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"You see, the Geranium Code is measured by time. But! Time can be rewritten. You see, the Geranium Code is like a living, breathing thing. It can penetrate into the wrinkles of time, as change things. But! This Geranium Code set on you, is malfunctioning. Like, something is making things happen to early, or you confuse it. So, all of the events planned in the future for you, are coming down in a rapid spiral. But! Since we now know you are a Shadow Searcher, you are basically time's bff. So, time is trying to hold back, but let's some things out."
"But, if it's holding back, why'd you say it was after me?"
"Well, it's after you inadvertently. So, technically, time is after you."
Clessa looked as though she was going to cry, but held it back. Instead, she laughed.
"Why are you laughing?" Asked Cher.
"Because if I didn't, I would cry."
Nikki leaned against the frame of the door that was Tobias's.
"Hey." She said with her hands in her pockets.
"Hey." Said Tobias flatly. He never turned from facing the wall.
Nikki walked over to him, and sat down on the bed with a bounce.
"What's up?" Asked Nikki, popping the p.
"What's up? Nothing."
Tobias stared out his window. Nikki scooted closer to him.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"My dad. He just...left me."
"I find the whole bad boy forbidden love thing-."
Nikki nodded. Tobias tried to hide his smile.
"It's like a movie." Said Nikki.
Tobias nodded, and laced his fingers between Nikki's.
Emily and Cher walked over to Clessa, and hugged her, trying to comfort.
"You know what you need?" Asked Emily.
"Some girl talk." Said Cher with a grin.
Clessa hesitated.
"Come on! A little gossip never hurt anyone!" Pleaded Cher.
Before Clessa could protest, the girls had grabbed her wrists and were half way down to the north wing.
"Wait." Clessa stopped.
"What?" Said the other girls simultaneously.
"Where's Nikki?"
"I'll go find her." Volunteered Cher.
"Okay, we'll be in...."
"Go to the east hall, third door on your right." Said the Professor.
Emily drug Clessa to the east hall, and Cher went to the north hall.
"You know, your eyes are really pretty." Said Tobias.
Nikki blushed.
Tobias looked into Nikki's eyes, and thy both slowly leaned in for a kiss. Nikki did not protest. Soon, there lips met. Nikki felt that the world was passing through her lips.
"Hey Tobias have you seen Nikki? We can't find her anyw-." Cher stumbled into the room.
"Oh! I see what your doing here!"
Cher walked over to the two that were to busy kissing to notice her. Cher hesitated, and then started slapping Tobias's arm that was holding on to Nikki's cheek.
"Get off!"
Cher slapped Tobias's face. He pulled back from Nikki, and grabbed his cheek where Cher had slapped.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"For rubbing your bad boy lips all over Nikki's!"
Cher angrily groaned, and slapped Tobias again.
"What was that for?"
"Being stupid!"
Cher grabbed Nikki's arm and led her out of the room.
"Go to the east hall, third door on your right." Cher pushed Nikki in the direction she was supposed to go to. And then angrily looked back to Tobias, who was smiling.
"Wipe that grin off of your face."
Tobias laughed, and then turned serious.
"Don't ever do that again."
"No promises."
Cher shifted he weight to a sassy stance.
"Okay! I won't! Just don't slap me!"
"Good. And if you even lay a finger on her-."
"I won't, I promise."
Cher stormed out of the room.
"Girl talk time!"
Emily sang and flopped onto the couch. Clessa looked around the room. The room was painted bright green. The ceiling was really white, but had a gold light fixture. A window was at the wall of the back room that had ocean blue curtains, and looked into space. Couches were scattered across the room, but Emily selected the one in the middle.
"I don't really do girl talk."
"Me neither. This is actually just a time to plan."
Clessa smiled.
Told you! They don't care about you.
Yes, they do.
No, she just wants to plan.
Shut up.
I'm in charge, you know that.
Well, I'm my own person.
Clessa forced herself out of her mind, and looked back to Emily. Nikki and Cher had just showed up on the couch too.
"Ok... to the planning!" Said Clessa.
"What happened?"
"The mind thing."
The three girls nodded.
"Okay, when Camilla comes back, she won't have Kent. But, we have Tobias. And Tobias knows their plans. So, I figure, we force a little bit of the plan out of him, send Camilla a message with it, and tell her that we know blah blah blah and more. So, she will think Tobias told her all of the plans, and she'll come for him." Said Nikki.
"Just one flaw. Said Clessa.
"What's that?" Asked Cher.
"What if, instead of coming for him, she completely changes her mind, and creates a new plan."
"True. But, it is likely that she will come. Anger can change a person." Said Emily.
"Why did Tobias try to kiss you?" Asked Cher.
"Hold up! What now?" Asked Emily.
"When I went looking for this bloke I walked in on a little make out session."
Nikki sat, quietly.
"It takes two people go kiss." Said Clessa quietly.
The girls stared at Nikki.
"You let him kiss you?" Asked Cher.
Nikki looked up at them, and slowly nodded.
"Well, he is kinda cute." Said Clessa, trying to seen supportive.
The other two girls sighed.
"Don't let him near you." Said Cher, sternly.
Emily glared at Nikki, and then turned away.
"He's a great kisser." Said Nikki.
"Nikki!" Exclaimed Emily.
"I can't lie!"
"Yeah well... why did you have to tell us that?" Asked Emily.
Nikki shrugged.
"Ah!" Cher threw her hands up in the air.
In the control room, Xander and the Professor sat, awkwardly.
"I'm sorry about Giselle."
"It's okay. I'm just sad that I have no family left."
"You can stay here, if yah'd like too."
Xander managed to smile.
"Thanks, I will."
The Professor nodded.
The girls sat in silence.
Clessa looked over at Emily.
"Are you okay? I mean, the whole becoming a robot thing looked scary and I just want to make sure that everything is alrigh-."
"I'm fine." Interrupted Emily.
Clessa nodded, but was not convinced.
"I really am!"
Clessa smiled at Emily to try and hide the fact that she still did not believe her.
"Let's get to know you Clessa!" Said Nikki.
"Yeah! And you can get to know us!" Added Cher.
Clessa slowly nodded, and watched the girls form a circle with Clessa, and place their hands on each other's head.
Soon, Clessa felt a jolt through her head. Then, she knew everything about the other girls, and they knew everything about her.
"What was that?" Asked Clessa, breathlessly.
"Minor telepathic communication." Said Nikki.
"Learned it in first year." Added Cher.
Clessa nodded. She knew a lot about the girls now, and it was too much. Clessa started crying.
"It's okay. Too much?" Asked Nikki.
Clessa nodded, but managed to take a deep breath to calm herself.
"Let's get started on the plan." Said Clessa, trying to appear strong.
All of the memories, all of the heartbreak, all of the happy times, inside Clessa's head.
But it could not be as near as bad as the Geranium Code....right?

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