"Hey Gis," they responded simultaneously.
The girls came in and hugged each other. After about ten seconds, they headed over to the couches.
"Okay girl, what happened with Clessa," asked Nikki.
"Yeah, what did happen," asked Cher.
Giselle sighed and ran her fingers through her curly blonde hair.
"Well...she was being really defiant. She ran out, and then locked herself in the bathroom. Then, I was asleep. She left."
"Are you okay," asked Cher.
Ha! You think they care.
They do, they are my best friends.
Shut up you head parasite.
Remember? I'm like an eternal fire. Well, more or less.
Leave for just today.
Okay...just kidding!
Nikki shook Giselle's shoulders.
"What happened," asked Cher, looking confused.
"N-nothing. Really it's nothing."
The girls gave her a look.
"Spill," said Nikki.
"Well, there's this my head...and it keeps on pulling me into mental conversations. Then, it twists the situation that I am in. And, I can't stop it," Giselle was shaking.
(Quick explanation. Giselle and her friends go to an interstellar school together. That's why they seem alien. Xander goes to a different school, but it kind of has the same principles but Giselle's is more like a boarding school.)
"Are you serious?"
Giselle nodded. The two girls' jaws dropped.
"Is there any way to stop it?"
"No...actually... I really am not sure. The same thing is happening to Clessa."
"But doesn't she have the Geranium code? Do you have it? I'm worried for you," said Cher.
"I know it's not the Geranium. Numbers would have been showing up by now."
"Good," said Nikki.
"What's the plan to get Clessa back," asked Cher.
"We need to get to the Professor, come on," said Giselle.
Giselle led the way to the door. She opened it.
"Let's go."
The three girls left the room and headed straight for the control room.
"Clessa Fairway has answered wrong, she will be deleted."
Emily pulled something out of her pocket that looked like a gun.
"Delete," said her robotic voice.
As if the world was going in slow motion, Clessa could see the bullet coming for her. Then, a flash of light appeared. A girl with red hair stepped out. She grabbed Clessa's hand, and disappeared again.
The next thing Clessa knew was that she was at the other end of the starry room, with a girl that long red hair, and brown eyes.
Clessa stood there, speechless.
"Hey," said the girl," I'm Donna. Donna Halle."
The girl was wearing black leggings, and a dark purple jacket.
"I'm Clessa."
"Yeah, I know."
"You have no right to just barge in," said Clessa with a sudden outburst of anger.
"Well, I kind of saved your life."
Donna started walking over to Emily.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Donna. Sixteen years old. I know Giselle. We go to the same school."
"Why are you here?"
"I was sent, on an assignment. Giselle had the same on, as did Nikki, Cher, and...Emily."
"Nikki? Cher?"
Clessa started walking with Donna.
"Yeah. Girls. Nice ones. My best friends"
"Emily was in the school?"
"Yeah. Then the station made her come, gave her temporary amnesia, and made her run this sick game show designed to 'delete' certain people."
Clessa gulped and nodded.
"I was sent here because you escaped Gis's grasp. You put everyone in danger."
Donna rushed over to Emily's side.
"Em? It's me...Donna," Donna had a tear running down her cheek.
Emily moaned, and rubbed her forehead.
"My hurts."
"I know. But we need to get to Nikki and Cher."
"Why did they choose Emily for a host?"
"They tried to grab us all, but when we thought all of the drones were dead, one grabbed Em."
"I'm sorry."
Donna lifted up Emily, but motioned for Clessa to help. Donna pressed a button on her watch.
Soon, the three were in the room were Clessa and Giselle had been. Donna pressed another button on her watch.
"Girls, I got Emily and Clessa."
No response.
"They must be on assignment."
"You talk really fast."
"And a lot."
Nikki, Cher, and Giselle were all speeding into the control room. In there, they met up with Xander and the Professor.
"Woah, who are the ladies," asked Xander.
"Shut up," said Nikki and Cher at the same time.
"Friends from school. Look, Clessa escaped. She's on Gateway Games. They sent Donna out to retrieve her, and everything is just fine."
"You need to get back with her," said the Professor.
"I know she's your daughter, but she's fine," said Giselle kindly.
The Professor sighed and nodded.
"I'm Nikki, this is Cher."
The girls waved at the Professor and Xander.
"Sup, ladies," said Xander as he leaned back in his chair.
The chair fell over.
"Nice try boo," said Nikki.
Cher gave Xander a look.
"Anyways, we came to help you fight Camilla and Kent," said Cher bravely.
The Professor tossed them some of the 'guns.'
"Now, we wait."
"Where could Giselle be," asked Clessa under her breath.
"I'm not sure," said Donna.
Clessa spun around to see Donna helping Emily stand up.
"How are you feeling?"
"Better. I only have a headache."
Donna smiled.
"Clessa, can you reach into my bag and grab out the Tylenol?"
Clessa nodded and dug through a small yellow bag. She pulled out a white an yellow can labeled Tylenol.
"Thanks," said Donna with a smile towards Clessa.
Back in the control room, Nikki, Cher, Giselle, Professor, and Xander were all sitting, in awkward silence.
"So.... how about that airplane food?"
Nikki and Cher grinned at the Professor's effort to break the silence.
" are Clessa's dad?" Asked Cher.
"Yep." Said the Professor, popping the p.
The two girls nodded. Before anyone could say anything else, a flash of light appeared.
"Hello sweeties." Said a familiar voice.
Back in the room, Emily was fully nursed back to health.
"No prob."
Then, the room shook. Donna stood up.
"What was that?"
"Come on, let's go check it out." Said Emily, as she ran to the door.
Donna turned around towards Clessa, who was standing frozen in the middles of the room.
"Stay here."
Emily ran out of the door, Donna following. She still did not trust Clessa, so Donna locked the door behind her.
Clessa rushed to the door, but it wouldn't open. She banged and pounded and screamed, no one could hear her.
Emily and Donna stumbled into the bright room.
"Oh I see you brought friends! So did I!"
Camilla looked from Cher, to Nikki, to Donna, to Giselle, to Xander, to Emily, then to the Professor. She was searching for fear, but found none.
"Ohhhhhhhh Kent!" Sang Camilla.
Another flash of light appeared, revealing Kent, and another man.
"Who'd you bring?" Whispered Camilla.
"My son, Tobias." Snarled Kent.
Tobias had blonde hair like Xander's, but more flowing. He had sharp gray eyes, and a very pale face.
"But he's sixteen!" Cried Cher.
"Yeah, I guess I am."
Nikki stood, gawking at Tobias. Tobias smiled shyly at her.
Emily came over to Nikki elbowed her in the ribs.
"No, we're here for our...deposit." Said Camilla with a grin.
The Professor walked protectively in front of the five girls and Xander.
"We'll stop you."
"And I believe that." Said Kent sarcastically.
The Professor grabbed out a stun gun, and shot Tobias. Giselle sped over to him, and dragged him to the opposite side of the room.
"Now, leave my daughter alone, and I'll leave your son alone."
Kent turned pale. Camilla pursed her lips.
"What?" Asked Kent.
"I said, no."
Camilla pulled out her gun and shot Kent. He turned into a pile of dust.
Everyone, accept for the Professor, Giselle, and Xander cried silently for Tobias's loss.
"Now." Said Camilla. She pulled out her gun again, and shot Giselle.

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