The end

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The room was completely silent.
"I have the powers now. Granted from the man called History. Lightning, power, and the control of time and what happens."
The Professor gawked at Clessa.
"I have a days time left. But I will spend them in power." She said.
"The Geranium Code."
Clessa teleported them to a room where History and several shadows were.
"SHE IS HERE!" Exclaimed History.
"I will not only destroy the humans, but all of reality. The world will be mine. And I will start with the shadows."
She swiped her hand in front of her, and all the shadows disappeared.
"Let me worship you." Said History.
"You gave me gifts, I give you mercy. You give me the Geranium code, I give you death. Both sides are equally balanced. But I only bring destruction. I am not meant to save, I am meant to destroy. No one is safe."
She swept her hand and with that, History fell to the floor.
"He's dead. Don't bother trying to save him."
Clessa shot up to the ceiling. She swiped her hand, revealing darks clouds. She gave a light blow, and the clouds made pictures.
The pictures showed destruction.
"YOU HAVE TO KILL HER!" Yelled Nikki over all of the noise.
The Professor looked reluctantly at his daughter.
Then, out of the blue, an old enemy showed up.
"I'm back." He grinned.
"I came for her. She's going to die today, and I want to be the cause." Said Simon.
"No!" The Professor pulled out a gun and shot Simon.
He fell as a pile of dust.
"Los Angeles...gone. Houston....gone. Baton Rouge....gone." Clessa laughed. She was killing mass cities.
The Professor had a plan.
"What are you doing?" Asked Cher.
"I have a plan. If I shoot this form, maybe, just maybe, the real Clessa will come back."
"She has a day to live!" Exclaimed Emily.
"I don't want her to be a monster for the rest of them."
The Professor, reluctantly, shot. The thing that was Clessa fell to the ground. They all rushed over to her.
"Clessa?" Asked the Professor bending over her.
"Yeah?" Clessa opened her eyes, revealing them to still be gold.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm dying." She said, crying.
The Professor wiped his tears and looked at his daughter.
"I know, if you could just hold on-."
"I can't. You know I can't. Just know that, I love you."
The Professor nodded, and cradled his daughter.
She blinked her golden eyes one last time, and then died.
"She died....not even knowing what happened." Said the Professor, sobbing.
"Not knowing that someone made her many humans." Said Cher.
"Or that Simon came back." Added Nikki.
"Or that...we loved her."
"Professor?" Asked Cher softly.
"Yeah?" He said, trying to appear strong.
"She's up there. With Giselle, Xander, and Reagan. They'll look after her."
The Professor nodded.
Then, one shadow appeared. And another.
The Professor looked up.
"You killed my daughter. I'll be back."
And with that remark, the Professor left the room.
And that's the end of my story!
Thanks to everyone who stuck with me!
Okay, so you are probably guessing that there is going to be a sequel.
It will be started on at July 1st, 2015.
Once again, thank you all!
Keep on reading!

ComplicationsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora