Chapter twenty one

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Crescentpaw ran out of camp, they didnt know what they would really do but they finally managed to slip out. They slowly climbed onto the rocks and then onto the patches of grass. They looked around, no one was there. Crescentpaw sprinted away into the woods, breeze glazing their fur. Crescentpaw hadnt been out alone in so long, the rush of all types of scents brushed their nose. The jack slid down the slope, the wet sand sticking between their paw pads. They quickly shook off the remaining sand before running into the rushing water. 

The small waves pushed against the apprentices chest, almost pushing them to the ground.  Crescentpaw went further into the water but their breath hitched as they looked forwards, a brown cat in the far distance, No other warrior seemed to be with him. It looked like the apprentice was learning how to swim. he paddled through the water. It doesnt seem that deep over there. Crescentpaw thought, still staring at him. That was an Astroidclan cat, an apprentice. There wasnt any other brown apprentices other then the apprentice they had met moons ago, Bumblepaw.

Crescentpaw slowly backed out of the water, gaze still placed on the other apprentice from the defferent clan. It didnt exactly take long for the black and white jack to wander into the fields, not exactly sure where they were going, but they knew they were going looking for Bumblepaw. They took a look to see if he was still there, he was paddling further into the water, a brave move for a cat originating from Moonclan, those Hallow-headed rat-brains cant swim to save their lives. They stalked through the long grass, getting closer to the point the apprentice swam at, they didnt seem that bad at swimming, better then most cats.

As the small tom began to drift further from the shore, waves crashed over his head. Crescentpaw quickly leaped from the grass and onto the slope near the water. Bumblepaw was swept under the current, head bobbing up to the surface for only moments. Crescentpaw looked on for a few seconds, the apprentice didnt come back up. They raced into the water, the tide was higher then it had been hours ago. The apprentice dived into the water, Bumblepaw slowly sank under them. Crescentpaw dived deeper into the water, barely garbbing him by his long mane-like neck fur.

Crescentpaw swam upwards, water kept crashing overhead. As the jack reached the surface, they felt the legs of the smaller apprentice scrambling, as if he was trying to help swim, but it didnt really help. through a muffled tone, the jack spoke. "You can stop!" bumblepaw froze, letting Crescentpaw swim back to the shore, but not without struggle. Crescentpaw dropped Bumblepaw onto the sandy ground, shaking their pelt off, even if they didnt actually have that much fur to dry off.

Bumblepaw laid in the sand for a few moments, coughing and struggling .Crescentpaw didnt dare to lay an eye on him, right now they were on Astroidclans territory and they would never hear the end of it if Hiddenstar knew they were talking to an apprentice from a different clan. Bumblepaw shot back up, finally catching his breath. Bumblepaw stared up at the taller, and overall bigger apprentice. Crescentpaw held his gaze for a moment, but looked back down at their paws. "Thank you?" Bumblepaw sounded as if he was questioning was Crescentpaw wasnt interacting with him. "You're welcome." Crescentpaw murmured, keeping their head down. "Arent you Crescentpaw? The apprentice i met moons ago?" He asked, fully turning to look at them.

Crescentpaw squinted. "Yeah" they said, sitting down onto the sand. "Well, how have you been? We havent spoken it what has felt like forever!" Bumblepaw smiled, crescentpaw just stared back at him. "Well, i guess i have been okay, a lot of training. Not very fun things." Crescentpaw spoke quietly, tone soft. "I mean, at least you are training! Me and my new mentor have been hunting a tone, we dont have many cats in our clan to feed but we wanna have enough pray." Bumblepaw chimed, staring at the jack. Crescentpaw kept their gaze on him, admiring his soft, puffy fur.

"I have gotten a new mentor too, hes a loner though. Friend of Hiddenstar, Bruteheart, supposedly he left Moonclan before Crowstar became leader, the old leader sounded like she wasnt that good. So bruteheart was fed up and left, Swearing he would fight for no cat." Crescentpaw said, tail flicking behind them. Bumblepaw looked in amazement, like a kit seeing a mouse for the first time. "You get trained by a Loner!? Does hiddenstar not train you anymore. Bumblepaw shuffled closer, looking at him with a questionable look. "yeah, they both train me. I just needed extra help." Crescentpaw looked down at the smaller tom.

Their muscles relaxed, but their face felt hot, but nothing that George couldnt fix up. "Listen i gotta go, Hiddenstar wont like me being out so long, he take my tail if he finds me here with you!" Crescentpaw said, more dramatically then it should have been. "Oh, okay! Can we meet another time? Like tomorrow night?" Bumblepaw asked, tilting his head. Crescentpaw thought for a moment. "Yeah, sure." Crescentpaw nodded, getting up. Bumblepaw slowly padded towards them, licking their cheek as a thank you. "bye now!" Bumblepaw padded off, pelt still soaking. 

WARRIORS: Cruel season #1 Rises the MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora