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The Professor dropped the note.
"They are back, but how?" He whispered.
Clessa looked at her dad.
"What are back?"
The Professor handed Clessa the note to read aloud. The room was silent, except for Nikki.
"Fat lot of use that was for. We can't even run."
Clessa shot a look towards her.
"I said that out loud? Sorry."
Everyone in the room was silent, real silent.
"Professor, what are the shadows?" Asked Emily.
"They are a beast, no figure, but a shadow. The shadows are a jealous race, they want to become the darkest shadow. But, to do that, they must feed off of something else to be added to the darkness. Scientifically, they are known as the Shadowcillion, but we call them the shadows. My only question is, how are they here? They live in a whole different dimension."
"Maybe, there dimension bumped into ours."
"What?" Asked Cher.
"Well, maybe their dimension bumped into ours."
The Professor gave himself a face palm.
"Oh! Why didn't I see this before?"
"What?" Asked Clessa impatiently.
"Well, you know how I was basically the only Shadow Searcher? For all of history, my legend was passed down, as me being a lonely hero."
"*cough* self absorbed." Said Emily.
"Shh! Any Who, my race is supposed to be immortal, so it was like that. A man traveling through time that was immortal. History knee that. BUT. When all of a sudden a girl Shadow Searcher shows up," the Professor gestured to Clessa," history gets confused. And then on top of that, the girl Shadow Searcher can die. Time is so confused that it is letting the fabric of itself leak through other things."
"Your saying?"
"That...time is letting enemies from completely other eras through. Camilla is not the worst problem right now."
The room was silent. Tobias came into
the room.
"I have not been eavesdropping." He said.
Tobias pressed a button on his watch. Camilla appeared into the room.
"Tob? What do you nee-."
Tobias pulled put a disintegrating gun, and shot Camilla. She fell like a heap of dust to the door.
"What was that for?" Yelled the Professor.
"Now, she isn't an issue."
Tobias scanned the room with his gray eyes.
"Shut up."
"Don't tell him to shut up. He only tried to help!" Protested Nikki.
"I admire your courage, but that is no excuse for killing someone."
Nikki's cheeks flushed bright pink.
The Professor sighed, and ran his fingers through his brown hair.
"Okay, we do have bigger problems on our hands." And with that, the Professor left the room.
Xander followed, with Nikki, Clessa, and Emily trailing behind. Tobias stopped Cher.
"Do you think I did a bad thing?"
"No derp."
Cher shoved her way past Tobias, and headed after her friends.
"The shadows. Hard killers but easy to stop. All they need to be stopped is light. Precise light. Moon light. I have a moonlight doo-hickey. So, if we can bring the leader here, and kill him, it will kill his followers."
Clessa nodded.
"Whaaaaaa?" Asked Xander.
The Professor sighed.
"We lure big shadow. Kill it. All of its friends are dead." Said Cher.
Xander nodded.
"What else could leak through?"
The Professor shrugged.
"Now we wait." He said.
The gang sat in the control room, waiting. Time ticked by.
"Is this how time usually passes? Really...really slow." Said the Professor with his hands in his knees.
(Doctor who reference.😊)
Clessa stared at her dad, and grinned. Just in time for her to feel a breeze of cold on her neck. She turned around,
but no one was there. Clessa ran her hand over her neck, and turned back to the door.
"Bored. Boring. Really bored. B-b-b-b-bored." Said the Professor.
Clessa gave him a look that said shut-up-before-I-make-you. Then, Clessa felt something towering over her.
"Guys?" She said weakly.
"Yep?" Said The Professor popping the p.
"Found our shadow."
The Professor looked at Clessa, and his eyes grew wide.
"Okay. Stand very still." He pulled a flashlight out of his pocket.
Clessa gulped, and felt darkened falling over her.
This is the end.
Don't say that.
It is.
It's not. The Professor will save me. It'll be fine.
Ha, keep telling yourself that. The shadow will hurt. Every cell will be compressed into darkness.
"Stop it." Said Clessa out loud. Tears were streaming down her face.
The Professor looked at her, and then back to his task.
"Stop what?" Asked Xander softly.
"My head. It hurts." Moaned Clessa.
Xander started walking towards her.
"Don't," said the Professor, not even looking away from his task.
"Why? She's in pain." Said Xander.
"If you touch her, she could die. Even the slightest movement in this room puts us in danger." Whispered the Professor.
Xander stopped. It seemed as time itself in the room had stopped. The Professor was busy tracing the outline of the shadow with his light. Nikki, Cher, and Emily stood, barely breathing.Tobias stood nonchalantly at the Machine door, gazing into space.
All that was heard in the room was the buzz of the Professor's flashlight.
He exhaled, and clicked off the flashlight.
"We are good." He whispered.
No one in the room moved, despite hat the Professor had said. Everyone was scanning the room for a shadow.
"If no one is going to move then....LALALALLALALALALA!" The Professor started screaming and running around the control panel.
"See? Nothing happened."
As if speak of the devil, the Machine's lights started flashing, and it jerked left and right. Everyone struggled to hold onto something.
"YEAH! EVERYTHING IS FINE!" Yelled Cher over the noise.
The lights continued to go crazy. stopped. The Machine turned dark...and still. No one even dared to breath.
"Now, if the shadows still in here, we would not be able to tell, so I want you all to stand very still." Whispered the Professor. He started to slowly walk over to a dark shape in the corner.
"Dad? What are you doing?"
"Just wait."
The Professor got to the thing in the corner. He jostled around in his pocket, and then flicked a few switches.
Soon, the room was full of bright light.
"HA HA! COME ON OUT YAH BIG BEAST! OH, AND I AM PREPARED! COME ON! COME AND GET THIS SEXY BEAST!" Yelled the Professor as he gestured to himself. Which earned a grin from Clessa.
Nothing happened.
"Dang. I thought no one could resist me."
Everyone in that room except for Tobias stifled their laughs. Tobias kept the same expression.
"Huh." The Professor pouted.
Then, like out of nowhere, the shadow appeared into light. It started wailing, trapped in the pain.
We have got to help it!
I'm the only one with a body. Yah could say please.
Help it! It's getting tortured. killed Donna.
Yes, but does that give us a right to kill it?
It could kill millions!
Please. Help it.
Clessa forced herself out of her mind, and located the of switch. The creature was wailing, in so much pain. Such nothing had so much pain. Clessa felt empathetic, and without thinking, dashed for the spotlight.
"What are you do-."
The Professor was cut off by Clessa flicking the switch to off. All the light came back into the room.
Clessa looked up at the shadow, it was dangling. Then, it spook with a raspy voice.
" have saved us"
Clessa looked up at her dad, he was lightly shaking his head.
"What if I don't?"
"Please....if you do....we'll leave the human race alone."
She mouthed 'i have to!'
"Cellphone." Said Clessa to the beast.
"What is that?"
Clessa leaned into her dad's ear. He hid a smile, and reluctantly gave her to the shadow.
And with that, the creature and Clessa teleported out. Leaving everyone else to wait.

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