Chapter 40 - Shattered

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"You look scared, bud." Were some of the words spoken by Calum the first time he met Luke back in 1971. He'd laid a welcoming hand on the young boys shoulder. "Don't be. We'll make sure you feel right at home with us."

It had only been about a week since Ashton had taken him in and introduced him to Michael. During that time, Luke hadn't left the apartment; he'd been cooped up in the spare room, only coming out when coaxed by Ashton or Michael for dinner - or just to talk. One of those nights, Ashton approached him in hopes to finally bring him out of the apartment - he had something he wanted to share.

"This place means a lot to me." Ashton started as he lead the timid boy out of the apartment and across the street. "We call it The Vault, but it's more of a... community. And it was built by myself and my brother, Benjamin, about thirty years ago. We wanted a place where people like us... Creatures, like us, could be safe."

"So there's... There's other vampires in this place?" Young Luke asked with a gulp. Ashton smiled, nodded. He'd explained so much about the supernatural world to Luke but the boy was still, of course, getting used to it.

"Witches too. The two don't always get along but in here, we're a family. Conflict is taken outside and if it can't be resolved, it stays outside, you get me?" Ashton explained gently whilst fixing his own collar and ruffling his hair. Luke found himself impulsively looking to do the same, checking his own outfit and hoping he looked presentable.

"I get you." He nodded, but his eyes showed a hint of uncertainty about the whole thing. He'd understand, eventually.

Inside, The Vault wasn't the dark club environment it had become in the later years. In fact, it was quite well lit; the room was full of tables where different groups would spread out and sit to talk and listen to live music. It wasn't busy that night. Ashton explained the room and it's purpose to Luke, but it wasn't the room in which they'd remain; he lead him further through, introducing him to different people as he did, until they'd made it to the green room.

There sat Calum, practicing a song on the acoustic guitar. He wasn't alone - there was a girl singing along beside him. She had bleached blonde hair, tan skin and deep dark eyes, similar to his own. It didn't take long for Luke to connect the dots and realise that the two were siblings. They both looked up at him curiously once they heard unfamiliar footsteps enter the room.

"Hey there, lovely people. This is Luke - say hi." Ashton spoke, and the girl smiled with a small nod and a wave.

"I'm Mali." she announced firmly but kindly. Calum already had a smile n his face when he climbed to his feet and moved towards Luke, who shifted nervously on his feet.

"Hey Luke. I'm Calum." He smiled softly, reaching a hand out for Luke to take; he did so hesitantly, glancing at Ashton as if for approval of what to do. Ashton gave hm a reassuring smile.

"I-I'm Luke. Ashton already said that, but uh- yeah." Luke awkwardly cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck and earning an endearing chuckle from Calum.

"You look scared, bud. Don't be." His words were comforting, and stuck with Luke from that moment on. He never expected for his bond to grow so strong with those vampires - they did everything they could to make him comfortable, and it changed his life forever. There were ups and downs, but he never regretted becoming part of their lives and accepting them into his.

They became a family, spending so much time together... Years, decades... And yet, it all felt like seconds when Sebastian put a stake through Calum's heart right in front of Luke. All those years just... Disappeared into thin air.

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