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Bonnie stormed from the room, fire in her eyes, sweeping down the stairs to where she had last seen Henry. Scrap of torn paper scrunched up in her hand, she pointed at him accusingly with it. "Is this you?! Are you doing this? Are you trying to drive me mad?!"

Henry looked confused as she shrieked, eyes tracking down from the manic look on her face to her wildly gesturing fist. "What are you talking about?"

Bonnie stomped her foot, practically shaking with rage. "Are you lying to me?"

"Lying to you? I've not said anything to you."

"Then what is all this?! What's going on?!" Bonnie's voice was raising higher and higher.

Henry caught her hand, and reaching inside her fist, plucked the paper from her clenched fingers. He unfurled it, looking at it for a moment. "This is what has got you upset?" He put it to the side, reaching for her with soothing hands. "Oh, darling, come on now. It's just a piece of paper."

"It's everything!" Bonnie's screech turned into a sob as she half-collapsed into his arms, head clutched in her hands. "All of this- everything that's going on!" She smacked his arm with her hand, and then again, and suddenly she was hammering her hands against his chest, stamping her feet and crying into his shirt, wailing and shrieking, furious, absolutely furious. "I don't know what's real anymore! Tell me what's real! Tell me!"

At last it broke; she quieted, face buried against him, breathing hard. Softly, he petted her hair. "There there, it's alright. It's alright." Disentangling from her, he brought himself down level with her face, holding her head on his hands so he could look into her eyes. "Oh, my poor darling. You don't seem well at all..."

"Don't give me that!" Bonnie snapped viciously, shoving him harshly away. She made an angry sound through her teeth, glaring daggers as she turned and bolted it up the stairs, the sound of his slow footsteps on the bottom of the stairs following after.

"Darling? Darling!"

Bonnie disappeared inside her room, slamming the door behind her. Once inside she paced up and down like a caged tiger, round and round in a long oval as she stewed venom. He didn't believe her; he just thought her a silly little girl- he always had. Just a silly little girl he could play with like a doll and make do whatever he pleased. Well, more fool him. She never had been a silly little girl.

She hated this place; she hated the clothes that she never picked, the bed always neatly made, the curtains always drawn. And why shouldn't she open the curtains? She could if she wanted- she could do anything she wanted.

Turning on her heel, she strode towards the widow, reaching for the softly billowing fabric. And in one great, big motion...





A/N: I was typing half-asleep towards the end, so apologies if it's a bit jibberish in places- it's a bit stream-of-consciousness. XD

Anyway, please leave a like and a comment! Always the highlight of my day. XD

Also, this is 100% not the song I had planned for this chapter, but then... I forgot which song I had planned for this chapter and this was stuck in my head XD lol. Still the right vibe though.

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