Chapter nine

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The five cats stood amongst the camp entrance, the breeze swiftly blowing through their pelts. Their figures casted shadows over the hills. The five felt at peace, but at the same time they seeked vengeance for the trouble that had been caused, Sootburr knew a way to hurt those who planned to hurt them. A way that could leave everyone to rot in the best way possible, karma. "Toms, im glad i created this place. Im glad this was the place i did it. We are no longer a group, we are warriors. We are warriors of Asteroidclan!" Sootburr yowled, jumping onto a large tree trunck. The cats below him yelled with joy.

"today is the day we rejoice! We are cats of Asteroidclan! We are free!" Sootburr continued, a smile on his face along with everyone, they cheered. Bumblepaw looked up, his gaze pierced starclan presence. Starclan knew Bumblepaw was bound to be a great cat that could change the history of the clans. Bumblepaw was unsure of this 'clan' as starclan had never approved of a leader. Im just being too worryful, the clan was just pernounced as a clan at dawn. "well, shouldnt we have a leader, deputy and medicine cat?" Monarchsong asked, looking up at Sootburr. "yes, me and most cats have come to an agreement that i will lead the clan, since you are the only other warrior, i believe you should be my deputy." Monarchsong nodded. "But medicine cat im not sure of, but i do know of an apprentice who actually enjoys the art of herbs." sootburr trailed off, slowly turning to dawnpaw. "dawnpaw, would you like to be Asteroidclans medicine cat?" Sootburr asked. Dawnpaw thought for a moment, like everyone had gone silent. A voice pulled him out of his thoughts, it called his name.

 "yes." Dawnpaw nodded his head, his eyes focused on sootburrs. Sootburr smiled, bowing his head. "what about our mentors?" Bumblepaw asked. "soon enough we can recruit more cats, if your mentors dont join. For now me and monarch song can train you two. If we can ,we'll help Dawnpaw to figure out more herbs. Our personalitys will build the clans reputation and how we can hurt ourselves, this can effect what herbs we might need." Sootburr said, if we can get Mousetail or George on our side we would have a better person to train Dawnpaw." sootburr continued.

 Dawnpaw smiled, the fact they were trying to do something that could help him just made him happy. "but, i need to visit the gazing cave. I need to see if starclan approves of us, all of you must keep your eye on certain dreams or possible omens. And i must speak to Crowstar about what happens after this, and who will replace me back at camp, or even if anyone wants to join us.. To the possible dismay of Crowstar." sootburr said, looking towards the mountains. The camp was on higher altitudes then the other clans, they could see the entire lake aswell as the territorys. "i must get going, i need to speak to starclan about this new clan and where we will go from now on." Sootburr lept from the tree stump, padding out of camp. Bumblepaw looked to dawnpaw, he was staring off into space. "Dawnpaw?" Bumblepaw nudged him. "oh- hey Bumblepaw!" Dawnpaw greeted him, a smile on his face. "you okay?" he asked. dawnpaw never zones out. Bumblepaw thought. "yeah, im really just thinking about everything. I just joined two clans in the span of barely moon moon. And it makes me think how much longer i have to train." dawnpaw spoke, his voice shakey with concern. 

The two apprentices continued to speak about their training, they talked about how long they think it will take sootburr to get back. Foxpaw joined their conversation, and then monarch joined aswell. Monarchsong talked about his own apprenticeship, and how the leader of Sunclan himself trained him, when he was a warrior of course. Monarchsong spoke about his first meeting with Sootburr, they had met at a full-day gathering many moons ago before the three was born. When he himself was an apprentice and when Hiddenstar was Hiddenface. 

The three apprentices listened to Monarchsongs stories, wonder filled the young cats senses as they asked for more. Monarchsong had many interesting stories from his own life, this had gone on for many hours , sootburr still hadnt come back. Suddenly footsteps could be heard from the camps entrance. It was sootburr. The four sat up, padding towards him. "what did you see? What took you so long?" Dawnpaw asked. "Starclan said quite a bit, i asked them if they accepted our clan, they did.. I think? They said we would change things for the better, but it would come at the highest risk a clan could take. If starclan says this will happen, we should not steer away from it if our destiny is in the hands of the stars." Sootburr spoke. "but, starclan gave me my nine lives, courage, justice, swiftness, faith, love, mindfulness, strength, compassion and fierceness. And my name, Sootstar of asteroidclan." Sootstar continued, he spoke of his experience. "the thing you spoke about earlier, a way to make those who hurt us hurt, maybe thats what the thing the told you about was." foxpaw said. "yeah, maybe. But this plan will continue, even if we need to risk our lives to do so."


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