Chapter five

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Tommy limped beside Mousetail, leaning against her flank. Sootburrs smile made Tommy less aware of the sharp pain in his ear. slowly the three entered a small cave-like area in the camp that had been lit by bright fireflys and decorated with flowers, vines and leaves. "you can just sit down on one of those moss beds, Tommy. Sootburr do you want to stay?" tommy nodded and laid down, absorbing the comfort. Sootburr sat down next to Tommy, the same smile still on his face. Mousetail came back with a cobweb, in her words, "this will help to stop the bleeding, just stay still." as she pressed the cobweb against the wound. "there, now i need to make sure your scratch is covered properly" she said, holding a few chewed dock leaves in her mouth. "not many cats come into camp with scarred ears but ill do everything i can." she smiled, slowly covering the scratch. "ouch" mousetial look down. "oh, sorry i forgot to tell you it stings, By the way, Tommy. Do you want me to take that mark of the twolegs off your neck?" she asked. Tommy shook his head "i mean, atleast it doesnt jingle like those silly collars some kittypets have." sootburr laughed.

"hey Mousetail, what do you think Tommys clan name will be?"  Sootburr asked. "hm, maybe Dawnpaw. His pelt shines like the dawn in the sunlight, but since hes gonna be your apprentice its kinda yours and crowstars choice." She stopped. "or his?" she continued. The two looked to Tommy, he had fallen asleep a while ago. "how long will he stay in here, Mousetail?" Sootburr asked. "hm, if he can promise to be careful then the rest of today and tomorrow." mousetail said, sitting down on the warm floor of the medicine den. 

Light shined through the entrance as the sun began to rise, the golden sunlight reflected on Tommys pelt. "when do you think we'll do the naming ceremony?" Sootburr asked. "Go ask Crowstar, we could do it today if he says so." Sootburr got up and padded out of the medicine den, going to Crowstars den. Mousetail nudged Tommy awake. "Are you feeling any better now Tommy." Mousetail laid down infront of him. Tommy nodded, standing up and stretching his legs. "can i sit outside?" he asked, looking at the rising sun. Sootburr was sending out dawn patrols while most cats bathed in the sunlight. Mousetail nodded.

Tommy padded outside, looking around at every cat in the camp. There were many smells that felt quite overwelming to Tommys nose. "Tommy." Crowstar leaped from the rock. Tommy turned to look at Crowstar. "hi Crowstar!" Tommy greeted him kindly. "Its time." sootburr said as he appeared from behind crowstar. "for what?" Tommy asked, obviously confused. "your naming ceremony." crowstar said. "you mean im gonna get my clan name?" He tilted his head, the two toms infront of him nodded. Tommy couldnt help but do a little happy dance.  

"cmon now, we are about to start the meeting." sootburr said, the two padding to the rock and leaping to their positions. Tommy followed them quickly, looking up at the rock. "All cats old enough to run the moors and watch the moon rise may gather around the rock for a clan meeting." crowstar bellowed, his old voice raspy with age. Cats began to swarm below the rock, waiting for Crowstar to say what the meeting was called for.

 "At the gathering a young cat proved himself worthy of training in Moonclan, the young cat in questions name is Tommy." Crowstar continued. "This morning his naming ceremony will begin. May starclan guide Tommy in his new life." Crowstar went quiet, looking to the sky and then back down at Tommy. "From now on, Tommy shall be known as Dawnpaw." Tommy looked up, a large smile on his face. "Dawnpaw!" the cats yowled, over and over again. "Dawnpaw, as long as you abide starclans law you will be welcomed in Moonclan." Crowstar said proudly. "And Dawnpaw, your mentor will be Sootburr. Clan dismissed." crowstar laid down on the warm stone of the rock. 

Sootburr jumped from the rock, standing infront of Dawnpaw. The two touched noses, a shock ran down Dawnpaws pelt as it shined in the light. His eyes shot open and he backed up,  Sootburrs eyes opened aswell, but less shock that influenced Dawnpaw. "when do you want to start training, Dawnpaw?" Sootburr asked. "how about in the evening?" Dawnpaw suggested. "alright, go have fun toms." Sootburr padded off as Dawnpaw watched him from under the rock. 

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