Part Forty-Seven. Why Me?

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"What are you doing down here?" a voice called from the entry door to the cells. Kate immediately felt a chill run down her spine as she realized who had caught them.

She turned, noticing the red-haired witch floating toward her. The glow from her powers glided her across the hall quicker than anyone could follow. Someone must have been chasing her down there as Kate could hear footsteps banging against the floor a ways behind.

"Y/N wanted to come see Yel-" she started before being cut off ferociously.

"They did, did they?" Her eyes squinted, growing brighter red as her left eye began to twitch. Kate had never seen her like this and hadn't imagined a rage like this was even possible for her. Had this happened when they invaded Westview? Is this what they were met with?

Wanda looked over at Yelena who was curled up into a ball on the floor in front of the glass where Y/N had been wheeled up to. She kneeled next to them, taking their hand lightly in her own, "Hey, Y/N. How are you feeling? I'm sorry Kate brought you down here. You should be upstairs resting."

They looked up, eyes blinking rapidly as they tried their best to process what was going on. Something was missing in their brain and Kate had explained that it was Wanda who'd put the blockage there. 

But why? There was so much they'd missed and so much they didn't have answers to. Even trying to understand why Wanda would leave the door open for Y/N to believe they were dating Kate. Was that an accident? Was it just blind rage at the woman who lay on the floor in front of them?

"What did you do, Wanda?" they asked, voice trembling.

Her head tilted in the way it normally does when Wanda realizes she isn't going to get what she wants. "What do you mean? I didn't do anything. I kept you safe."

"From what? From her?" they pointed at the floor where Yelena now rested her head on her arm. Normally, she'd fight and scream and yell at the top of her lungs. But now? All she felt was hopeless. Wanda had ruined their memories and left Yelena a stranger to them. "Clearly there was nothing to keep me safe from, Wanda. Look at her!"

Y/N yelled as they pointed, ripping their hand from Wanda's grasp. Her mouth hung open a bit, shocked at the way Y/N was responding to what she had done. Of course, they didn't understand, because they didn't remember that Yelena was the one who had attempted to kill them.

"Yes, her!" She stood, eyes burning bright again. Each time they did, Y/N felt a part of themselves shrink. Her anger terrified them. It always had. "She tried to kill you, Y/N! I saved you. I saved you from falling into a trap that almost killed you and would kill you again!"

"Because of you! I'm in all of this because of you! Because you left!" They yelled. 

Wanda's eyes darkened a bit. She didn't think they would remember that piece. The blockage she placed didn't only hold up between knowing who Yelena was. She had strategically placed many others in order to make sure they knew Wanda was doing this to keep them safe but to make sure they didn't remember it was her who had put her in this danger to begin with.

"You are the reason any of this is happening. She was hired to kill me, was she not?"

She swallowed hard, "Yes but she lied to you!"

"Okay! Then let me deal with that! Let ME handle it! I don't need you to save me, Wanda. Clearly, you've done a terrible fucking job at it. LOOK AT ME!" Their voice strained at the end. 

The arguing had been so loud and passionate that neither Y/N or Wanda realized that Clint had made his way down to the cells. Those must've been the steps Kate had heard behind Wanda as she was making her way to them. He stood watching quietly, eyes wide as he watched Wanda get a piece of what she'd been throwing at others.

"I only wanted to keep you safe, Y/N," she started to tear up, but all they could do was laugh.

"That's a lie and you fucking know it. You wanted control. You wanted to be the savior. You wanted to be the hero. Well newsflash Wanda, you're fucking not. Look at this woman," they pointed to Yelena who still lay on the floor, quietly, watching them argue.

Wanda looked down at her, throat drying up as she saw her. What would Nat think if she saw this? One of the only people who ever looked after her. What would she think if she saw the way Wanda was handling all of this? 

But her pride was too large. The darkhold was ruining every inch of humanity that Wanda had piece by piece. Though it was tearing her apart to think how disappointed Nat may be, she could not lose this fight.

"She tried to kill you, Y/N," she huffed again. "She did, actually. You were dead when I got inside your head. DEAD! I brought you back. I healed you and I'm so fucking sorry that you're devastated to be alive but I'm not."

Y/N tried to stand from their wheelchair before Kate darted over, gently pushing them back into the seat. "No, Y/N," she whispered. "You have to rest."

Wanda laughed as she watched them hold onto each other's hands, "And see? You can be with Kate, which is who I would've picked for you anyways. Someone who doesn't lie to you, who doesn't try to kill you, someone with a good heart and soul."

Kate's eyes closed tightly before she stood, flinging her finger directly in front of Wanda's face. "Don't you fucking dare. This is not the way I wanted it to happen for us and thanks to you, we had to realize the hard way that it isn't what should happen anyway. You're not the hero you think you are Wanda. All you've done is cause wreckage in your path."

She watched as Wanda sucked in her cheeks, doing her best not to yell back. It was clear that no matter what anyone said to her, Wanda would never believe she did anything wrong. No matter who she hurt, she believed herself to be the hero. She believe she was right.

And as stern and confident as Kate got at that moment, she still knew that Wanda terrified her. There was no doubt in her mind that Wanda was the most powerful Avenger and even more so with the darkhold in her possession. 

"Switch it back, Wanda. I'm telling you that this isn't what I want. Fix it," Y/N pleaded. They tried reigning it back. Maybe, just maybe, if they relaxed and didn't scream she would listen.

But all Wanda could do was laugh. "That's what you want? You want me to fix you? You want all of what I did to be reversed?"

The tone of her voice sent a chill down everyone's spine. They knew exactly what she was insinuating, which would mean sending Y/N to an early grave. She smiled when everyone went silent.

"That's what I fucking thought," she sneered.

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