Chapter twelve

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Hiddenstar, palestep, flamethroat and George decided it was time to take a stand against the cats of astroidclan. The four decided they would declare war upon the cats, even if the fight was unfair, the only think that George feared was that he knew Starclan wasnt on their side, nor was moonclan. Hiddenstar hadnt seemed to realize the grave danger they were putting themselves in. The cats of moonclan were strong, but sootstar and monarchsong were even stronger. With three apprentices who knew how to escape risky situations aswell as cause them wasnt a good thing for them sunclan battle.

George had tried to speak about the sudden fight against astroidclan, but Hiddenstar didnt believe moonclan would help them. He thought starclan wouldnt except sootstar as a real leader, he didnt know George could tell sootstar had nine lives, and still had all of them. Hiddenstar only had three at this point, being leader for many many moons took most of them away. He thought about how four of hislives were taken, it was a funny one. Not so fun to heal, however. George looked upon the cats of Sunclan, knowing they would be forced to fight next sun-high or so.

George was giving Hiddenstar traveling herbs, he wasnt so low he wouldnt warn the cats of astroid clan about war, what kind of cats would do that? Which was in hiddenstars exact words. George agreed, he hadnt hit rock bottom yet. "are you ready to go, Hiddenstar?" George asked, handing him his herbs. Hiddenstar nodded thankfully, eating some that george said would give him more energy. Hiddenstar was about to turn around, but George stopped him. "Hiddenstar?" George whispered. Hiddenstar nodded, stopping. "Be safe." George licked his ear warmly. It followed by a snicker from Hiddenstar. "Goodbye, George. Ill be back soon."

Hiddenstar walked out from the medicine den, His travel partner following soon behind him. "Palestep, how have you been this sun-high?" Hiddenstar asked, looking down at the pale cream cat. "I have been better, but now i have something to do, it will keep me entertained." said Palestep. "wonderful." the two walked out the entrance, behind the waterfall and into the forest. The two cats continued to talk throughout their walk through the forest. The hills that led them intot the rough stones stood infront of them, Hiddenstar padded up the hills, waiting for Palestep.

The two jumped onto the rough, but warm rocks. The sun-lit days got hotter and hotter durring the new season of Green-leaf. Palestep admired the part of the territory he had rarely ever been in, it was covered in golden sun rays. They walked through the tall grass, it looked like the twolegs crops that they grew, or as his mother had told him. The territorys werent that old, the cats were still settling in their new home, but he was at his old camp for long enough to remember sleeping in the hot, dark evenings. The old sandy ruins of the camp and the thriving cats was all he could remember.

The toms padded through the grassy field, Hiddenstar spoke, "The camp isnt far from here, would you like to tell Sootstar or me?" Palestep thought for a moment. "you may." He said. The two cats stopped infront of the camp, there was a tunnel, it seemed to be the entrance. "Follow me." Hiddenstar said, padding down into the tunnel. When the two reached the bottom Hiddenstar pushed the bushy leaves out of the way, making room for the other tom. An immediate staring came from the five cats who were in camp, three were apprentices and two were well- a deputy and a leader.

Sootstar leaped from the tree stump in the middle of camp, a fitting way to enter a conversation. "Hello, Hiddenstar." Sootstar looked directly into the large toms eyes. "Hello, Sootstar. Im here to speak to you about something important." Hiddenstar continued. "Oh, we woild you mind following me to my den?" Sootstar asked, he flicked his tail signaling for him to follow. Hiddenstar nodded. "Stay here, palestep." the two leaders walkes into a tiny entrance to a well decorated den. Palestep looked around, cautious of his surroundings.

The three apprentices scrambled up to him, the ones he saw earlier. "Are you the sunclan deputy?" an young looking apprentice asked, he was orange with lighter highlights, almost appearing as a fix cub. "Erm- no. I am palestep, a warrior of Sunclan." Palestep explained. The two other apprentices he recognized, Bumblepaw and Dawnpaw. "Oh. Arent you the smart ones that climbed from the mudpit?" Palestep smirked, looking down at the two. Bumblepaw looked suprised that he mentioned it. "uh- yeah, i guess we were." Bumblepaw said, slight hints of fear shown through his words. "You'll be a tactical warrior. but really, i dont have the words to describe how angry Hiddenstar is."

Dawnpaw laughed at his words. Suddenly, the two leaders amerged from Sootstars den. Sootstar held his gaze low. He leaped onto Haze log, yowling the meeting call. Three cats gathered below, monachsong jumped up onto one of the large protruding roots. Hiddenstar and Palestep watched the cats speak about the declaration of war. "This is not just a war about independence, nor is it just a basic war between two of the clans. This war will be the proof of how the clans cant except change, even if it for the better." Sootstar spoke,

Hiddenstar glared at him after his last words, it was true however. Its not for the good, Hiddenstar thought. Palestep looked at him reassuringly. "Now, as Hiddenstar spoke to me about, we will have time to prepare. The war shall begin in two days, we will have time to do whats needed. We will speak more when Hiddenstar and Palestep leave." Sootstar said sternly, looking down at the two that sat below him. Hiddenstar took that as a suggestion to leave, he sat up. Flicking his tail for Palestep to follow him. "May the odds be in your favour." Hiddenstar muttered under his breath and he slipped through the exit.

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