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LEADER  HiddenStar - a long-legged siamese tom with forest green eyes. his body is covered in scars. he covers his face with a skull. Mentoring CrescentPaw

DEPUTY FlameThroat - A black tom with spots of ginger around his legs and muzzle. he has dark brown eyes.

MEDICINE CAT  George - a light grey tom with white around his light green and blue eyes. white color and a slightly broken tail.


DeerAntler - a mute light brown tom with white spots and a redish nose. 

MonarchSong - a dark brown tom with light blue eyes appearing white at times. wearing a necklace of butterfly wings. mentors Timepaw

ForestWings - HiddenStars littermate. a short siamese she-cat with Forest green eyes.

LoudBoom - a cream tom with green eyes and a yellow collar with a crown on it. mentors Fireflypaw

LongShadows - a black tom with light blue eyes appearing white. 

PaleStep - a white tom with clean light grey patches of fur near his paws

DimondNose - a russian blue tom with icey blue eyes.

AntFrost - a pale tom with a dark brown face and blue eyes. mentors dawnpaw

RamFang - A dark brown, fluffy tom with brown eyes and dark pink paw pads.


CrescentPaw - a large jack who has long legs, muzzle and big scratched ears. Their pelt is mostly black but half of their face is white with a few grey stripes. Their eyes are green and amber.

Gibbouspaw - a large jet black she-cat who has green and amber eyes who is sassy with great fighting skills. 

TimePaw - an orange tom with a white tail and muzzle. dark brown eyes.

FireflyPaw - a jet-black shecat with orange eyes. (Filler character)

LightPaw - a deaf white shecat with light blue eyes and curled ears. (Filler character)


CorpseTail - a large, deep voiced tom who is furless. He has brown eyes.

BearFur - a kind golden tom with almost black eyes.


LEADER  Crowstar - a jet-black tom with light blue eyes and long fur. White daffodil on his head, sorta like a hat.

DEPUTY  MistyShores - a white she-cat with large brown spots and long, puffy fur. she wears a black hat with a robin feather stuck to it. mentors bumblepaw

MEDICINE CAT  FrogCroak - a white tom with light green eyes.


DuckCall - a grey tom with dark brown eyes that always seems to be excited about something.

RustedClaws - a brown shorthaired tom with red and blue eyes. mentors lilacpaw- a cream tom with lime green eyes.

HedgehogStep - a russian blue tom with blue eyes and dark red pads/nose


LilacPaw- a white tom with grey paws and grey muzzle. He has dull cream eyes that almost look violet.


PigeonFlight - a grey shecat with blue eyes and a white face. (Filler character)

LostDawn - a white shecat with dark red eyes and sharp black claws (Filler character)

PeachFern - a pale tom with yellow eyes. (Filler character) 


LEADER  Sootstar - a dark brown handsome tom with long fur and brown eyes.

DEPUTY  RustedClaws - a brown shorthaired tom with red and blue eyes.

MEDICINE CAT MouseTail - a small light grey she-cat who despite being a medicine cat is quite strong. She has dull blue eyes that have a tint of sage green.

DawnPaw - a golden tabby tom with sky blue eyes and a red bandana from his formar twolegs. He has a long tail with darker stripes.


RoseSeeker - a light brown she-cat with brown eyes and roses scattered across her soft fur

LemonLeaf - a cream genderfluid tabby with yellow eyes and a nub tail.

TimeRush - a calm brown tom with darker stripes and a lighter belly. 

SnowyDawn - a white shecat with red eyes and long fur with little red petals scattered in her fur

nightpelt - a black shecat with purple eyes and ears inside of her ears. her ears are ripped and scratched. 


FoxPaw - An orangish-brown tom with dark brown eyes, sharp ears and a fox like tail. His muzzle, belly and paws are cream. Sootburr and SalmonWhispers (shes dead) kit

BumblePaw - A brown tom with a darker brown back covering with light brown swirls on his thighs, shoulders and one on the end of his long fluffy tail. He has long fur that almost cover his baby blue eyes. Light brown nose marking but slightly darker brown muzzle.


billy - a black tom with a white face and white stripes around his legs and lower torso.

Bruteheart - a dark ginger fluffy rouge  tom with protruding front teeth and a fluffy cape. he usually wears a fox skull to cover his face.

XD - a shimmering white cat with glowing green eyes and white dove-like wings

Kristen - a black shecat with a star-like pattern on her long pelt. crow wings sprout from her back

Clan descriptions/lore

moonclan : the camp of this clan is on the top of one of the many hills in their territory. There arent many trees in moonclans territory, only a few near the camp itself. They often do not choice violence, they watch others fight while staying silent in clan drama. Leader rock: gibbous rock

Sunclan : a large hidden clan that hides behind a large waterfall. Their territory is covered in rocks and boulders so their paw pads have adapted to walk along rocky places and climb the roughest mountain. Leader rock: Bright rock

Astroidclan : A crater that sits in the hills of the highstones, it is quite close to the gazing cave. Asteroid clan cats are strong, but they take risks because of this. They are poetic, they regret things and mourn for things they lost. Leader stump: Haze log



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