Chapter eleven

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The three wandered near the camp, but Bumblepaw saw three twolegs where the fire had just been. They threw water onto the fire with some sort of long thing. Sootburr advised the two to stay down until they left, out of the shadows came monarchsong with herbs all carried in a pouch made of roots. "you're back? What happened." Monarchsong asked, his voice was much lower then it normally was, which was somehow possible. "There was a loner that started it, we think." Bumblepaw whispered back. The four cats watched the three twolegs waltz away like nothing happend.

The four stood up, padding into camp. Bumblepaw and monarchsong listened to Sootstar yell at Dawnpaw about what he had done, Bumblepaw didnt get it. He thought if he had assigned him as a medicine cat with previous warrior training, it would make sense for him to try to fight. It suprised him when Sootstar said he wouldnt be helping the clan, and he would be replaced monetarily. Dawnpaw looked to him, looking for a sort of back up. Bumblepaw lowered his head, guilt filling his eyes for his friend. "go back to moonclan, you can come back when we say."

Bumblepaw watched him leave, monarchsong at Dawnpaws side. "Bumblepaw, would you mind finding that hare i dropped? We need it." Sootstar droned. Bumblepaw nodded, hoping the walk would take it off his mind. He padded out of the camp, looking for where he had dropped the hare. The brown ball of fur laid on the grassy field. He padded up to it, grabbing it into his jaws. The sudden rustling of grass made him turn his head. "Soo-" Bumblepaw was cut off by large warrior claws dragging him into the shadowy forest. He yowled and struggled, clawing the soft ground, but his claws only dragged through the mud. 

Suddenly they stopped, but the warrior threw Bumblepaw into a mud pit in a large hole. He jumped around, trying to climb out but failing. Green eyes looked down at him, piercing his soul.  He tried and tried but nothing happened, he yelled at the cat that loomed above him. But the warrior sat down, gaurding the mud pit. He let himself rest, the mud covering most of his long soft pelt. He was in his own thought for a while before an odd looking crow was thrown in the pit. The words "food" came from the cat above, it was hiddenstar.

Bumblepaw laid in the mud for a while, eating and talking to himself. He wauted for hiddenstar to leave, but he thought that someone else would switch stations with him, probably so he could do his leader duti- his thoughts were cut off by Flame throat being thrown in the mud pit but a golden cat, obviously he came from behind without the two noticing because that was dawnpaw, one of the smallest apprentices. Hiddenstar whipped around, along with another cat, palestep. Dawnpaw was shoved into the mud pit by palestep moments later. 

Dawnpaw landed harshly into the mud, landing on his back. Flamethroat growled, as dawnpaw attempted to get up flamethroat push him back down. The yelling of Hiddenstar followed by Flamethroat getting dragged back up made Bumblepaw think. He grabbed Dawnpaw by the scruff, the smaller golden cat yelped as Bumblepaw prayed to starclan they could make it. He jumped and latched onto Flamethroat, then jumping back, climbing the dirt walls. He let go of dawnpaw, his prayers were answered. "how did you do that?" asked dawnpaw. "i- i dont know!" Bumblepaw answered.

The two darted throught the shadows, knowing the Sunclan cats were following them still. Enventually the cats crossed the border, but hiddenstar kept running after them, palestep and Flamethroat stopped before the scent markers. Bumblepaw knew the territory was small, so as he recognized the hills that his camp was on he bolted towards it, crashing through the protective wall and landing onto sootstar. The two tumbled to the ground, extra Weight came down when dawnpaw crashed through the walls. Hiddenstar walked through the entrance, but monarchsong stood infront of him, his claws unsheathed. Hiddenstar backed away, Monarchsong was larger and older then him. Even with nine lives Hiddenstar could not beat him, he sprinted away, his glare sharp.

"What happened Bumblepaw?" Sootstar asked. "Sunclan threw me into a mudpit! And when Dawnpaw tried to save me they threw him in too." Bumblepaw said, still in shock of what he had done. "how did you get out?" asked Sootstar, his eyes darting back and fourth from the two cats. "Dawnpaw got us out." Bumblepaw lied, nudging Dawnpaw. Dawnpaw smiled. Sootstar was outraged by this, however. He swore to starclan durring the gathering he would be there and he would rock Hiddenstars world. "good job, dawnpaw." sootstar smiled, licking dawnpaws ear. "i think its time you return to your medicine cat duties." 

Dawnpaw pranced forwards, but not without looking back at him mouthing "thank you" Bumblepaw smiled, the only thing he wanted for his new clanmates was to be happy. Even if it meant lying for them, or giving up his own power for them. Thats all Bumblepaw ever wanted, it was peace. Over the day, he watched the three others build strong walls that you could barely see through. The tunnel that led to the camp had been slightly covered by bushes, ones you would have to move aside to get through.

Bumblepaw, foxpaw and dawnpaw play fighted for the rest of the day, Monarchsong and Sootstar spoke about possible new members of the clan. The day was calm, it was warm and it was peacful, thats what Bumblepaw wanted in a clan, even if it were just for a few moments. Dawnpaw and Bumblepaw decorated the walls with black and yellow flowers, aswell as brambles for more safety. The clan practically looked like a garden, decorated nicely but well kept. Sootstar talked to foxpaw about how every cat was to be born equal, no matter their breed or gender, no matter apprentice, kit, medicine cat, queen, leader nor deputy.

Sootstar spoke about how the cats of asteroidclan were a force to reckoned with. How the cats of astroidclan were independent and strong, and if there was no Independence, there would be death to the clans once more. To hiddenstar, this was the point of no return, there was no stopping here. Hiddenstar knew the cats were strong, stronger then sunclan cats were ever trained to be. With apprentices who would become warriors, he had to act fast if he wanted to stop this revolution of the clans.

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