Chapter thirteen

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A patrol gathered together in the hopes to get Crowstar and Moonclan to aid them in battle. Dawnpaw and Bumblepaw went to find herbs, Sootstar stayed back at camp. He had been hoping that Foxpaw wouldnt be in danger at all traveling durring a time of tension, but he had Monarchsong, and Monarchsong was strong, stronger then most. The two cats reached one of the twoleg nests, the sprinted past it, however a strong gaze grasped Foxpaw and he looked back. A black cat with odd white markings stared at him and Monarchsong. He turned back around and followed Monarchsong.

Monarchsong picked up Foxpaw by the scruff, as he was still small, and jumped across the stepping stones. The tides were higher then normal, but they never reached over the stones surface. He leaped onto the soft grass, he looked forward. He hadnt really ever been inside Moonclans camp, he was hoping Foxpap would guide him and make him seem like less of a threat. The two toms padded into the camps entrance, Foxpaw missed this place. But he never really wanted to leave his fathers side, even if no one knew Sootstar had a kit. 

Crowstar was bathing in sunlight, he seemed to be talking to three kits, like an elder telling them a story. Which was most likely what was happening. There were many warriors of all types sharing tongues and eating fresh prey, most likely just caught. Foxpaw darted forwards, knowing the leader would recognize him. Crowstar looked down, shock painting his face. "Foxpaw?" Crowstar at up, looking to the entrence, seeing Monarchsong following Foxpaws steps. "Where were you? Why is Sunclans deputy here?" Crowstar was still taken aback by this sudden appearence. "Astroidclan, and hes not Sunclans deputy anymore. Hes astroidclans deputy." Foxpaw said, looking to Monarchsong. 

"Astroidclan.. ah.. The new clan Hiddenstar mentioned." Crowstar said, trying to remember what he had said. "We need Moonclans help, Hiddenstar declared war and we only have to warriors. A deputy and leader!" Foxpaw looked up at him, no one ever really thought that Foxpaw knew what was going on. "So who is your leader, foxpaw?" Crowstar asked, leaping off of the rock. "Our leaders name is Sootstar, or uhm- Sootburr, your old deputy." Monarchsong said. 

"Sootburr My son? He is leader of a clan, was he approved by starclan? He- he got his nine lives?" Crowstar looked at the deputy. "Yes, he earned his nine lives and starclan approved of Astroidclan as a clan itself." Monarchsong said. Crowstar was in deep thought for a moment before looking back up at him. "Well, if starclan has approven of a clan that is in a war that isnt needed, in need and overall, full of apprenitces. We as a clan will help Astroidclan as long as you need us." Crowstar bowed his head to the two. "The war will begin tomorrow, hiddenstar told us yesterday." Monarchsong said as he picked up foxpaw by his scruff like a kit. To be fair, it was late in the evening which is the perfect time to take a nap.

Crowstar called Monarchsong back for a second, just before he left. "Tell Sootstar i said hi." Crowstar smiled warmly. Monarchsong nodded and left through the small exit, ducking under the leaves and brambles that covered it. Long shadows of distant trees covered the field, being the only cool spots. But Monarchsong knew leaf-fall was coming, and along with that will come leaf-bare. Monarchsong leaped across the stepping stones, and back onto the grass again. So far, there werent any scent markers until where sunclan and moon clan met, so he couldnt exactly tell when they where on their territory.

When the two padded into camp Bumblepaw and Dawnpaw greeted them, foxpaw jumped down, greeting the two older apprentices and running off with them. Monarchsong smiled, something was so pure about young cats, as a warrior he vowed to protect kits and apprentices of their clan from any types of danger. Sootstar respected him for that, he said they were a true warrior. "Monarchsong, how did it go?" the dark brown leader infront of him asked. "Crowstar said they would help in battle anyway they could. He also says hi." Monarchsong told him. "Ah, amazing." 

The three aprentices play fought, even though Dawnpaw wasnt exactly trained to fight. He did it well, mostly from the fight with hiddenstar. Even though foxpaw was younger he managed to pin Bumblepaw to the ground, dawnpaw tumbling onto him seconds later. The clan was at peace for moments, moments to be remembered. A loud yowl from outside the camp rung in Sootstars ears and awoke from a nap. He padded outside to see Hiddenstar, palestep, flamethroat and George. They all stood outside of their camp, yowling for their attention.

"Sootstar!" Flamethroat yelled, but hiddenstar wipped his face with his tail. "Sootstar, and everyone else in there. We will not stand for this absolute joke of a clan, we have had enough. We have set tinder around your camp, any time we could set fire to your camp without trying. We have set one warning to your camp. We will have no mercy for you! Do you understand?! We will come and burn your dens to ashes!" the apprentices watched as the took place, Dawnpaws vision going red with anger.

 "we will kill every single thing in your walls and we will take back the territory that was once sunclans. And without you showing white flowers outside your base to show us you have backed down at dawn, or you are dead!" Hiddenstar yowled, something that sounded like a war cry as the four bellowed away. "crowstar will know it is time, he will lead his warriors here and we will fight until our last breaths! It is indepenence or death, and we will not back down from a fight until we breath no longer! Do you hear me Astroidclan?" the four cats behind him cheered, yelling and hurling starclans law.

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