Chapter eighteen

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"As we gaze upon the swathes of red-wood trees, the great hills to our south, and the walls that have protected us now for moons. I, leader of astroidclan now state.. Suck it Hiddenstar!" Sootstar yowled, his clan rejoicing beneath him. The apprentices cheered, the warriors yowled. Mousetail watched the rowdy cats in her clan, she knew she couldnt keep Dawnpaw from celebrating like a kit cathing its first mouse. Hiddenstar laughed to himself as his group of clan cats watched in disgust of how they acted. "Why are you laughing?" flamethroat hissed. "You'll understand when you're leader." Hiddenstar smacked him atop the head with his tail.

After a quarter moon, another she-cat joined. Roseseeker, a warrior of Moonclan. Aswell as two from Sunclan, they were more loners then warriors however. Nightpelt and Snowydawn had joined, Snowydawn said she couldnt leave her mates side, even for a moment. Bumblepaw noticed something about them, they looked a whole lot like Crescentpaw. Since they were in the same clan, they could be their parents. Bumblepaw enjoys talking to them, they are old but young enough to have not retired so they have tones of stories about battles and starclan.

Foxpaw likes talking to Roseseeker, she showed him how to use flowers to smell good, she says "it makes your scent more unique." foxpaw did notice that she smelt a bit different, but better then sunclan cats. Roseseeker also loved talking to Mousetail, she talked about herbs and how that can also make her smell better. Mousetails happy to have more she-cats to speak to, Snowydawn and Nightpelt spoke about when they were queens taking care of a kit they didnt even know they could  have. Sootstar also likes having more warriors, now that they didnt have Moonclan helping in war.

"Snowydawn?" Bumblepaw walked into the warriors den, her eyes were closed but she was awake. She lifted her head, he neck was thin. She wasnt scrawny but she wasnt really fluffy he fur looked like something out of an oil painting, short but fluffed out slightly. "Can you tell me a story about when you were an apprentice?" bumblepaw tilted his head, smiling kindly. "Mhm, why dont we go outside and have a few rabbits or mice?" The she-cat said, prancing out of the den. Bumblepaw noticed the sunclan cats walked in a very fancy way. He followed her out of the den, sitting out in the clearing.

She came back with foxpaw aswell, she held and extra mouse his her jaws. She sat down, the two apprentices following her action. "When i was a young she, i was a wild spirit. I joined many patrols and battles, since your clan hadnt existed yet so it was only with moonclaw. " Snowydawn spoke, Bumblepaw and foxpaw nodded. "One day, when i was patroling the borders of our territory, i saw a loner. Her name was Night, now known as nightpelt. That patrol had to chase her off but i came back looking for her." she said

Bumblepaw looked down at foxpaw and then back up. "What happened next?" Foxpaw asked. "Me and night became really good friends and one day i asked her to join sunclan, but our old leader, Meteorstar, Declined and said she didnt belong there. But when a patrol full of apprentices and their mentors and me, came across a badger and it tried to kill us. But luckily, Night came to our rescue and with the help of me we defeated the badger. And thats how she became Nightpelt, warrior of sunclan." the two apprentices looked up in awe. 

"When we had our first ever kit, they was going to be named badgerkit, the thing that brough us together. But we never ended up naming them that." she laughed to herself. "What did you name them?" Bumblepaw remembered thinking them and Crescentpaw looked similar, but there was little chance they could actually be related. "Crescentkit." Snowydawn interrupted his thoughts. "i believe i could have met him before, when i was first an apprentice." Bumblepaw muttered. "How? Where did you manage to find them. Werent you a moonclan?" she looked awfully confused that this ex-moonclan apprentice met a sunclan appeentice any time other then a gathering. 

"I may have crossed the border while collecting moss nd it was more of, they found me first. They came out from a tree for starclans sake!" Bumblepaw continued. "Yes, they are apprenticed by Hiddenstar. Hiddenstar teaches.. Differently or so i have heard." Snowydawn cringed. "Why did you leave them alone at sunclan?" Bumblepaw asked looking up at her. "Crescentpaw said that they were old enough to take care and hunt for themselves, im sure you know how it feels to be a little bit rebellious." foxpaw had finished his mouse, Bumblepaws rabbit was untouched as he was invested in her story.

Bumblepaw nodded, he didnt entirely, his father hadnt seen him in many, many moons. But he did rebel against his old mentor, Mistyshores. "Yeah i guess i do. I wasnt that nice to my old mentor in moonclan." He said, guilty of the way he use to speak to her. "Who mentors you now?" She asked kindly, a part of him knew where this conversation was going. "no one, Sootstar has taught me and Foxpaw a few battle moves but not much." he replied, looking back down to his paws. "Me and Nightpelt can train you until you become warriors, now that there are more cats here."

"You'd do that for us?" Bumblepaw questioned, tilting his head slightly. "mhm, maybe Roseseeker would be interested too." She purred. "when will you start training us? Will you have to ak Sootstar?" Foxpaw jumped up. "Well, i will  talk to nightpelt about mentoring and if she wont ill ask roseseeker." Snowydawn stood up, she stretched her legs and padded away. "Lets go tell Dawnpaw!" foxpaw turned to the medicine den and padded towards it, Bumblepaw following from behind.

 "Dawnpaw!" Bumblepaw shouted, running into the Medicine den. Mousetail jumped at the sudden noise. Dawnpaw spun around. "Hey Bumblepaw, Foxpaw!" Dawnpaw ran to them. "We are getting new mentors!" Foxpaw chirped, jumping up and down. "You are? Whos going to train you now?" Mousetail turned her head, she was sorting herbs. "Snowydawn and Nightpelt!" Bumblepaw beamed. "Ah, how wonderful. Im sure those two will teach you two well." She smiled, going back to sorting herbs. "Yeah! We are going to be the best warriors in Astroidclan!" Foxpaw said. Mousetail snickered, "Im sure you will."

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