This way

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They all rushed down and plunged into the darkness.
The gang followed the Professor through utter darkness. The shadows, trailing behind, made the tunnels feel cold.
Xander POV
The Professor raced down the halls. True, he had no idea where we were going, but he made it seem so.
I looked over at Clessa. She showed no pain from what had happened to her.
She's tough.
And beautiful.
Professor POV
I led the group down the halls through twists and turns, hoping to find the Machine.
No luck.
I kept running though. It was probably the thing I was best at. I could feel the shadows racing behind us. I didn't care that History was still alive. He let me think he was dead.
And now he's evil.
If I had to choose between him or Clessa, I'd pick Clessa.
I really hate him right now.
Clessa POV
I followed dad down the musty halls, and tried to forget all about the stuff that had happened before.
I have one day to live.
One day.
And I'm spending it running.
I look over at Xander. He looks dad.
One day to live.
Yes. One day.
Get out! I never want to talk to you ever again.
That's a lie. I am the only one who understands you. What you are going through. What we are going through.
Shut up. Just shut up.
I gathered all the force I could to pull myself out of that. The last thing I needed right now was that.
No mom.
A day to live.
Killing machines chasing me.
And basically my whole life is a lie.
Serious complications.
Cher POV
We raced through the musty halls, we ran from those shadows.
Those lying shadows.
They take so much and expect everything for themselves.
I speed up.
Nikki POV
The Professor lead us down the halls. I was surprised at how much I trust him. It's unreal.
I would put my life in his hands.
I put my life in his hands.
I trust this man.
This space man.
This alien.
This running man.
This Professor.
This king of time.
Emily POV
We raced down the halls. Left left right left right right right right right left right. Ugh.
I then remembered that the flashlight in my pocket is moonlight. I could kill the shadows.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my flashlight.
Third person POV
Emily turned on her flashlight. The shadows cringed.
They cheered.
All too soon.
A shadow dove for Xander. He couldn't move in time.
He stumbled to the floor. Clessa raced over to him. His body lie motionless on the ground.
"Xander?" She asked.
He weakly opened his eyes.
"Hey." He said.
"Your dying." Said Nikki. Emily elbowed her.
"Yeah. Clessa...?"
"Yeah?" She let tears spill over her eyes.
"I love you."
"I love you too." She said.
Xander smiled, and then he died.
Everyone was silent. No one wanted to believe that Xander was dead.
Everyone looked for his stomach to start heaving up and down.
It didn't.
"Clessa...we have to leave him here."
She wiped her tears.
"We can't." She sobbed.
The Professor leaned down next to his daughter, and grabbed her shoulder. He lightly pulled her away from Xander's body, and kept them walking.
Professor POV
I could see the sadness in Clessa's eyes.
She looked extremely sad, and torn.
I can't take Xander.
But it breaks Clessa's heart.
Third person POV
The gang slowly walked down the halls. Soon, they rounded a corner and saw the starry Machine. The Professor walked over to the door and opened it.
Everyone sadly walked in. Clessa stood in the middle of the room.
She felt a strange sensation sweeping over her body.
Soon, she shot up in the air. Clessa was floating on a black cloud. Lightning was streaming from her fingers, and her eyes were gold.
"The powers are here." She said in a raspy voice.
Yes. Yes they are.
Hey! I'm so excited!
One more chapter!
But I'm also sad.

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