Chapter fifthteen

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The four cats padded out into the clearing, The moonclan cats still sat there, they hadnt seen the five sunclan cats enter or leave, but they had notices the faces of the Astroidclan cats. "What happened Sootstar?" Mousetail asked, face full of concern for her kit-hood friend. "Monarchsong betrayed us. She left, they left with Hiddenstar and his goons." Mousetail looked taken aback from his story. "Your deputy left you?" Crowstar asked, looming over the two. His voice was soft, but you could tell he was an elderly leader. Sootstar nodded, but he was comforted by his fathers soothing grooming. He licked his sons ear. 

"I will stay." A she-cat said, it was Mousetail. Crowstar looked at her, but somewhat understood her actions. Crowstar knew his Medicine cat was loyal, but she would do anything for her friends. Crowstar dipped his head for her. "I admire you Mousetail, who would you like to replace you though?" she thought for a moment. "Frogcroak, he knows the most about herbs." she said. "I enjoyes my time with Moonclan. May starclan guide Moonclan paths." there was silence between the cats. "I will too." A few others said, but rustedclaws stepped forwards first.

Sootstar smiled, tears swelling in his eyes. "Thank you, father. May Astroidclan always be in thy favour." He lowerd his head, eyes closing. "You will always have me, Moonclan will always remember you as a noble leader, one to respect. Thank you." the two pressed their noses together. Rustedclaw, Lemonleaf and Timerush stepped forwards. "You really need more warriors." Lemonleaf said, smiling. "Goodbye, Sootstar. May Astroidclan thrive." Crowstar smiled, turning away and padding away with his clan. The eight cats watched the Moonclan cats leave. But something still felt off, something was still going on.

Hiddenstar sat outside of camp, still watching the clan. "What are you doing here?" Rustedclaws hissed. "If you do not lay those white flowers outside you clan walls, this war will become your worst nightmare." Hiddenstar warned, the gash Sootstar left in his chest durring the fight left a scar, it looked like a smile on his chest. "What will you do, we have proved to be stronger then your cats." Mousetail said sternly. "I will burn the clan to ashes." Hiddenstar snarled. "The tinder around your camp is still here, it spreads like wild fire." Hiddenstar continued.

"I dont believe you. You havent done it yet, and you usually do things before we get to think." said sootstar. Hiddenstar nodded. "I know, ill do it now infact." sootstar watched him, he really didnt believe him. "Sootstar, you need to stop him, this is real-" she was cut off by sparks, and then a large burst of flames. Rustedclaws gasped, he didnt think he do it either. The flames spread around camp, making hedges falling over and blocking the entrance tunnel. "Timerush, lemonleaf, Rustedclaws! Get the apprentices out, ill take Dawnpaw and Mousetail." Sootstar shouted.

He leaped onto one of the more sturdy dens, but the flames bursted higher, smoke filling the air. "Mousetail take dawnpaw out this way, theres less fire here. When i find a way out-" he coughed. "When i find a way out we'll find Hiddenstar and take him down again." he continued. Mousetail nodded and grabbed Dawnpaw by the scruff, taking Dawnpaw by suprised. Dawnpaw was thrown out of the blazing camp and onto the ground. Mousetail leaped out after him and fell to the floor, landing on her paws. Rustedclaws, timerush and lemonleaf made it their way with two apprentices following behind them. "Sootstar is just behind us, hes just a bit slowed down because of the smoke." Lemonleaf said

Sootstar came tumbling forwards outside the burnt walls, he suprisingly fell on his paws. "Did hiddenstar really think this through, i mean- we got out quick enough." Dawnpaw said, his tone a bit snarky. "Thats all he will do. He did it to ruin our work on the camp, and the herbs, And the prey." Mousetail sighed, Rustedclaws could tell she was angry. "There isnt much fire, it will go out soon. For now we wait, maybe go for a hunt and get new herbs. Even if the medicine den is made of stone, the fire might have gotten to it. We also should to a border check." Lemonleaf said.

The other cats nodded, spreading out onto the territory. Dawnpaw and bumblepaw looked at eachother in the eyes, the only think Bumblepaw saw was fear. All he could smell was smoke and fear scent. "Are we really best friends?" Dawnpaw asked, Bumblepaw just stared back at him. "Yeah, i guess we are." Bumblepaw walked off, disappearing into the long grass.

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