Chapter eight

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Sootburr and Foxpaw stood infront of Bumblepaw, who seemed to be pretty mad. "im taking foxpaw back to camp, Monarchsong will take you back too." Bumblepaw warned, pushing Foxpaw out of camp. Sootburr looked towards the entrance to camp, but Monarchsong stood blocking Sootburr from running. "monarchsong?" Sootbur shivered at the older deputys presence. "dont worry, you're safe." Monarchsong smiled, stepping aside. "you're helping us?" Sootburr asked. Monarchsong nodded "i agree with your morals, Sootburr. I stand with you as an ally." Monarchsong purred, still smiling warmly.

"i need your help, i need to get Dawnpaw and Foxpaw back." Sootburr said. "they probably took them back to your camp, if we can get them back before they get there they will not be in trouble and we can maybe get bumblepaw back on your side." Monarchsong suggested. "Bumblepaw doesnt know im on your side, ill ask him if i can finish escorting him and ill bring him back." monarchsong said, padding out of camp, quickly disappearing into the distance. As sootburr began to walk out of camp after he figured out how to save Dawnpaw, he felt the weight of another cat.

Lilacpaw jumped onto his back. "you're going to steal Dawnpaw back! I heard everything!" he flipped onto the ground infront of Sootburr. Lilacpaws claws were unsheathed, he was ready to fight. Sootburr wasnt about to fight an apprentice, even if he was threatening him. Lilacpaw lunged at him, striking him in the face. "you're no deputy if you cannot fight an apprentice!" Lilacpaw yowled, baring his teeth. Sootburr sprinted towards him, Lilacpaw stopped, frightened by his sudden change. But he stopped before he could reach Lilacpaw, as he was already cowering below him. Sootburr stepped back. "im not scared of you! You dont scare me!" he lept up once more.

Monarchsong and Foxpaw stood behind him, suprised that Lilacpaw was there. "You are finally here! I already told Flamethroat about everything!" Lilacpaw yelled, staring at the two. "but you-" sootburr began, but he was cut off. "He was on patrol, hes probably on his way now" Lilacpaw continued. The sudden rustling behind Monarchsong alerted Foxpaw, he turned around to see flamethroat leaping and grasping onto Monarchsongs throat. The five cats fought eachother, lilacpaw and Flamethroat fought together strongly, the other apprentices had been defeated leaving only monarchsong and a wounded Sootburr.

"give up you two, you're practically outnumbered now. Bumblepaw is coming to escout you, sootburr. Now monarchsong, i will escourt you back to sunclan and Lilacpaw will take Foxpaw." flamethroat said, monarchsong was defeated, knowing he would ruin his reputation to hurt Hiddenstars good friend. He grumbled as he got dragged out of camp by Flamethroat and as Foxpaw was escourted by Lilacpaw. Bumblepaw appeared, looking down at Sootburr from the long grass of the hills the camp laid on. "sootburr? I want to make an agreement on something." Bumblepaw spoke maturely. Sootburr raised his head, nodding at Bumblepaws words.

"if you are to stop stealing herbs and finding your own on this part of the territory, we can stop this and i can give you a compensation for this mess." Bumblepaw spoke. "and i can get someone to heal you, which would be easy because we really just need to heal some scratches that wont last long. You seem to have gotten so hurt so easily because you're malnourished." He said, putting his paw on his ribs, which could easily be seen, even through his thick fur. "ill go catch something and grab some herbs, count that as a sorry." Bunblepaw continued, sprinting away.

Sootburr grinned, he stood up slowly. He had to admit he hadnt eaten in quite a while but he was fine, bumblepaw overlooked his good acting skills. Earning the trust of Bumblepaw could be the best thing to happen as his place slowly began to fall into place. bumblepaw came back with a large field rabbit in his jaws and a root-bag  filled with herbs. "here, i hope you forgive me for the conflict between the day." he bowed his head, sootburr smiled towards him.

 "i forgive you, Bumblepaw. You are an apprentife i can see being the next deputy of the clan." Sootburr rasped, his smile began to become more genuine then it had been seconds ago. "really? You actually think i could become deputy?" Bumblepaws face lit up at his words. "im more then sure, Bumblepaw. I talked to mistyshores about your improvment and how you fight, you're amazing!" Sootburr continued. "you talk to mistyshores? I didnt know you even knew her!" Bumblepaw laughed, chewing dockleaves in his mouth and placing it on his scars. "but i didnt know you knew how herbs worked." Sootburr said. "i do, mistyshore said she used to train to be a medicine cat but mousetail started to get dreams about starclan." Bumblepaw purred, finishing up.

"here, have this rabbit. You need to eat." Bumblepaw said, nudging the hare towards him. Sootburr began to eat it. The two laid in the setting sunlight, the day was rough and eventful but the night was a rest from everything. "yknow, after everything i heard about what they did to you, i think i should join you too." Bumblepaw said, as the two continued their conversation the others ran into camp with smiles on their faces. "we did it Sootburr! Were free- wait why is bumblepaw here?" Foxpaw halted, questioning Bumblepaws presence. "mhm, its okay, hes joining our group." Sootburr purred, licking Bumblepaws ear. "well, welcome Bumblepaw" monarchsong bowed his head.


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