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Chapter 21

When Blaze came to, he did not expect to be suddenly glomped to death by a very worried Gempa. He still felt feverish and his skin tingled while his joint aches, however he pushed himself into a sitting position as his brother continued babbling about how worried he was and how he almost wanted to bring Blaze back to earth to actually get him to a hospital.

"You do know that the technology here is more advanced than the ones on earth, right?" Came Ice's amused comment when he entered the room with a bowl of soup and a glass of water.

"I know that, but we have Doctors there who actually know about human anatomy!" Gempa sighed, looking thoroughly stressed out, "Solar had to be around all the time just to explain to the medics about that and all that physiology."

Blaze tried not to flinch at hearing that name. His mind was already trying to force unwanted memories to come forth but he tried to hold them back.

Not yet.

Not when he didn't have the energy to break down.

Right now, all that mattered was that Gempa was alive and he was given another chance to redo everything.

"Hey...?" He felt a hand gently push away his bangs. He looked up to see Ice giving him a gentle but worried look, "You're unusually silent. Is something wrong?"

"Just feeling a little tired..." He admitted, which only made them look even more worried.

Blaze understood, since he was usually the fussiest one when it came to getting sick. Even when he was about to drop-dead from a cold, he'd still have the energy to fight everyone tooth and nail, just to prove them wrong.

"Do you want to try and see if you could hold down some soup? It's chicken flavored!" Gempa said hopefully but did not attempt to get it, not wanting to pressure him if he didn't want to.

"I think I want to sleep more." He mumbled as he pulled up the blankets once more and turned away from them as he positioned himself to lie back down.

He could already imagine the two exchanging looks and having some weird telepathic communication through expressions alone (it's a septuplet thing) with the tense silence that fell upon them.

"If you change your mind, just call us through your watch. We'll have the soup heated up in no time."

His eyes then landed on his power watch. They had yet to tell him that they had made modifications on it. Just like his last time travel.

His brothers probably didn't want to stress him out by telling him they've disabled his powers.

Blaze pursed his lips as a thought occured to him.

Back then he would've thrown a fit. But if it were one of the sacrifices he had to make just to stop this torturous time loop, then he would gladly give it up. Permanently.

The sound of the automated doors closing snapped him out of his stupor. He turned around to see the now empty room.

He could still hear the intense whispers of his brothers before slowly fading away as did their footsteps.

He waited a few more minutes before pushing himself up once more and removing the IV attached to his hand.

He couldn't stand staying cooped up in the room for too long. Not when the walls felt like they were closing in and he had no annoying brothers to distract him from his neverending thoughts.

He swayed once he was on his feet and slowly took tentative steps toward the exit.

Once the door opened, he looked at the dim hallways and immediately deemed it safe to leave.

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