Chapter two

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The warm wind of new-leaf ran through sootburrs soft fur as he sat on the rocks of the river. a soft purr rumbled in his throat as the sun beamed down on him with the mix of the wind. all he could hear was his purrs and the waves of the river infront of him. he began to groom himself, enjoying the peace while it lasted. he sat up, the wind blowing through his long fur. but something was off, there was another voice farther away, it was youthful and squeakey like a kits young voice. 

he looked to the twolegs nests, there were two young looking cats sitting near the end of the twolegs territory. one of them was a pale ginger cat and the other resembled a skeleton with thin, almost wet looking fur. The black cat pushed the ginger farther out of their territory. the ginger started to walk towards the lake, he looked incredibly nervous but his pace changed and he was now sprinting. He slowed down as he reached the river. he was staring. "What are you doing kittypet? you could fall in!" Sootburr got up, his gaze placed on the kittypet. "Can i ask you clan cats something?" he yelled across the river, Sootburr tilted his head in reply. "what does it take to join a clan?" The young cat yelled across the river, like two whole worlds we beside each other, and one was desperately trying to reach the other. but again, it was just a river, somethings are just silly thoughts that have no meaning. Sootburr finally jumped into the river, swimming to the other.

"Well, you have to be loyal to your clan, you have to be a brave warrior who would never back down from a figh-" Sootburr was cut off by another voice. "Sootburr?" Crowstar called out as he walked from the feilds of moonclans territory. Sootburr whipped around, staring at Crowstar dead in the eyes. crowstar averted his gaze and now stared at the smaller tom in what looked to be pure disbelief. "Crowstar.." sootburr smiled akwardly at his father. "What are you doing here, why are you talking to a kittypet?" Crowstars tone was cold, stern almost. a cold glare from the other kittypet behind them made Sootburr shiver.

 "Im- he just came up to me and i was telling him about the clan." sootburr tried to keep his voice steady but it was clear he was shocked by Crowstars sudden presence. "Hm, why? was he askng about it?" crowstar couldnt keep his eyes off the kittypet. why was he doing this? did he know this kit? The kittypet nodded quickly, responding to crowstars question. there was a certain shine in his eyes as he stared at Crowstar and Sootburr. his pelt shimmered in the bright daylight just as the sun did. "

What is your name young one?" Crowstar didnt bother swimming to the other side as Sootburr did. "Tommy!" the young cat said. "I suppose you know our names, we have been saying them over and over again." Tommy nodded, "Why do you have two names?" tommy asked, looking back and fourth at the two infront of him. "Because we are clan cats, thats how out names work." Crowstar spoke. "We have a certain naming system." Sootburr added. "What would my name be if i joined the clan?" Tommy asked. "Hm, Maybe Sunnypaw." Sootburr looked down at tommy, as sootburr was much bigger then him. Tommy smiled at the name. "I like that name." Tommy began to step forward into the water.

Sootburr followed after him, crowstar backed up to make room for Tommy. there was a certain look in Crowstars eyes that Sootburr just couldnt understand, it was a look of sarrow, of sadness. Tommy pulled himself onto the land with Sootburr doing the same. "What are we doing with him? he probably has a family in that twoleg nest." Tommy shook his head as a reply to Sootburr. "No i dont, they dont live with me." Crowstars sad look turned into confusion. "Not anymore?" crowstar crouched down to Tommys level. "No, my mother had to go." Tommy looked down at his paws.

"Sootburr, a morning patrol is about to come through, just take the kit and go." Crowstar ran back into the hills before Sootburr could question why he was bringing Tommy back to camp. Sootburr picked up Tommy by the scruff, then sprinting towards the hills just as Crowstar had. Tommy closed his eyes as Sootburr darted through the tall grass of moonclans hills. Tommy opened his eyes again, a blur of multiple cats passed through Tommys vison. "Thats the dawn patrol, dont worry we'll be there soon."  Sootburrs words were muffled from carrying Tommy. Sootburr halted to a stop, infront of them was moonclan camp.

Sootburr dropped Tommy down onto the soft grass. "This is moonclan camp, where the cats of moonclan stay." Sootburr padded forwards into the camp with Tommy following close behind. Tommy glanced around, there were more cats then he thought there would be. "Its okay Tommy, they arent going to bite." Sootburr smiled down at Tommy, Tommy smiled back at him. Crowstar was laying on top of the rock, enjoying the sun. When Crowstar noticed the two being back he leaped from the rock, meeting the two at the entrance of camp. 

"Hello you two. welcome to camp, Tommy." crowstar purred, licking Sootburrs ear. "I have a question." Tommy murmured. Crowstar and Sootburr looked down at tommy. "How do you remember their names?" Tommy looked up at the two large clan cats. "Well, their scent usually helps me." Sootburr looked at Crowstar, waiting for him to say something. "I have been leader for a long time, so its easy to remember these cats by name and age." Sootburr laughed "You old tom." Sootburr continued laughing before Crowstar nudged him. "Sorry, sorry." Sootburr backed away. 

Crowstar padded forwards. he looked back to Tommy, urging him to follow.

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