Chapter 14: Christmas and a Mirror

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December arrived, and with it, Christmas. One morning, mid-December, whole Hogwarts Castle awoke several feet covered in Snow. Some shared exciting looks, while others groaned, not being a fan of Snow and the Winter itself. The Black Lake was frozen solid, and Owls dared not to fly.

Those who fought against the cold winter wind and the snowstorms were nursed back to health by Hagrid.
But everyone was looking forward to Christmas itself.

In Hufflepuff, Kairi saw how most were sitting around the fire, snuggling into blankets or thick pullovers. Sora was excited and happy to see snow, the warm of the fires warmed the Gryffindors up. For Riku, it felt almost normal, just a tad bit colder due to being in the dungeons and the Ravenclaws were glad that they also had the fire, countless students enjoying the warm through the airy room.

The Great hall was also, enlighten with some roaring fire, a feeling of relief from the draughty corridors that became icy and bitter, and classroom windows rattled from the cold wind, every now and then, a cold breeze went through the room.

"It's so cold", Sora rubbed his arms and jumped a little to keep himself warm.
"You don't like the cold but love the Snow", laughed Kairi gently while Jessy pulled her wand out.
"When you wait a second, the cold will soon fade", she hummed and pointed to the ground.
"Flacomes", she chanted, and from her wand came a bright red flame that changed into a red panther, red in color and radiating warmth from it, sitting in front of Jessy. "Ah! So warm!", Sora was relieved and touched the panther. "It feels like a warm blanket! Kairi, feel" She did it and the panther began to purr, snuggling into them. "This feels so good and warm. Thank you so much, Jessy" "Of course. I'm learning more and more of the Elemental Spells. Seems like this one is quite friendly", she chuckled and the Panther leaped to her. "Yes yes, thank you for warming us" "He likes you" "Well, I am the caster Sora. It holds for 10 mins" "10 minutes of warming comfort! Kairi, we need to warm ourselves up!" "Sora, how was Potions even?" "It was so cold down there. Our breathing turned into this cold mist and we all inched closer to our cauldrons and Professor Snape was scoffing at us when we did that. It was the worst", he began, his eyebrows furrowed the more he began to talk.
It was later in the Charms classroom before it even started, Jessy was sitting and looking into her Elemental Book when Sacarnis grinned at her from across the room.

"I DO feel SO sorry for all these who HAVE to stay here because their family don't want them anymore", she stated loudly, awaiting a reaction from Jessy but she stayed focused, which made her and her minions furious.
"Hey, Amakura!", Flortus shouted and Jessy looked finally up. "How does it feel to spend your Christmas here? Bet your family disowned you, after all"
"I mean, it's no wonder. I wished you would've landed onto that fat arse of yours when you catched the snitch. That's where you belong after all", she and the Minions laughed but the rest stayed silent. "You can't even sit right on your broom and you want to lecture me? Unlike you, I trained a lot while you can't even control your broom right" The class snickered and Sacarnis got so jealous and mad because of that, she almost broke her quill in half. Vanitas leaned back, crossing his arms, and smirked at Jessy.

After that, Sacarnis and her minions went back to taunting her because of her house and how disappointing her family must be, making her friends stand up to her.

But Sacarnis was right about one thing. She was, in fact, staying in Hogwarts for Christmas, signing a list from McGonagall who stayed in Hogwarts. As she signed, she saw Sora's name on it, and soon approached him and the others in the group. "Hi. Talking about going home?" "Yes. We must tell our friends about school and we can't wait to see everyone again", smiled Kairi. "I heard from Kuraiko you two staying here?", asked Riku and Jessy nodded. "Well, Sora also stays" "Hm? what do you mean, I stay here?", he asked, slightly confused, and turned his head a little. "Did you sign a paper by Professor McGonagall?", she asked him. "Yes, why? She asked us if anyone wants to sign it, so I did", he smiled friendly at her, and the rest was silent.

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