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"Are you sure, Beeflight? This cannot be the right one." A black and white tom asked, standing along side a larger ginger tom. 

"I am sure, he is a brave one. But i worry, he is rather tiny. Maybe he cannot handle what his path will lead to." The brown tom replied simply, yellow eyes reflecting the stars around them. 

"Im sure he will be fine, The one we picked can surely protect him." The ginger tom said. 

"Are you sure, hogstar? We know what will happen to them, they wont remember how to fight." Beeflight said, looking down into the clear water that reflected the brown cat. 

"They will learn to fight once more, Im sure he will teach them again." Hogstar said, looking down at the black and white tom below.

"Yes, yes. They will be just fine. I didnt know how to fight and i didnt die from anything related to fighting. Im sure they will be okay." He said, licking his paw.

"Maskedface, you died from rat bites after trying to fight in the middle of Moonclans old territory." This seemed to catch the black and white tom off guard, he gave Beeflight a hard glare.

"Can you all calm down, im sure if both of them were to get hurt, my chosen cat could heal them." A grey and black tom said, rolling his eyes. The three cats shot him a glare. 

"Okay, maybe hes not that good with herbs like Mousetail is but im sure they'll be fine. The three will be okay, we all have seen the future and they're all okay." He said, laying down infront of the water.

"Physically, they all are fine. But they have all gotten hurt in a way that could last forever. We know what happens to Bumbeshine, he ends up so hurt in the end of it all. Im sure theres something we could do to help them all." Beeflight said, keeping his head low.

Silence filled the area, stars reflecting in the calm current of the stream. 

"In the end, we have to do something that would end everyones sarrows. Therefore they all could rest up here in the stars." Maskedface said, stretching. 

"Probably. Something fast an painless, something where they could enjoy their last moments in forgiveness." Hogstar suggested. 

"Yes, i suppose that would be good." The grey and black tom said, yawning.

"So what about happens after whats happening right now, Racoonfoot? Like with the other cats." Beeflight asked, thinking aloud.

"Let it happen, we just have to give an omen or another prophecy to one of the medicine cats." Hogstar said, pointing at the golden tom in the stream. 

"That would be good, but is he that experienced to be able to tell what a prophecy means? That can be quite hard." Racoonfoot said, tail swaying behind him. 

"They'll be fine, we cant interfere with what they do after our messages." Maskedface said, laying down.

"Alright, we should get going now." Hogstar stood up, Maskedface following after him.

"Alright, bye." Racoonfoot disappeared, fading into the stars.

Beeflight sat still, looming over the stream, looking at starclans chosen. 

"Goodluck, Bumbleshine."

WARRIORS: Cruel season #1 Rises the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now