Chapter ten

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Three days. Three days would the fight between Sunclan and Asteroidclan, luckily Moonclan was there to help and support Asteroidclan with their warriors and their medicine cat. Those three days the destiny of their clan laid in their paws, the battle raged through night and day, they watched the moon rise and fall and the sun shine over the battle ground. The cats of their clan stayed to their morals, for everyone to be free and exist as themself. Their barriers grew bigger and stronger with the growing days. 

Hiddenstar had heard of a growing revolution within the Territory. He decided he would confront the cats of Asteroid clan. He padded into the entrance of the camp, looking around at the surprisingly well decorated and well sustained appearance of the camp. He looked towards the tree stump that was the Greatrock of the camp. "Sootburr?" Hiddenstar asked, suprised the one behind this was actually him. "its Sootstar now, Hiddenstar." Sootstar said, looking down at the leader of Sunclan. "i heard of a.. Revolution brewing in this area, is this true?" Hiddenstar asked, Sootstars unblinking gaze peirced his soul. "i wouldnt say revolution.. Just i place that is controlled by a different person and slightly different rules." sootstar said, leaping down from the tree stump to get on his level.

"hm, im not convinced. Anymore information about your.. 'clan' you have to tell me?" Hiddenstar grinned, he doubted the clan had even been old enough for moonclan to know about them. "actually i do, we are allies with Moonclan now and some cats of the clan have thought about joining, is that enough to satisfy you?" sootstar taunted. "im going to speak to my clan about this, ill give you time to think this over." he stopped. "we knew Monarchsong is here, if hes listening we already have a new deputy." Hiddenstar said, he turned around and left. 

Monarchsong padded out of the medicine den, he heard what Hiddenstar said. "he got a new deputy? Who did he say it was, did he even say?" Monarchsong asked. "he didnt say, but i think i know." Sootstar said, looking at him. "It was most likely Flamethroat, he attacked us and was there when we tried to uh.. Steal herbs. I must say, he was good in battle when we were fighting." sootstar remarked. 

"by the way, how has Dawnpaw been doing on his own? Is he having any trouble?" sootstar asked. "Well uh, the morning after you left i went hunting and got a scratch on my flank from running into a thorn bush but uhm, Dawnpaw didnt help." Monarchsong replied. "hm, i wouldnt blame him for much due to how young and unexperienced he is but even Bumblepaw could heal one of my scratches. I can go speak to him." he answered. Sootstar padded off, he thought about the training he gave dawnpaw, he never actually taught him how to work with herbs, just finding them. He could try to train him a little bit better, if Dawnpaw is willing to accept he is still an apprentice.

He padded into the medicine den, Dawnpaw was sitting on the floor, he held a small herb in his paws , it was chervil. Sootstar looked at tommy in comeplete disbelief as he sang to it. Dawnpaw hadnt realized that sootstar was there, he continued singing. Sootstar didnt even know half of the words he sang about. "uh, Dawnpaw?" Dawnpaw paused, slowly turning his head to look at him. "hi." Dawnpaw said, blankly and clearly. "hey. Why were you singing to that chervil?" Sootburr asked. "i was blessing it, it makes it work better." Dawnpaw chimed. "oh. Cool. Anyways i need to speak to you about how you refused someone service." Sootstar said, his voice was stern, but somehow still sounded kind to Dawnpaw. "hm? Oh, monarchsong. He didnt really have anything wrong, he just had a splinter which anyone could pull out." Dawnpaw drawled. "not everyone can do that, Dawnpaw. You're a medicine cat apprentice, act like one." he expressed, looking down at the young golden cat. "I question how devoted you are to the role of Medicine cat, or if you're just here to be a face of the revolution."

Dawnpaw looked up, questioning his previous words. "sorry, it wont happen again Sootstar." Dawnpa mouthed, watching Sootstar nod and leave the den. Sootburr thought to himself, the second phase of his plan went into action. The odd smell of smoke drifted into his nostrils, but no fire could be seen. He thought about the twolegs that roamed nearby, they were probably making their odd objects. He padded away, deciding to go hunting. Dawnpaw sprinted out of his den minutes later, going to get herbs. But he noticed something.. Out of place. He turned to look to the trees across the small river. Fire. He thought, the mesmerizing golden and orange flames filled his vision. He turned away

"MONARCHSONG!!" Dawnpaw yowled across camp, the older cat darted from his den, realizing the wild fire across the creek-like river. Bumblepaw followed soon after, looking at the blazing flames. "That river wont keep the fire away for much longer, go you two. ill gather whats most important right now." Monarchsongs words sounded fuzzy, he watched a young cat walk from the fire. It was the loner, Alyssa. "loner!" Dawnpaw shouted back to him, as he ran out of camp in search for her. In his sudden outburst Alyssa heard and scampered away from him, with the other apprentice following him. From the distance Sootstar could be seen dropping a field hare and bolting towards them. "whats happening Bumblepaw?" Sootstar asked, slightly panicked by the situation. "Alyssa started a fire!" Bumblepaw shouted, letting practically everyone in the territory know. Sootburr darted forwards, leading alyssa into the main part of the territory, the river. Alyssa was cornered, no choice remained other then to swim, and loners dont learn how to swim on their own. 

Dawnpaw snarled, though small, Alyssa seemed frightened by the three. "Dawnpaw, stand straight." Sootstar gave him the look. Dawnpaw stopped, looking forward now. Bumblepaw snorted, giggling at his friend. Dawnpaw playfully mocked him. Sootstar in the moment, was thinking about how he would not let his clan become what he always felt he just.. needed to destroy. While the threes mind were occupied, Alyssa spang over them like a crazed jack-rabbit. Bumblepaw watched Dawnpaw shoot his head back, running after her as she swerved through the tall grass. Eventually, the small golden tom lunging forward. Leaving her back with some nasty scars. She tumbled forwads, trying to pick herself up once more she ran back to where ever she happened to come from.

That was the final straw for Sootstar, bumblepaw could tell. He stomped forward, grabbing the young tom by he scruff like he was a kit. Bumblepaw akwardly followed by Sootburrs side as Dawnpaw struggled in his jaws. He was awful small for his age, even if Bumblepaw himself was pretty small too. But he swore its just that his legs are short. 

WARRIORS: Cruel season #1 Rises the MoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ