Chapter 31

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My eyes widened, i could see a man approaching us with horns on his head. His appearance was astonishing and yet intimidating at the same time.

"Who are you? And where are we?"

"Im sorry for the late introduction, but im Siren one of the great gods in this world and you are inside my domain."

gods?, His domain? What is he talking about? It made me more curios than i was before

"What are we doing in a place like this? , i clearly did not mock any god nor made fun of one just so i could meet you here."

He grinned, "You're right im not here for you, i am here for him."

I was shocked to think, "Are you perhaps interested in men?"


He got angry told me, "Huh! What! No!"

"Then what do you want from him?"

"Young girl, you see we made a deal a long time ago and since the day finally came im here to take what he promise to me."

Deal?, promise?

"What do you mean deal? What did....., what are you talking about?"

He looked at Clayton and told him, "Hey Prince, want me to tell her the truth."

He didn't say anything and just nodded.

"Very well, since you agreed."

i looked at Clayton and thought, What did he do?

He told me, "You see young lady a long long time ago someone unexpectedly summoned me. He told me."

"Ill give you anything you want just please grant my wish, i am truly desperate."

"Of course since he begged like a lowlife i asked him, what do you wanna wish for young mortal?"

"Please turn back time and let her live, i want to see her again and experience the things that i was afraid to do with her i beg you ill do anything. He kept pleading."

"Hey Little Prince, do you know how much power that takes to generate another multiverse where she will live again."

"He cried and beg again, please ill give you anything, I'll do anything just please give her a life worth to live and let me see her just one last time, please!"

The god glared at him, "Why are you so desperate about this wish?"

"Its because..... I love her."

His face turned bitter, "Hah truly to think that a human will sacrifice anything just for a mere woman is truly laughable. I cant believe a prince like you could be so desperate like this."

"No!, she's not just any woman. For me she was the woman, i love her so much and i don't want to loose her again."

"It truly seems that you are lovesick, well fine ill grant you your wish but in exchange the moment you turn 20 in your next life, your life will be mine, A deals a deal right? so both sides should get benefits."

He looked confidently at him, "I will gladly accept."

"Hah!, i hope you won't regret this young prince."

"Ive already made up my mind, and i wont."

As he told the story my eyes widened, Did Clayton already recognized on who i was when we first met? . I was in clear shock to hear the whole story i thought, he gave up everything just for Luna but.

I got mad at the god, "You tricked him!"


"It's true that appearance wise i look like Luna but the soul isn't hers, you tricked him."

He bursted out laughing after hearing my statement.

I got confused, "Why are you laughing?"

"Im sorry, Camilla was your previous name right?"

"Huh, oh uh yes."

"You see you are the real luna."


"After you committed suicide a long time ago your soul shattered and majority of the pieces dissappeared, but luckily a piece of it survived which was you. Do you know the reason why you were so ill in your past life?"


Happy Ending For The Tragedy Side CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now