Putting Things In Motion

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A/N: Fair warning, this chapter contains some graphic and gory imagery– again, to a level parr for the course with Stranger Things, but still. It's vague, but definitely there.

"I feel dizzy."


"Yes. The light– the light is hurting my head."

The orderly looked exasperated at Eleven for a moment, before closing his eyes and nodding. Turning, he lead her out, down the hall to the infirmary. When he turned around again, Eleven was gone. In her place, stood Four.

"But I thought Eleven–"

"No, just me." Four shook her head. "I want to see Two. May I?" Arms innocently behind her back, she smiled sweetly, power layered behind her words.

The orderly paused for a moment, then nodded. "Right this way."

Leading her through, he pushed open the door to Two's infirmary room. "Two, you've got a visitor."

Four gave a little wave from the doorway. Two looked confused; as did the nurse that was with him, who stepped outside to speak with the orderly for a moment. Slowly, Four stepped into the room, walking towards him on the bed. "Hey. How are you doing?"

Two eyed her suspiciously. "Why are you here?"

Four turned to the adults, "Can you leave us for a bit? It's fine, we're only in here." Putting power into her words again.

They nodded, heading away out of sight, as Four sat down on the stool beside the bed. She was silent for a moment, looking at her hands, carefully choosing her words. "Everyone hates you, you know? They're scared of you. Because of what you did. You shouldn't have done that to Eleven– it's wrong."

Two started as if to interrupt her, but she cut him off. "The others don't like you. Do you even like you? I wouldn't like you if I was you. You're a terrible person." Power poured from her intense gaze. Suddenly, she crossed from the stool to perch on the edge of his sick bed, staring into his eyes. "It was an awful thing, what you did. You should hate yourself for it. You should be sorry." From her hidden hands, she produced a red colouring pencil, tip sharpened to a deadly point. "You should take this pencil, and put it through your eye. That's how terrible a creature you are. You should do it– you should want to do it, you should hate yourself that much."

The grey of her eyes was all absorbing. A single bloody teardrop ran down her cheek, as like mouse hypnotised by a snake, Two reached for the pencil.


It took twelve orderlies to finally get Four out of the infirmary– of course, she had planned it so, fighting back like a wildcat, both with her poison words and then later devolving into a feral wailing and clawing, creating such a scene as to bring them all running.

As she was dragged away to solitary confinement by two particularly burly orderlies, what no one could ignore was the large spray of crimson blood staining her gown and hands.

A/N: Well that got dark fast, huh? Shows you the true extent of what Four's capable of.
Also, some good news... This fanfic reached #1 in the Henry Creel tag! Eek! I thank you all so much, I am so grateful for your readership! I literally could not have done it without you! Yay us! I am so glad you all have been enjoying my writing so far XD

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