Chapter twenty five

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The sun was setting, leaving a orange tint in the bright sky. Stars beginning to appear in the sky. Bumblepaw looked out into the sky, waiting for the ceremony. Suddenly, the voice of Sootstar summoning the clan snapped him out of his daze. Bumblepaw got up, padding towards the haze log. As cats swarmed the tree stump, Sootstar began to speak, "Today, we gain a new warrior, and a new medicine cat." He bagan, looking down at Bumblepaw and Dawnpaw. "Bumblepaw, step forwards." he spoke, sitting down. Bumblepaw padded forwards, looking up at Sootstar.

"From this day on, you will serve this clan and uphold the warrior code. And you will do this by the name of.." Sootstar took a breath in, closing his eyes. "Bumbleshine of Astroidclan." Sootstar said, opening his eyes once more. Bumbleshine was about to burst of excitement before Dawnpaws name was called. "From this day on, as you serve our clan through healing, you will be known as Dawnsky, medicine cat of Astroidclan." Sootstar said, turning hs gaze to the golden tom. "Now, for the rest of the day, you are to be as silent as a mouse, for you will be under your silent vigils."

When the meeting was over, Bumbleshine looked to Dawnsky, who looked like he was just about to burst of happiness. Even though the two couldnt speak to each other yet, they both understood how happy they were. Even though the meeting was over and the cats had returned to their dens after celebrating through yowling their names, the two still stood in the middle of camp, staring at each other in the eyes. Bumbleshine ran to him, thundering over him. Though Bumbleshine was small, he was quite strong. Dawnsky went rolling as the two restled on the ground, a feeling of being watched hit Bumbleshine.

Mousetail stood watching the two, smiling at her apprentice. She turned to look at Bumbleshine, a still smile sat on her face, but it was smaller then it had been before. Bumbleshine knew what was wrong, the prophecy. Bumbleshine looked back, smiling at her. Dawnsky looked up at him, sneaking out from under him. Dawnsky striked him with his paw on the cheek playfully, Bumbleshine head-butted him, making him tumble backwards onto his belly. Bumbleshine looked back at camp, running into the outer territory with Dawnsky. Dawnsky shot up and bolted away further into the field.

Bumbeshine darted after Dawnsky, the long strands grass blocking his vision. He leaped upwards, trying to see over the grass, Dawnsky wasnt that ahead of him. Bumbleshine pushed harder, now being able to see his tail. He jumped onto the golden toms back, making him unsteady. The two fell to the ground, closer to a puddle then they had hoped. Water splashed up onto the fur, leaving them wet on the ground. They stood up, shaking off their pelts. Dawnsky looked up, the half moon meeting would be in a few days. Dawnsky smiled at Bumblepaw and scrambled back to camp, still wet.

Bumbleshine loomed to the same spot in the sky, the moon shined brightly, breeze glazing his pelt. Something moved in the grass. Bumbleshine looked back down. The familier eyes of Crescentmaw reflected his own. They toppled over him, pushing him onto the ground again. "Bumblepaw!" Crescentmaw shouted, backing off of him. Bumblepaw greeted them, licking their forehead. "You're a warrior now, Sootstar told me yesterday." Crescentmaw said, watching Bumbleshine nod. "Anyway you could show me your suffix?" They asked. Bumbleshine thought for a few seconds. He pointed to the moon with his tail, and then to the lighter spots in the grass. 

"Uhm- light?" they asked, Bumbleshine shook his head. "Shine?" They tried again, receiving a nod. "Bumbleshine! Sweet." They laughed, looking down at the brown tabby. "So now our names are Crescentmaw and Bumbleshine, we're so cool." Crescentmaw said sarcastically, one of the things they were great at despite not knowing when someone else was being sarcastic. Bumbleshine nodded. A small orange leaf fell onto his nose, catching him by suprise. Crescentmaw picked up the leaf as it fell, putting it behind their ear.

 "You should find something to decorate your fur with, its so fun to do." Crescentmaw said, looking for something to use as an example. "Oh, there! Purple tulips. You could wear some behind your ears." Crescentmaw suggested, plucking two out of the ground. Bumbleshine nodded, letting Crescentmaw settle them behind his ears. "There, y'know, they kinda look like horns, but thats cool so i think you should keep putting things behind your ears  or on your pelt for decoration, its pretty fun and it makes you look pretty cool." Crescentmaw smiled, sitting back down.

 "I cant wait to hear your voice again, it feels like its been ages." They said, frowning. Bumbleshine nodded, looking at his paws. "Well, we'll see eachother tomorrow and we cant talk all we want. And if its still warm, we can sun ourselves near the rocks on the bay, almost everyone in Sunclan goes there." Crescentmaw said, noticing Bumbleshines confusion. "dont worry, at this point in the year, no one goes there as often because everyones busy." They spoke, smiling. Bumbleshine brushed off his worries, smiling at his friend. "Well, i would love to spend more time with you Bumbleshine, but i need to get back to camp soon." Crescentmaw got up, but padded towards Bumbleshine, giving him a lick on the cheek. "Bye!" They dashed into the grass. Bumbleshine stood still for a few seconds before backing up and walking away, hopefully back to camp, he was blinded by confusion and worry. 

When he got back to camp, it was peaceful. Sootstar was talking to Foxpaw, most likely about the end of his training nearing any moon now. Dawnsky was talking to Nightpelt, she had gotten a splinter in her paw pad. Rustedclaws was laying down talking to mousetail, and grooming his pelt. Bumbleshine padded into camp, grabbing a field mouse and sitting down to eat it. Minutes passed, Bumbleshine finished his mouse.

"Bumbleshine!" A voice called out to him, his head shot up. It was mousetail, she was trotting up to him. "I want to talk to you in my den for a minute." She said, flicking her tail and padding towards her den. Bumbleshine got up, following in her paw-steps. Bumbleshine knew what this was going to be about, the prophecy about him, Dawnsky and Crescentmaw. He continued to follow her, entering the medicine den. It was a sheltered area with dirt walls that were suprisingly strong enough to not collapse on itself.

"So, about that prophecy." She began, not to Bumbleshines suprise. I knew this was what this was about. He thought silently, still looking up at her. "I want to tell you about what might happen to you during your journey." She said, sitting down in a bed of moss. "Something truely horrible will happen, i see fire in your path, but not every single ember will destroy you. Some.. Some will light your way to victory. But those that will destroy you, they will take parts of you. But the blazing flames that guide you, they will rebuild you." She said, patting the bed beside her. Bumbleshine sat down, looking at her.

"You will meet many cats who will help you, two you already know by now. The sun and the eclipse. They be a part of your adventure, they always have and always will. One will bring kin to your world, even if its not your own. Thats when the falling stars will be born, a bright light that will guide his own path, and those who care. You are destined for greatness, Bumbleshine." Mousetail said, taking a breath in. "as the sun sets, rises the moon."

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